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My AT&T rant

So I have ATT for phone service and I am so frigging pissed at their company. I've had them for about 5 years. But don't get me wrong, it's not because I am satisfied with their company. It's because their phones are such crap that I always end up resigning early because the phones they give me take a dump and I don't want to drop $50 to use my insurance to get a new phone. So with this latest contract I signed in February of 2009 I got a touch screen phone. Not because I wanted a touch screen but because that was the only decent phone they offered that didn't involve me paying like $200 for one. Within 10 months I had to send that phone back because it just kept shutting off on it's own. That was under warranty and they sent me a brand new version of the same phone. Well today, less than 10 months after I got a second brand new touch screen phone, this one takes a dump too. Being a touch screen phone, it makes it impossible to use when the touch screen calibration is so far off that in order to dial the number one I have to touch somewhere in the area of where the number 8 is. I tried doing the re-calibration program after I finally worked my way in there, but it kept saying "invalid", probably because it was so far off that I wasn't anywhere near the +'s that I was supposed to be touching. I can't dial numbers and I can't text. I can sometimes read texts, but it takes an effort to do that. So now I have to make a special trip to the mall to figure out what is wrong with this piece of crap. I take it there, and it's like they know that there's no point in trying to actually make it work. So what do they say? Oh guess what, you are eligible for an "upgrade". All you have to do is sign a new two year contract. I tell them in no short terms what I think of that idea. My ONLY other option....buy a new phone. It's not all bad, I do have insurance....you know that $5 a month I've been paying for 4 years. But I still need to pay $50 to get a replacement. So I tell them fine....I'm so sick of their company I'll pay the stupid copay just so I can switch companies. But of course the new one won't get shipped for 1-2 days, and won't arrive for 1-3 days after that. So I'm looking at minimum 2 days and up to 5 without phone service. I live alone so now no roommate's phone to burrow in case of an emergency or anything. So basically in the two year contract I had to sign in order to avoid paying some ridiculous price for a phone, I get not one but two phones they can't last even a year. I have to pay to get a third phone just so I can wait out the remaining four months of my contract so I can move on. And after I pay I have to go minimum two and half days without even having a phone that I can use. The sales reps couldn't care less about the issues...all they want to do is sell me a new phone. For anyone who is looking at phone companies for cell phones, I highly recommend staying away from AT&T
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I'm with you on this Paul. I've been with AT&T/cingluar over five years now and not because I am happy with the service. Inevitably at some point over the course of a two year contract the phones they give you are going to break. The only option is to cancel the account, which is very costly, or take a new free phone or what I found to be even more laughable is the "upgrade". Then you repeat the two year cycle. Actually even an AT&T worker last time told me that technically it is not an upgrade to a better phone. And now after more like 6 years of service they are making me wait until March to qualify for an iphone4 at $199 rather than $499. I think cellphones are the one area of service where you get the least quality on what you pay for. There's no other service I pay so much money for that I am so continually dissatisfied with.
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You get what you pay for. If you pony up for a good, quality phone you aren´t going to experience these problems. Spend the $200 and get an Iphone or Blackberry. Getting a cheap touchscreen is just asking for trouble no matter what cell phone company you purchase it from.


Aside from that, what you describe sounds no different than any other major cell phone company.


What were you expecting them to do? Void your contract for free? That isn't going to happen with any cell phone company. Give you a free replacement phone? That wouldn't happen with any company either. Basically, since you were still under contract with that current phone, you contractually have four options:


1) Continue using your current broken phone as is.

2) Get a $50 replacement via your warranty.

3) Buy a new phone and re-up with a new two year contract.

4) Pay the early termination fee.


Since you purchased the phone in February 09 (which already by then was not viewed as a "money making phone"), I can't imagine that they'd have your phone on their sales floor (thus the need for the shipping of the phone and not being able to produce it instantly).


