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The Happy Youngster Strikes Again? Coghlan's Home Run Ball Held for Ransom

Rake him over the coals?!? A bat, some tickets, and a picture. Yeah, HY will probably retire on that loot. I'm not sure how Coughlin is going to pay the mortgage next month, and I'm guessing the Marlin's will have to relocate next year after handing out all these items like drunken sailors.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Rake him over the coals?!? A bat, some tickets, and a picture. Yeah, HY will probably retire on that loot. I'm not sure how Coughlin is going to pay the mortgage next month, and I'm guessing the Marlin's will have to relocate next year after handing out all these items like drunken sailors.
Come on...that's a bit over the line. Like I said, I think it's OK he initially asked for that stuff (although asking for a signed item from a completely different player was probably a tad demeaning), but when he got turned down, he probably could have acquiesced more quickly than he did. His actions coupled with his comments on his blog, and his past track record, just leave me with a really negative impression of this person. I don't think that's unfair.
The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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You're scenario has a major flaw: The actual value of the ball is minimal. No more than what he initially offered HY for it. HY tried to play on the fact that it was SENTIMENTALLY more valuable to him and tried extorting more from him and the Marlins because of that fact. Again, it's not like they didn't offer him anything for it.

Yes, you are correct. However, I don't understand this mentality that if you don't just hand over the ball and expect nothing in return you are a ruthless, cold hearted, opportunist. If I caught a meaningful HR ball, I would expect to get an autograph, a bat, and maybe some tickets at the very least. Perhaps HY came in originally with demands that were out of line, but I think what he settled for was very reasonable. It's not like he just refused to bargain and walked away with the ball.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Because there's no way in hell that ball means more to HY than it did to Coghlan.


I never said it did. I said the ball meant more to HY than a Coghlan bat. That's all that matters and I'm assuming that's why HY continued to negotiate. His choice was to go home with a ball that would be a great addition to his passionate collection, or to go home with something else to offset the fact that he'd give up that opportunity. Purely his choice. You could argue that he was gracious to entertain the latter option and then was insulted with the offer and treatment he got. I mean, how is a Coghlan bat any consolation at all for catching a game HR ball?



It shouldn't be on your mantle anyway.


I almost have no words in response to this. My hobby can't be catching game HR balls and displaying them in my home? That's not my hobby, I don't have a single game ball in my house, but working on a collection like that sure seems like a harmless, fun hobby to have. And if that was my hobby, players' 1st and 50th and 100th and 200th HR balls would be the most important and proudest part of my colleciton. You're basically saying that collecting milestone HR balls is an inappropriate hobby?



{wedding ring analogy}


Not even close! You never own a baseball if you launch it out of the park. Heck, you never even touch it. I guess this is where the crux of the debate lies, and I just cannot comprehend the other side of the argument. Over the course of a baseball game, several balls are hit to fans as foul balls and a couple are even hit to fans beyond the outfield wall. None of these balls are anything but afterthoughts ... those fans go home with a souvenir ball. But if the home run happens to be the first of some rookie's career, that fan should be expected to NOT go home with the ball and should be expected to give it up with virtually no say in the matter?


I guess to summarize this thread:

- Some people think if you catch a milestone HR ball, it's technically and morally yours to keep and do whatever you want with.

- Some people think if you catch a milestone HR ball, it's technically yours to keep but morally you should give it up.

- Some people think if you catch a milestone HR ball, it was never yours.

"We all know he is going to be a flaming pile of Suppan by that time." -fondybrewfan
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Yes, you are correct. However, I don't understand this mentality that if you don't just hand over the ball and expect nothing in return you are a ruthless, cold hearted, opportunist. If I caught a meaningful HR ball, I would expect to get an autograph, a bat, and maybe some tickets at the very least. Perhaps HY came in originally with demands that were out of line, but I think what he settled for was very reasonable. It's not like he just refused to bargain and walked away with the ball.

Again, no one is saying he should have expected nothing, or walked away with nothing. You're putting words in other people's mouths, Patrick.


As far as your final sentence there, that would not have happened. The ball clearly meant nothing to HY, and he was determined to get something for it regardless.

