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What do the Crew do?


This has been on my mind lately with DD almost healthy, Gerut and Hawkins working towards it...What do the Crew do when they are all healthy? The team has found a groove with the guys they have. Rotation turning the corner and giving many quality starts, pullpen has been unbelievable, and offense is looking good. It is hard to really find a guy on the team that should be replaced to make room for these guys. Who does Davis replace in the rotation? Who gets sent down?


Gallardo and Parra are looking like the 1 2 punch that he always hoped for, Wolf has to much money invested in him, Bush beside for a few rough games has done a fine job and Chris hasn't been excellent but is doing the job and hasn't deserved to get bumped. In the Pen right now I have confidence in everyone we put out there. Loe and Braddock (minus that one blow but which he does, he will have 10 amazing outings one terrible one then 10 amazing 1 terrible) have been really nice, CV is proven and pitching well beside for the HR mistakes here and there, Trevor Time looks to be back in action, Riske is looking like the guy we first saw before he broke down, Coffey is reliable, and Axford...wow. Who do you bump?


Ha this has just being bugging me and I'd like to see what everyone else thinks on the subject.

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Parra doesn't even come close to Gallardo yet. Parra is doing what he always does-pitches well for a small sample, then blows up. Lets see Parra be a little more consistent for a longer amount of time before we give him #2 of a 1-2 punch. As for what the Brewers are going to do, I'm glad I don't have Melvins job right now. Many big decisions coming up. IMO, I think the Brewers are sending Davis for another rehab start to see if someone will eliminate themselves and make the Brewers decision easier on who they need to move. I think Capuano is going to be gone. I like Cappy a lot and wish there was room for him, but everytime he pitches there's going to be that wondering if he'll stay healthy. Don't want to risk losing a good arm for one that's already had 2 Tommy Johns. As for the rest of the decisions, pay me Melvin's salary, and I'll try and rap my arms around those issues. In the meantime, I'll sit back and hope the Crew can put together a good run to get back into it.
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Parra is doing what he always does-pitches well for a small sample, then blows up

What he "always" does? This is only his third full big league season, I don't really see how that's possible. He hit an understandable wall at the end of his first year, and then struggled early in 2009 before stabilizing somewhat later in the year. This year, there have been no blowups to speak of. I do agree with you, however, that he's a long way away from being relied upon to anchor down a #2 spot in the rotation. I think the potential is definitely there though.


In response to the original poster's question, I think the obvious choice for removal from the starting rotation has to be Narveson. I'd prefer the rotation to stay the way it is, because it has the most potential with an eye toward the future. However, I don't think there's any way (due to his salary) that Davis doesn't get inserted back into a starter's role. Best case scenario would be if he could make a couple of good starts and maybe we could flip him at the trade deadline, or possibly later on through a waiver trade.

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I agree that Narveson should be the odd man out. Parra has been pitching better of late, can pitch deeper into games, and has a higher ceiling.


As for the bullpen, I think Braddock will be sent back to AAA. The real issue is what to do with Capuano or Narveson. I imagine that one of them will be traded. There is always a market for pitching, as seen by the Cardinals' acquisition of Suppan.


Overall, the pitching staff in the best shape since 2008.

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I think the Brewers should trade Bush now to open a spot for DD. Bush's velocity is down, and his stuff has become more hittable. Bush is also a FA after this season, could be best to try get something for Bush now.
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I agree with Tigerbrew that Bush should be traded, as he's gone after this season anyways, while we have Narveson and Parra for a few more years.


What will probably happen is Narveson going to the pen with Braddock going to AAA. Capuano will end up on a missing person's report, as no one will see him for weeks at a time. That's a shame, as he was pitching very well in the minors. I'm sure he's upset with the situation, so he'll sign with someone else next year.

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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Capuano's a potential "feel good" story, but if they thought he could really help them now, he'd be pitching. They are going to try to outright him and hope he accepts it. If not, what have they lost? A soon to be 32 year old, who's had 2 or 3 decent years that were 4-5 years ago and who hasn't won a major league game in 3 years. Yes, he had a handful of nice AAA appearances, but his value in the open market is very low.


For now, they could easily just stick Davis in there for one start before the All Star break and give the other 5 an extra day without costing Gallardo a start, then let see how Davis does. If he gets rocked, I'd stick him in the pen in Capuano's spot.