I doubt that the sales reps "could care less" (although maybe you were dealing with one who had a bad day and wasn't very patient with you as the customer), I just don't know what else they could do (or what you could expect them to do that they weren't offering). If it was insensitivity of a certain rep, or a couple of reps, that hardly reflects on a whole company. Personally, all my dealings with the company have been great. That said, it sure seems like you weren't the easiest customer to deal with, unless I am misunderstanding the tone that you described in saying "told them in no short terms what I thought about that idea". I understand being frustrated, but taking out those frustrations on the sales clerks (most of whom are probably just college students who have nothing to do with the quality of phone you purchased) doesn't seem to be a good way of handling things.

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Just some advice, take a look at how much hassle this has been to you and then take a look at how much extra it would cost to either get a better phone or a new provider. Then ask yourself, would you pay $_____ to avoid all of that hassle? Is it worth $_____ to not have to deal with that anymore?


At some point that hassle has an economic value to you. Is it $50? $100? $200? $500? Figure out what that threshold is and determine if that amount really has a significant impact on your finances. Some things are worth it, some things just aren't.

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What were you expecting them to do? Void your contract for free?


No....I expect that when I sign a contract that lasts for two years I am provided with a piece of equipment that lasts as long as that contract runs. I was given two brand spanking new phones and neither of them lasted even half of the length of the contract. It wasn't the cheap free phone they offer, I actually did pay for this one, though admittedly probably not more than $50 or $60. I don't think it's unreasonable to believe they should give you something that actually works for long enough to be able to use for the length of your contract. I would think you pay more for a particular phone because of all the added features, not because they are the only phones that actually work. I got a brand new phone less than 10 months ago....and as of this message, I can't read texts, I can't send texts, and I can't dial phone numbers. I also can't set the alarm clock, and if I could, I probably wouldn't be able to turn it off All I can do is answer the phone when it rings. Are you seriously suggesting that it is my fault that this happened because I didn't buy the $200+ phone? Also, this isn't one phone we're talking about. This is literally every phone (4 I believe) I've ever gotten from AT&T.


Spend the $200 and get an Iphone or Blackberry


I don't need, nor do I want, an Iphone or a Blackberry. Call me old fashioned, but the only things I use my phone for are actually talking on the phone, text messaging, and I use the alarm clock. I don't need internet....or tv.....or 950,000 songs....on my phone. And I am not going to spend $200 for a phone that offers all of that.

1) Continue using your current broken phone as is.

I can't use the phone. Not in the least bit. All I can do is answer calls because the button to answer it is not on the touch screen. Let's hope my house doesn't start on fire huh?

2) Get a $50 replacement via your warranty.

This is the option I had to go with, though it's with insurance, not warranty. The difference of course being that if I wasn't paying them more money every month I wouldn't be able to get a discounted phone at all.

3) Buy a new phone and re-up with a new two year contract.

Even if I wanted to do this, I can't. That's right. My two phones didn't even last long enough to get me to the point where I can resign and get a new discounted phone. I'd still be without a phone for about a week and half if I select this option.


4) Pay the early termination fee.

I think it's pathetic to admit that I actually considered this option. But I figure it make more fiscal sense to get a new one for $50 because surely this phone will last at least 4 months....right?


"could care less"

Haha not to sound like a jerk but I said "couldn't care less". But yes, I am sick of this cycle. You bring your phone into a store with the hopes that maybe there is some trouble shooting they can do to get it to work again and all they do is tell you that you can resign and get a buy one. And to have multiple people tell you that within 5 minutes gets me very frustrated. It makes me believe that either a) they really couldn't care less and are trying to get you to buy a new phone or re-up as a customer right away because that's how they've been trained or b) they all know their phones are such crap that this is no point in trying to fix them because it's not going to do any good.

There's no other service I pay so much money for that I am so continually dissatisfied with.


Absolutely. And to be fair, I have AT&T for cable too and I'm more satisfied with their customer service. I was having some issues that they couldn't resolve and the lady on the phone was actually telling me "I'd be frustrated too. If we can't fix it then we should at least give you a discount"....which they did. Eventually they got it fixed but I got $50 credits on my bill a few times.

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At some point that hassle has an economic value to you. Is it $50?

$100? $200? $500? Figure out what that threshold is and determine

if that amount really has a significant impact on your finances. Some

things are worth it, some things just aren't.