The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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His actions coupled with his comments on his blog, and his past track record, just leave me with a really negative impression of this person. I don't think that's unfair
I have not vistied his blog. From what I am reading here, it does sound like this guy may have a few character flaws. Perhaps his actions were a bit over the top. However, what he ended up receiving for the ball when all was said and done, was not out of line with what anyone should have expected imho.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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First comment of the thread:


If HY is attempting to profit off of this "hobby" by getting maximum value for the things he collects, it has crossed into a business. And the business of withholding someone's invaluable items to sell back to them is malevolent.

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First comment of the thread:


If HY is attempting to profit off of this "hobby" by getting maximum value for the things he collects, it has crossed into a business. And the business of withholding someone's invaluable items to sell back to them is malevolent.

The problem with this statement is that Coughlan was never the owner of the item, so it's not possoble to say that HY attempted to withold his "invaluable item".

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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They just discussed "The Happy Youngster" on PTI! Both guys sided with him!


still thats the problem, instead of the national media talking about the brewers winning 17 out of their last 23, we are talking about the happy youngster.

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If a person has something that means more to him/her than what's being offered in trade, why would that person ever agree to the swap? If I want to display some top prospect's first HR ball on my mantle amongst some other special HR balls I caught, why should I give that up for some bat that's no where near as desirable to me? At that point, I'd just go home and keep the ball.

Well, he could certainly have said "no, I want to keep the ball, I'm sorry but I'm not interested in trading for anything". Why didn't he if it was so significant to him?


I guess if I had caught something like that I'd maybe ask the player what he could give me in exchange or what else he could give me after the initial offer, rather than to start off by making demands...especially demands for other player's stuff. If it were an unknown player from another team, I'd even settle for some cash as I am not a collector. If it were a Brewer, the best thing to me would be to get an official jersey from the player...even if it had to be an old one that they are done using. If that's not possible, maybe they'd give me $150 and I could buy one.


Since I am usually sitting in foul territory, I'm not too likely to ever be in such a situation. Although I'll be in Minnesota's "home run porch" in left field next weekend. Are there any HR milestones coming up that I should know about? http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


If he wanted a Ramirez bat, maybe he'd have been better off to say "how about $150, so I can buy that Ramirez bat I've always wanted ...being a big Marlins fan and all".

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Since I am usually sitting in foul territory, I'm not too likely to ever be in such a situation. Although I'll be in Minnesota's "home run porch" in left field next weekend. Are there any HR milestones coming up that I should know about? http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


Happy's Milestone Tracker

Happy's got you covered! http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/wink.gif

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Even though the whole situation makes me uncomfortable I'll say this for HY, when the bullpen coach offered him another ball... that was ridiculous. I've never caught a ball at a game, I hope to some day before I die. If I catch one, it's going to take a heck of a lot for me to give it up. It means something to me because I've always wanted to catch a ball at a game, not because it's some guys first career home run. I'd give it up when informed that it was his first career home run, but it would be hard. I always thought the teams offered quite a bit, never knew it had to come to a negotiation.
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When I first heard this story, I thought it was kind of funny. The guy wanted a bunch of free crap. Har har har.


That doesn't mean I respect this guy's hobby, though. Yeah, people are different. Some people like collecting balls or beanie babies or my little ponies. The fact that there are people weirder than this guy isn't going to stop me from making fun of him.


Really the only thing that bothers me is how he gets all sanctimonious. First of all, if you're a cop and you want respect, you don't get to whine about how someone not kissing your ass means it has something to do with your job. You're better off just shutting up and doing your job the way you're supposed to instead of reminding everybody what a great guy and selfless public servant you think you are.


Secondly, wow at this dude's blog. I think he spent a little bit too much time on that. This guy needs a hobby or something. Oh, wait..

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Even though the whole situation makes me uncomfortable I'll say this for HY, when the bullpen coach offered him another ball... that was ridiculous. I've never caught a ball at a game, I hope to some day before I die. If I catch one, it's going to take a heck of a lot for me to give it up. It means something to me because I've always wanted to catch a ball at a game, not because it's some guys first career home run. I'd give it up when informed that it was his first career home run, but it would be hard. I always thought the teams offered quite a bit, never knew it had to come to a negotiation.