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I'd think as long as Parra, Gallardo and Wolf are starting the rest isn't going to be a huge deal. Those 3 are likely the start of the rotation for next year. You can make a case for starting all the other guys from giving Narveson a shot to increasing trade value for Bush/Davis etc. None of those guys are likely to be more than a backend of the rotation type so from an actual winning standpoint I doubt one helps us more than the others.
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I was always under the impression that Bush deserved more starts because I personally thought he was pitching really well prior to getting hit on the elbow last year, but I'm not sure I want him starting anymore. He's really not fooling anyone right now with his stuff and he doesn't have the control to offset his 'stuff'.


We all know Narveson struggles to get RH's out sometimes, but he's at least got a future here. I can't say that about Bush.


But going back to the question, I hope they trade to try Bush, but is that realistic?

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Bush since the Twins blow up:

2-0 WL 6 G 5 GS 30.2 IP 31H 10 ER 8BB 16K 2.98 ERA 1.29 WHIP


So an average Bush star over his last 5 starts

6 IP 7H 2ER 1.5BB 3k (2:1K/BB) 3.00 ERA 1.41 WHIP 3/5 quality starts


Whip is a little high and the K's have not been there but even if isn't fooling hitters he is getting the job done.

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The obvious guy to replace right now is Randy Wolfpan, but that certainly isn't going to happen for two more years. So I'd assume Narveson to the bullpen and Capuano is traded or released. He's just wasting away in the bullpen and not providing anything to the Brewers right now. Braddock is coming in and getting guys out. I don't see how Melvin could take him away from Macha right now.
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Well, Haudricourt was on the D-List last week and was asked about Capuano. He guessed that Capuano "may not pitch again in a Brewers uniform." It may just have been speculation; but I woudl think something has to be up.


And yeah, sending Braddock down right now would be a travesty. Braddock, Loe, and Axford have saved the bullpen and possibly the season.

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Capuano's a potential "feel good" story, but if they thought he could really help them now, he'd be pitching. They are going to try to outright him and hope he accepts it. If not, what have they lost? A soon to be 32 year old, who's had 2 or 3 decent years that were 4-5 years ago and who hasn't won a major league game in 3 years. Yes, he had a handful of nice AAA appearances, but his value in the open market is very low.


For now, they could easily just stick Davis in there for one start before the All Star break and give the other 5 an extra day without costing Gallardo a start, then let see how Davis does. If he gets rocked, I'd stick him in the pen in Capuano's spot.

Maybe so, but then why even bother with Capuano this season? Pitching-wise, he did everything far better than anyone would have expected this year, so why waste the resources simply to showcase him for someone else?


He has been unlucky in the sense that as soon as he was ready to start, all of the Brewers' pitchers finally started pitching better. However, you would think that Macha would be able to find an inning here or there to pitch him. If he has to go out and throw now, I have concerns his arm would explode. I guess the "long man" is supposed to be an aging vet who is expendable, and Capuano probably fits that bill, but he was dominant in the minors this year, so we might be wasting talent by not pitching him occasionally.


I'm still up for trading Bush. Other GM's know the numbers that YoungGeezy listed (or if they don't, Melvin can let them know). He's a perfect option to be traded to a playoff-hopeful team in need of a 4/5 starter. We need a rotation spot to open up and we aren't getting anything for Bush after this season. Might as well get something for him when Davis is ready.


"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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From JSOnline:

"With left-hander Doug Davis nearing his activation from the disabled

list (inflammation of the lining around the heart), someone will likely

be bumped out. It won't be Yovani Gallardo or Randy Wolf, and it

probably won't be right-hander Dave Bush, either, because he prevents a

rotation with four lefties."


I've read this over and over, but I don't understand why the rotation couldn't have 4 lefties. There are many rotations with 4 righties, aren't there? They never give a reason why there can't be 4 lefties in the rotation. Not that I think Bush should necessarily be the one to go.





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Of the expendable guys, I think Bush is the best to trade. He is a FA after the year and pitching better. He is the type of guy a team in a pennant chase might want to add that would only cost a lower level prospect. Parra and Narveson have upside that the Brewers would want going forward. Bush is what he is at this point.
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Capuano's a potential "feel good" story, but if they thought he could really help them now, he'd be pitching. They are going to try to outright him and hope he accepts it. If not, what have they lost? A soon to be 32 year old, who's had 2 or 3 decent years that were 4-5 years ago and who hasn't won a major league game in 3 years. Yes, he had a handful of nice AAA appearances, but his value in the open market is very low.


For now, they could easily just stick Davis in there for one start before the All Star break and give the other 5 an extra day without costing Gallardo a start, then let see how Davis does. If he gets rocked, I'd stick him in the pen in Capuano's spot.