The thing is, if this was something minor...like other problems I've been having.....it'd be one thing. If the phone shuts off by itself sometimes...fine. If the screen is kind of messed up and I have to look at it really closely to see what screen I am on...whatever. But I can't even use this darn thing now...and it's not my fault (trust me, they looked for reasons to blame me). I think if they give you a phone that ends up being something that you can't even use, they should replace it for free. I understand what you're saying. Pay more and get a better phone. But is there really any guarantee I won't have the same problem with a more expensive phone? Like I said, I always just assumed it was more expensive because of the features, not necessarily the quality.

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There is a reason you are getting a touch screen for $50. It's because it is made cheaply and cheap stuff is going to break easier. You have to do your homework with phones just as you would with any other consumer electronic. There is no guarantee that either will last for the whole two years, but I can almost guarantee you the more expensive reputable brand will be far more likely to last longer (it's part of the reason they are more expensive and more reputable - they have proven that they can provide a quality product).


This is especially true with touch screens as there is a lot of things that could go wrong, so quality engineering is very important. This isn't an At&t issue, this is a cheaply made phone issue - something every single cell phone provider has.


If you don't want/need internet then look into a good slider phone (aka, do your homework and don't buy the cheapest option). If you want a touch screen, you should get something like an Iphone/Blackberry. Anything less and you are probably asking for trouble.


You said: "I think if they give you a phone that ends up being something that you can't even use, they should replace it for free".


This would be nice, but you won't get this deal at Verizon, or Sprint, or T-Mobile, or US Cellular if your phone craps out on you there either. Your beef isn't with AT&T, it is with cell phone providers in general.


It is also important to note, that AT&T does not make/design the phones, they provide service TO the phones. So, really, how is it AT&T's fault that you decided to tie their service with them to a crappy phone maker? The fault lies with LG (or whatever brand your phone is) not with AT&T, they just agreed to provide service to the equipment that you bought (which once again brings us back to the importance of purchasing equipment that is reputable).


Finally, the people in these stores aren't cell phone technicians, they are cell phone salesmen. Therefore if there is a technological issue, they are going to send the phone back to the company that designed the phone, so that they can take care of the repairs or provide a replacement.

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  paul253 said:
I don't need, nor do I want, an Iphone or a Blackberry. Call me old fashioned, but the only things I use my phone for are actually talking on the phone, text messaging, and I use the alarm clock. I don't need internet....or tv.....or 950,000 songs....on my phone. And I am not going to spend $200 for a phone that offers all of that.
You don't have to use any of the features except the ones you need. That wasn't the point of the advice on getting the more expensive phone anyway... the more expensive phone will more than likely outlast the length of your contract, which will allow you more freedom once the contract is up. Or, you can keep buying cheap phones you don't like and keep renewing your contract that you don't like.


I bought a refurbished iPhone about 3 years ago for around $100-$120 and it still works almost as well today as the day I bought it. I've never used a case with it, and drop it on the ground (which is occasionally made of concrete or asphalt) at least once a month. Still runs like a champ. You get what you pay for. I actually keep waiting for it to break so I can get a new one, but it isn't happening.

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$50 is a good deal for a replacement. My phone was crapping out after being dropped too frequently and my deductible for a replacement was $130 (T-Mobile). On the up-side, I could've signed a new contract because I was 2 months from expiration, but that phone is $150 with a new agreement, so I saved $20 and didn't have to sign a new contract. I now roll contract-free.
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So, really, how is it AT&T's fault that you decided to tie their

service with them to a crappy phone maker? The fault lies with LG


It's AT&T's fault because they obviously bought the phones from LG or made some sort of agreement with them to sell their phones. And again, I realize these things may not last an entire two year, but I expect any phone I buy to last more than 10 months. I really understand all of your points. I'm just pissed is all. Not having a phone is a HUGE inconvenience.

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And you honestly think that AT&T is alone in selling crappy phones? Look at any other cell service provider, they are exactly the same. The responsibility is on the consumer to make wise product decisions. Read Consumer Reports, don't buy equipment from a company that doesn't have a reputable track record etc. It's like me blaming Best Buy because I bought a cheaply made Symphonic TV at their store, instead of buying a Sony. Do I have the right to be upset with Best Buy because I purchased a cheap, poorly made product? Should I be surprised if a cheaply made product doesn't last very long?


