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Where'd you go to college? Major? Did you work?


I recently discovered that Hawing and I went to the same college. UW-Superior of all places. I went to Superior because, well to be perfectly honest, they accepted me. I'm not dumb, I just never tried in high school. I think I did homework once during my 4 years of high school.


I majored in criminal justice. I got my bachelor's degree in 3 1/2 years, with no summer school. My parents were about zero help financially, so I was putting myself through. It was a benefit that my folks were so poor because I received a large amount of grants. However, I still had my share of loans, so I was taking anywhere between 18-20 credits per semester towards the end to finish early.


I still had to work to pay my rent. I had lots of jobs, including every college student's worst fear: Cafeteria boy. Good thing I was dating my soon to be wife during college because cafeteria boy is everyone's friend, but no girl wants to date cafeteria boy. I also had the easiest job in the world, weight room attendant. I also was a campus tour guide (always made sure to show off the picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the UWS gymnastics team), a manager at the hockey arena, and I worked for my advisor. Hey Mon! I gotta go to work.

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Whitewater class of 85 (though I should have graduated in 84--poor work ethic).


I worked at the Brookfield Marriott (now Sheraton) for pretty much the duration on weekends and during summers, though for one summer I umpired local youth league baseball with Brookfield Park & Rec Department.


I was a decent umpire on the bases, but behind the plate, I think in retrospect that I was very pitcher friendly, with lots of called third strikes, to the aghast and muttering of many Brookfield youth.

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Oh, TT, actually I didn't go to Superior. That they are the Yellowjackets and that Ahnold got his degree there are the only trivia bits I know about that campus - so I decided to share them.

I apologize for misleading you.


After a year at Beloit College, I transferred to UW-Madison and got both my bachelor's (linguistics) and master's (library and information studies) degrees there. It took me a total of six years (one at Beloit, five at Madison) to finish my programs. My school year jobs were all in libraries, which lined up with my eventual career path.


I did have two non-library summer jobs: one packaging bakery products (like petit fours) at The Swiss Colony, and one assembling bits of speakers to make bigger speaker components (which went on to be assembled into actual speakers elsewhere). Both jobs really only made me eager to return to college.


The UW put people on a 10-year plan to pay off student loans, and I managed to pay mine off in seven years. Coming from a single-parent (and thus single income) household, I qualified for a ton of financial aid - even at Beloit, which was a much more pricey place. My student debt figure now pales in comparison to my student employees who are only a year or two in.


Based on how much college costs now, and how admissions at UW-Madison has all but become a lottery (because so many hyper-qualified people apply now), I'm glad I went to school when I did.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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UW-Madison, Finance, 2003.


I too worked in the cafeteria (Pop's Club) but managed to make it through 3 years without ever working the hot food line. Mainly cashier and dish room, with a couple times manning the sandwich bar. Could have been worse.


My last year of school I worked for the State Records Center over by the DOT, scanning SeniorCare applications and pulling files.

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UW-La Crosse grad here (Marketing). I just heard how much the tuition costs have gone up since I graduated in Dec. 2000 and was nearly speechless. What a difference 7 years makes. I worked at Kwik Trip all through college (25-30 hrs/week)...
@BrewCrewCritic on Twitter "Racing Sausages" - "Huh?"
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Beloit College, class of '99. Theatre. I transferred there from Florida State after taking two years off.


I worked on-campus building theatrical sets and also off-campus waiting tables at a local pizza/pasta place called Domenico's. My senior year I got paid as the college's radio station manager, too, so that was a nice gig.

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UW-Milwaukee - Class of 2001: Journalism and Mass Communication: Public Relations & Advertising.


I worked for the family business during summers, but had various jobs during the school months. I was an intern for the Justus and Friends show on Rock 102.1; worked at UPS in the warehouse; had internships at various marketing firms, etc...


And I spent all of my money on $1 bottles of Blatz at Axel's. Then spent the remaining $3 on a gyro next door at Oakland Gyros.


The full UWM experience.