Maybe so, but then why even bother with Capuano this season? Pitching-wise, he did everything far better than anyone would have expected this year, so why waste the resources simply to showcase him for someone else?


He has been unlucky in the sense that as soon as he was ready to start, all of the Brewers' pitchers finally started pitching better. However, you would think that Macha would be able to find an inning here or there to pitch him. If he has to go out and throw now, I have concerns his arm would explode. I guess the "long man" is supposed to be an aging vet who is expendable, and Capuano probably fits that bill, but he was dominant in the minors this year, so we might be wasting talent by not pitching him occasionally.


I'm still up for trading Bush. Other GM's know the numbers that YoungGeezy listed (or if they don't, Melvin can let them know). He's a perfect option to be traded to a playoff-hopeful team in need of a 4/5 starter. We need a rotation spot to open up and we aren't getting anything for Bush after this season. Might as well get something for him when Davis is ready.

I think the Brewers honestly thought that Capuano would not exercise his opt out clause out of loyalty to the franchise that continued to employ him throughout his rehab process. It's my view that the Brewers were looking at Capuano as an option for late this season and 2011 and would much have preferred he pitch an entire season at AAA. A lot of organizations would have pulled the plug on a guy like Capuano long ago, but the Brewers tend to stick with guys. At the time his opt out clause would have kicked in though the Brewer staff was in a complete state of flux and disarray. Capuano (and more likely his agent) probably figured it was worth it to force the Brewers hand then especially after a couple nice AAA outings and the Brewers would have looked bad had he departed in May so they brought him up.


But several things have happened. The Brewer rotation stabilized. Capuano was so-so in his lone start, showing the same tendency to not be able to get through an order more than twice that he showed the last year he was here. They've kept him around as long as possible but when your pitching staff is performing well, you aren't going to use the 13th guy very often. Also by shelving Capuano, they increased the likelihood of getting him through waivers.


The reality is Capuano is a soon to be 32 year old pitcher who hasn't had success in the majors since the first half of 2007. He wasn't dominant in the minors this year either. He had one dominant start for Nashville, followed by 2 starts where he allowed 17 hits over 13 innings and finally a 4 inning stint of shutout ball. Given such a small sample, those numbers are not predictive of how he would do over the course of a major league season anyway. Besides we're not talking about a guy with overpowering stuff either. He's a soft tossing lefty with a changeup as his out pitch. It was not Macha that put him in this situation. Macha's job is to put the guy on the mound that gives them the best chance to win. It's not his job to focus in the rehab process of a pitcher making a comeback. Capuano put himself in this situation. He could have waived the opt out clause, continued to pitch in AAA and established that he's fully healthy and effective over longer than a month or 6 weeks. He opted to gamble. Maybe he thought he'd be exposed over a full season and wanted to strike while he was hot.. Who knows?

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From JSOnline:

"With left-hander Doug Davis nearing his activation from the disabled list (inflammation of the lining around the heart), someone will likely be bumped out. It won't be Yovani Gallardo or Randy Wolf, and it probably won't be right-hander Dave Bush, either, because he prevents a rotation with four lefties."


I've read this over and over, but I don't understand why the rotation couldn't have 4 lefties. There are many rotations with 4 righties, aren't there? They never give a reason why there can't be 4 lefties in the rotation. Not that I think Bush should necessarily be the one to go.





Probably because somewhere around 75% of hitters are right handed so they want the chance to play the matchup more often than not.

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Per the JS blog, Davis will return for a game (didn't specify) vs. SF. Macha mentions he will be replacing someone in the rotation, so no 6-man rotation.


If it's Parra, I may have to take a break from this team.

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It'll be either Narveson or Parra, who are both pitching well and will be a part of the future of the franchise, leaving Davis and Bush in the rotation, getting starts for the rest of the season and then walking for no compensation at the end of the year.


My guess will be Narveson, who will take Braddock's spot as LOOGY, with Braddock going back to AAA. If we dump Capuano so that we can throw Narveson in the "pitch once a month" role that Capuano's currently stuck in, I'll be upset... more for the waste of Narveson than the loss of Capuano.

"The most successful (people) know that performance over the long haul is what counts. If you can seize the day, great. But never forget that there are days yet to come."


~Bill Walsh

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I don't understand why the Brewers are going to drop one of their current starting pitchers for Davis. What has Davis done so far to show he will be better than anyone from the current 5? I'd prefer they work him out of the bullpen for a while until they make room for him in the rotation or trade him.


It's not like he is making suppan-like money that he has to be given a rotation spot. He and Bush are basically getting paid the same amount.

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