I can understand being disappointed, and I can understand the frustration of not having a phone. But it seems you are eager to blame everyone else, when a great deal of the responsibility falls on your own shoulders for buying a cheap piece of equipment. You made a situation like this happening far more likely by trying to save a few bucks at the start. Sometimes that gamble pays off, it didn't, however, for you.

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Paul, I agree with you and I can't believe how many people are slamming you for getting a "cheap" phone. Is it really too much to ask that a $50 product last for at least 2 years, let alone 10 months?! If the manufacturer is aware that these phones will not last for more than 10 months, then they should not be sold for more than $10 or $15 and should be labeled as "disposable". No one should be forced to buy a $100+ phone just so it will last at least 2 years.


Seems like none of the cell phone companies are "great". I use Sprint. Don't know that they are any better than any other phone company, but I never had a problem with any of their cheaper phones (which is usually what I get ) lasting less than the length of the contract. Last time I re-upped the contract I got the same phones (A Sanyo flip phone) for me, my wife, and my son. I don't remember exactly what I paid for them ($60 each?)Have not had any problems with them (there is about 5 months left on our two year contract).


if a company could give you free replacements for shoddy merchandise, then i have a complaint to take up with Hyundai...and Taco Bell.


My wife and I brought brand new Hyundai's 6+ years ago. I have 135K miles on mine, my wife has 80K. Have had no problems other than normal wear and tear (and I'm pretty hard on my car). We have been very pleased with them and will very likely buy Hyundai's again at some point.


Edit: As far as using consumer reports. I'm a CR online subscriber. Just looked at their cell phone ratings. One of their recommended buys is a $30 phone from AT&T (Samsung Soltice)

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I can understand being disappointed, and I can understand the

frustration of not having a phone. But it seems you are eager to blame

everyone else, when a great deal of the responsibility falls on your own

shoulders for buying a cheap piece of equipment.


I understand what you're saying Straw. I do. But the phone lasted 10 months. If it had been, say, 19 months of the 24 month contract, I'd be more willing to accept the issue. Also, it's not like it's some minor flaw that is really more of an inconvenience. It's been 10 months and the phone is shot. It's useless. I just don't see how this is entirely my fault. A phone made by a fairly major company shouldn't be this bad.


For what it's worth, the phone is an LG Vu CU920. The reviews I've seen on it have been mostly good. People seem to think it's difficult to use and the touch screen keyboard is too small (which it is), but I certainly didn't find anything that suggests it only works for a few months.

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LG does not make a great product. My current phone I've had for 4 years now is an LG. It shuts off very frequently on its own. I was pretty frustrated till I went to find a new phone and found out that almost all LG's do that. After some research I, like you, decided I didn't want to pay for an expensive phone with all those extra features I didn't want and have stuck with this one for a while. It sucks that it shuts off all the time but it makes and sends calls so it does what I need it to do.
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I have Verizon. My brother has Verizon. I typically go 2.5-3 years between phones. He needs a replacement when his stops working every 6 months or so. We both buy quality phones. The difference is how we care for them.


The one time since I have had a mobile phone (probably 8 years now) I had it break, Verizon replaced it for free since it was under warranty and there was no water damage.


I really don't understand how some people have all these problems. I really doubt I have just been lucky for 8 years while some have been that unlucky.

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I understand what you're saying. Pay more and get a better phone. But is there really any guarantee I won't have the same problem with a more expensive phone?


I actually was in a similar situation as you about six months ago. I had what I thought was a great phone when I bought it, based on the features advertised, but none of it seemed to work together right. The GPS/search would crash or freeze up and I would have to try three or four times over five minutes to get it to work. Text messaging was awesome... but I travel a lot so one of the main reasons I got the phone was so I wouldn't have to buy a GPS system/rent one/carry one around. I was going to wait for Sprint to come out with their 4G network in LA... but I finally got so sick of the phone, and I was essentially moving for 8 months and would really need a GPS system to find my way around. I was contemplating going cheaper with a 3G Andriod phone... or wait a few weeks and get the HTC Evo 4G for Sprint when it came out, along with the $400 price tag. I think it was $300 after instant rebate and then a $100 mail-in rebate I got 8 weeks later, so net cost of $200. My buddy who works for Sprint said getting the Evo would be the best decision I will make in a while.