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Still in college, and so far I have attended St. Norbert in De Pere, MATC in Madison, and now I've been accepted to transfer to UW-Madison next spring. I was also enrolled at UWGB for a few weeks during the summer. I'm 20. They call me the "decider".


EDIT: Next, I'll pick my major!

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UW-Milwaukee class of 2004 for my Bachelors in Psychology. UW-Milwaukee class of 2007 for my Master's in Educational Psychology.


I worked in retail to pay bills, now I am trying to find a job in my field as a counselor/advisor. Not as easy as I'd thought it would be, but I love what I do nonetheless. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/happy.gif

"When a piano falls on Yadier Molina get back to me, four letter." - Me, upon reading a ESPN update referencing the 'injury-plagued Cardinals'
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UW-Oshkosh, just graduated this past may with a B.S. in Music and a B.S. in Religious Studies. I spent 7 long years for two degrees that have relatively no employment value http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


I worked the first 4 1/2 years working as a manager at two different Pick 'n Save stores, and the last part as a teller at a credit union. I also taught a few music lessons here or there to brass students (I play trombone) and spent a year with a reggae band called Unity...the Band. Weird name, but they had a good sound, and helped pay the bills.

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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I began attending UW-Whitewater in the fall of 2001 and have yet to graduate with my degree in journalism with an emphasis in print and a minor in speech-public relations.

I had a ton of odd jobs dating all the way back to my hs junior year.

Junior year of HS - Cashier, ShopKo

Senior year of HS - Sales, Target

Freshman year at UW-Whitewater - worked as a mail clerk at the College of Education building on campus

Summer freshman - student laborer for City of Racine Parks Department

Sophomore year at UW-Whitewater - front desk clerk at wells residence hall and assistant sports editor of royal purple

Summer sophomore - City of Racine wastewater department

Junior year - front desk clerk for wells again and promoted to sports editor of royal purple. Sports correspondent for Beloit Daily News and Kenosha News.

summer junior - sports editor intern for whitewater register and palmyra-eagle enterprise and wal mart demolition man for their remodeling project at whitewater store

senior year - worked at group home in whitewater, sports editor for royal purple

Then I had an internship in Waukegan, IL as a news reporter this past fall.

And I currently still work at the group, but I transferred to Milwaukee county region and desperately want out.


So yeah, I have been everywhere and anywhere in regards to jobs.

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Platteville 1999. during the school year i worked as a lifeguard. it paid the best of any campus job because we had that added responsibility of being there to save lives and all. Worst part was it was always 92 degrees in the pool, and much warmer in the spring.
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UW-Eau Claire, 1993, elementary education

Northern Arizona University, 1999, Master's in elementary education, reading endorsement

Northern Arizona University, 2007, endorsement in gifted education


During the school year at Eau Claire, I helped proctor exams for one of the offices on campus (Center for Academic and Personal Career Development, or something like that). During the summers I worked temp jobs; several summers were in the same building where my mom worked, the research and development building for a company that, in part, manufactured food packaging.

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I too worked in the cafeteria (Pop's Club) but managed to make it through 3 years without ever working the hot food line. Mainly cashier and dish room, with a couple times manning the sandwich bar. Could have been worse.


I worked there my freshman year at UW-Madison. Also worked the dish room. I went to Madison for 2 years, then transferred to Oshkosh because my 2.7 GPA was not even close to being good enough for Madison's business school, but well above the required GPA for Oshkosh's business school.


There I switched from Accounting to MIS, and I should graduate this fall, if I can actually get an internship (interview this Thursday with Oshkosh Truck will be it hopefully).


I think I've had a job for all but one semester so far during college. I've worked the last two years at a bike store in Oshkosh where I do everything (I have the most sales, I run the store website, I do repairs, I create and check in pretty much all orders) for a whopping $7.25. There's a pretty decent chance I can get a job with Trek Bikes in Waterloo in some capacity after I graduate.

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Worst part was it was always 92 degrees in the pool, and much warmer in the spring.


I go to Platteville now and you are right. It's the same thing with the weight room, it's like a sauna. But they approved an expansion of the PAC, so who knows, they may get some AC.