I really agree with you here. I think if you just gave it back without negotiating, this would be about what you could expect. I also wouldn't be surprised if they expected you to just give it back and not expect anything in return. I don't think they'd give you something really cool just for being a nice guy. It works both ways; a lot of people are very greedy and think the world revolves around them.

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On his blog he lists the balls he got during batting practice. Ball #9 was tossed to him from Chris Coghlan. Given that, it would have been nice if he would have been a bit more agreeable in giving the guy his HR ball back. Just rubs me the wrong way. He obviously isn't at all grateful to the multiple players/coaches who toss him baseballs every day.
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I think we may need to step back and look at this incident only. People are coming in this post with a past dislike for the guy, for whatever reasons, and using this incident as a catalyst to belittle him. It's sad, if half of what was sad about Happy was said about even a guy like Zambrano, the thread would be locked and bans would be issued.
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Well, he could certainly have said "no, I want to keep the ball, I'm sorry but I'm not interested in trading for anything". Why didn't he if it was so significant to him?


This probably hits the nail on the head- he wasn't 'gracious' to keep negotiating, he likely never had the slightest intention of actually keeping the ball for himself, he just wanted to see what more he could get if he held out longer.

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I'm starting to lose track of what this debate is even about. Who cares what the ball meant to HY, he was the legal owner of the ball and thus could do whatever he wanted with it. Coughlan never owned that ball, he just used it. The whole thing seems like Capitalism 101 to me. I hope that were I ever presented with the same situation I would have enough class to handle things with grace but since I'm hearing two different versions of the story I can't really judge either of them. The whole sentiment of need/desire = entitlement is very frustrating however and if anyone truly believes that sentiment I have some college loans that I need/desire to be payed off.
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I've never caught a ball at a game, I hope to some day before I die. If I catch one, it's going to take a heck of a lot for me to give it up. It means something to me because I've always wanted to catch a ball at a game, not because it's some guys first career home run. I'd give it up when informed that it was his first career home run, but it would be hard.
I've never caught one either, but I'd imagine that catching someone's first home run, shaking his hand and congratulating him, and swapping it for a signed ball would be even more memorable.
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It's sad, if half of what was sad about Happy was said about even a guy like Zambrano, the thread would be locked and bans would be issued.


I kind of doubt that one. I think for the most part the discussion on here has been pretty restrained. You should go see what some other boards are saying about this if you want to see ban-worthy material.

The Paul Molitor Statue at Miller Park: http://www.facebook.com/paulmolitorstatue
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The Major League Player's Association calls baseball a business.

The owners of the teams call baseball a "business".

The Management of the teams call baseball a "business".

The players hold out or gripe all over the media about money and "business"

YOU as Brewers fans go to the ball park and look for a jersey of your favorite player, and the price tag reads "$250" (not game worn BTW)

YOU as a fan are expected to pay several hundred dollars for a broken bat from a player.

YOU get charged $12 to park, $30 for a seat, $6.50 for a beer, $3.00 for a bottle of -water-, $5.50 for a Bratwurst, etc.

YOU go to 10 games a year. YOU have given the Milwaukee Brewers around a grand for the season, of which MLB gets a cut, and shares revenue.


The Happy Youngster goes to probably 40+ home games, 5-6 away games, spring training, clubhouse sales, fan events, and a game or two per year not involving the Brewers. He coughs up including travel, lodging, etc, a huge chunk of cash. I'm thinking he's at least a pretty good Brewers fan. I'm thinking he understands how baseball treats fans at times. "It's a business" baseball says, and they are then shocked when a fan accepts that approach and "calls a spade a spade". He started off asking for what he asked for (not relying on the Marlins media to paint a neutral picture ya know) and expected to go much lower because of a "business".

You guys are vilifying some hip cat for getting a baseball bat in return for a ball? I don't care who signs the stinking bat. I don't care if he asked for tickets to a game somewhere. Baseball supplies what fans want. HY had the opportunity to supply baseball what it wanted. Do you really feel he was wrong for asking something in return? If I had caught that ball and I said I wanted a couple tickets to 2-3 future Brewers games, am I wrong too? Remember now, baseball charges for souvenirs fans want. HY had a souvenir a player wanted. He charged for it. You call him greedy or selfish. Baseball is greedy too but you guys are kind of forgetting that right now I think.

-I used to have a neat-o signature, but it got erased.
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