He was right. Couldn't be happier. And I don't use most of the stuff on it. Haven't downloaded many apps, nor do I use them very often except for a few. Don't listen to music on it, even though I can. Don't surf the web much, even though I can. The 4G network still isn't up in LA (as far as I know), nor is it up in NYC - I've only used it in Vegas. Don't use the camera or videocamera much, but it came in real handy when I forgot to pack my camera when I went to Niagara Falls the other weekend and it took great pictures and video. The GPS system works like a dream, and the Search function in Sprint Navigation is way better at finding businesses than the Yellow Pages app - you search for the business name, nearby or in a certain city, and in one click get either a map or triggers driving directions. It's handy having a calendar, calculator, flashlight, and weather apps when you need them and I've needed them all at some point (WeatherBug app is great - radar, detailed forecast, hour-by-hour, multiple locations). Even has a "level" app if you want to see if you have a roughly level surface. The Yelp app is handy (now that they finally fixed it) if you are looking for a place to eat and want to see how good it is. And the whole thing costs me under $100/month - unlimited mobile-to-mobile minutes, 450 mobile-to-landline minutes which I never come close to using up, nights starting at 7PM, and $6/mo or whatever for insurance.


Point being, you might be surprised how useful a more expensive phone can be. And my contract wasn't up either, I was 14 months into a two year contract, but because I've been with Sprint for over a decade they let you get a new phone every 12 months with the same discounts/rebates as a new customer with no added fees.


So far, well worth the $200 I spent. Don't regret that purchase one bit.

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Paul I get what you are saying, but I have to side with Straw on this.

The phone sucks yes, but that's not ATT's fault. They sell and guarantee the service not the phone. If a phone goes crap thats on the manufacturer of the phone not ATT. They don't manufacture the phone LG does. Sure it would be nice if it lasted the two years but the consumer demands inexpensive phones so the providers are forced to offer these crappy poorly designed phones.

In reality a phone is a mini computer that we take everywhere and subject to many demanding conditions, but we expect to get them for free or $50 because people don't want to put up any money for phones when they are signing a contract. You may not need a iPhone, but there are definitely phones out there that you can get that are well reviewed solid phones without all the things an iPhone does, you just need to determine what that phone is.

The real racket is with the cell industry in general as someone already said eventually we will go to a model where we can just buy any phone we want without contracts, but that will come at a price and that price is the handset itself. You don't want to be locked into a two year contract? Pay retail for the phone. Providers do not make money on phones, they make money on the service they sell. That is why they offer discounted pricing on phones when you sign a contract. They subsidize the price of the phone because they know they are getting your service for X number of months.

Trust me I understand your frustration but IMO your anger is misplaced.

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i wonder what might come of it if you called the phone manufacturer directly and told them about your issue. i know most places give you a general "too bad for you" attitude, but there are some companies out there who work hard to keep customers satisfied. obviously this isn't electronic stuff, but i routinely get free hiking gear from a simple phone call if what i was using doesn't have a reasonable lifespan.
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The phone sucks yes, but that's not ATT's fault.


The best comparison I can think of is something like this. I don't want to get into anything political, but last year Milwaukee County hired private security guards to secure the courthouse and replace the in-house guards. Now if you were at the courthouse and you got beat up, who would you blame? The private security guards for not doing their jobs to protect you, or the county for hiring the clowns who apparently aren't capable of doing what they were hired to do? I can see both ways. In this case, it is directly LG's fault. They made the thing and it didn't work. But AT&T sold it to me. AT&T obviously thought it was good enough for them to slap their logo on and recommend that their customers buy. I think it's just as much their fault as it is LG's because in the end they are responsible for what they sell.

i wonder what might come of it if you called the phone manufacturer directly and told them about your issue


Yeah I just wonder if it's worth it. The phone has been discontinued, and even if it wasn't I wouldn't want them to send me a new one because I've had two bad experiences with it. I've already paid to get a replacement, and I'm sure LG won't cover that cost. I suppose I could ask for a new phone and sell it to try to cover the loss, but again, is it worth all that effort for only $50? Who knows....maybe one day when I get bored I'll give them a call. Thanks for the advice.