I'm not graduated yet, but I've responded so I'll play along.


I will be entering my second year at UW-Platteville. My major is Communication Technologies with an emphasis in Journalism and I'll have at least a minor in history. I spent two years at UW-Richland and got my associates degree.


While I was at UW-Richland I worked at Country Kitchen as a cook during the school year and over the summer I worked with a landscaper. The last two summer's I've worked at Dean Foods making fun things like yogurt, sour cream and different kinds of milk. I worked at UW-Platteville's newspaper (the Exponent) as a copy editor, reporter and assistant news editor, all of them without pay. This semester, I'm the news editor and I am definitely working for pay. I also applied for financial aid, but I haven't heard yet about work study. I'll also be looking for another job too.

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Santa Clara University, Santa Clara (next to San Jose), CA.


History and Econ were my majors...that's the nice thing about the quarter system


I didn't work, except summers at my family's company in Wisconsin

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I graduated from Montana State University with a BS degree in Geohydrology and a minor in German. I currently work as a wellsite geologist for a company called Pason Systems.


During college I had a good list of jobs. I set up concerts on campus for bands from Matchbox 22 to Phil Lesh and Friends. I did landscaping. I worked produce at an Albertsons. I worked at Staples. I sold my body to science for experiments. I worked at a newspaper stand. I worked at a cigar shop. I montiored water levels in water wells. This was all in 5 years and I'm probably leaving something off.

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I too worked in the cafeteria (Pop's Club) but managed to make it through 3 years without ever working the hot food line. Mainly cashier and dish room, with a couple times manning the sandwich bar. Could have been worse.


I was an Ed's Express man myself - Pop's sucks.


My college career has gotten off to the rockiest of rocky starts... I was attending UW-Madison with the brilliant idea of getting a degree in Statistics, but I never really attended class ever and am currently serving my one year "suspension" from the university... I'll be attending MATC (in Milwaukee) this fall and hopefully I'll transfer back to Madison at some point to pursue the much more achievable English BA.


As for work, I'm hoping to land a 3rd shift gig at a plastics factory in New Berlin... man, now that I read all that - my life is kinda sucky/pathetic.

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UW-Madison BS Biochemistry 2001

grad school UofM no degree

Teaching Licensure Hamline University


I did work study as an undergrad in labs which was great.

I actually did have a second job at Fedex for awhile in grad school because of an extreme situation. You don't really want to do that it did not turn out well. While getting my teaching License I worked as a bill collector.

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UW-Stevens Point, Class of 2004


Double major in English and communications. Triple minor with writing, psychology and scientific and technical writing. Took me five years, and that was with dropping my psych major midway through my sophomore year.


I worked a ton of jobs during college. Lifeguard at the pool (where I met my future wife, who was a diver on the swim team). Teledata installation one summer. Sales associate at Tradehome Shoes. Driveway sealcoater another summer. Intern in the outdoors department at Krause Publications another summer. I worked 3 years as the sports editor for the college newspaper (jaybird, I believe we've met in the past). Also did sports radio and television work my final two years in college.


I don't know why, but it seemed like working odd jobs and living off my student loan checks was easier than life now, working full time. Responsibility sucks sometimes.

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UW-Platteville, Industrial Technology Management, Dec 04


I worked the Pickard Hall front desk my sophomore year, very entertaining, after that, my roommates and I had parties to cover our house rent costs, pretty successfully too. Summer jobs paid for most everything else.

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UW-Madison B.S. Political Science and Economics 2007

UW-Madison J.D. 2010


I ran the full range of jobs during college. I worked in a local Copps, for the Village of Plover Public Works Department, for a political science research project and currently work for an institute in the Ag school.

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I was an Ed's Express man myself - Pop's sucks.



Hey, no argument here.


Although I was always curious who taught you guys how to make a pizza. I mean I like eating uncooked dough as much as the next guy, but geez.......sometimes it was like they didn't even put it in the oven.


Oh yeah, and I should have added - Northwestern University, IMC program, class of 2008. And you will never see me wearing purple on that campus, ever.

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