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I don't think your illustration works well, Paul. Once again, you continue to try to shrug off all responsibility. As for someone who said that a $50 phone should last two years, well, as others have stated, a cell phone is essentially a computer...what kind of performance would you expect from a computer you bought for $50? This is common sense, if you choose to go cheap, especially for something as complicated as a touch screen, I think you lose quite a bit of your right to complain when it doesn't work right/last very long.


I think a better illustration is this:


If I go to Best Buy and purchase a Symphonic piece of junk TV for half the price of a Sony. Do I have the right to be upset with Best Buy when the Symphonic stops working a year in? After all, they chose to carry said crappy brand of TV on their shelves. And they put my TV in a Best Buy bag on my way out of the store. Down with Best Buy!!!!




It was my responsibility to choose a reputable brand of electronics, one that has a track record of reliability and good product engineering, and not just buy whatever is cheapest because it exists on the Best Buy shelves.


As others have pointed out along with me, there is not a single cell phone company that doesn't sell crappy phones. It is up to you, the consumer, to make a wise choice on the brand of phone you purchase. If you purchase a crap phone to go with AT&T's service, it isn't AT&T's fault, it is your own fault. Just as it would be my own fault for buying a crappy TV from Best Buy.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor

I used to be a cheap-ass. I would buy the absolute cheapest of whatever it was I was buying.


4 years ago, I needed a new mower. I went to wal-mart, and bought a $119.00 mower. I took care of it, changed the oil, plug, etc, and after one season, it wouldn't start the following year. The motor just wouldn't turn. Junk.


I needed a new power drill. I bought a $19.00 "TOOL SHOP" drill. It last 8 months. I went back and bought a $79.00 Black and Decker, that has ran for 4 years with no trouble.


I don't know how many $6.00 mice I bought for my PC, before I finally broke down and bought a $30.00 mouse that has worked fantastic ever since.


You'd think I'd learn my lesson, but I don't, and I won't.


If I'd have just bought the $200 dollar mower, 79 dollar drill, and 30 dollar mouse, I'd have MORE money now than I do, if I hadn't wasted a lot of money on crap.


The cheap stuff SHOULD work. It SHOULD. But we ought to know by now, but it's not going to. Unfortunately, that's the way the game is played.

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  paul253 said:
For what it's worth, the phone is an LG Vu CU920. The reviews I've seen on it have been mostly good. People seem to think it's difficult to use and the touch screen keyboard is too small (which it is), but I certainly didn't find anything that suggests it only works for a few months.
  paul253 said:

best comparison I can think of is something like this... I can see both

ways. In this case, it is directly LG's fault. They made the thing and

it didn't work. But AT&T sold it to me. AT&T obviously

thought it was good enough for them to slap their logo on and recommend

that their customers buy. I think it's just as much their fault as it

is LG's because in the end they are responsible for what they sell.

I don't think the fault lies with AT&T or LG. It's just bad luck. According to a number of reviews the LG VU is a good phone. You could have ponied up for an iPhone and the same thing could have happened. Because of the nature of their use, cell phones in general have a relatively high failure rate.
  strawbossisevil said:

don't think your illustration works well, Paul. Once again, you

continue to try to shrug off all responsibility. As for someone who

said that a $50 phone should last two years, well, as others have

stated, a cell phone is essentially a computer...what kind of

performance would you expect from a computer you bought for $50? This

is common sense, if you choose to go cheap, especially for something as

complicated as a touch screen, I think you lose quite a bit of your

right to complain when it doesn't work right/last very long.

I don't agree with Paul, but this is really not the case here. The LG VU for $50 is a good phone at a good price. A more expensive phone is going to have more features but will not necessarily be more durable. A quick Google search shows that BlackBerry's have around a 10% malfunction rate in the first year. That's pretty high when you think about it for an expensive phone.
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