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Fixing Autograph Friday's...

I just got off the phone with Matt Kinney, and we were discussing the complete chaos that is autograph friday's. He was very freindly, and we talked about different ideas on how to fix the mess every single friday. I thanked him already, but if any Brewers brass reads this, I would just like to thank Mr. Kinney for taking the time to listen to my opinion. Matt said that they are trying to find a solution to the problem and are open to ideas, he said that he didn't want 600 calls, but they are open to ideas. We as Brewers fans are really lucky that the team does this because no other team in the majors does this throughout the season, I just worry that we are going to lose it if something does not change soon, because the second that a 6 year old gets trampled by a 300 pound adult, that will be the end...I'm going to try and relay what we talked about, and I hope I don't forget anything.


First off, I expressed my idea for an "easy fix" to the situation, here goes: To the right of the home plate entrance there are ticket windows that I have never seen open before. The Uecker line (#12) always seems to be the last one open. My suggestion was to put signs on those ticket windows and start the lines there. For example, ticket window #13 would have a sign that said Braun, and the line would form there, #14 say Seder, and a line form there, etc...I think all that would have to be done is say that tickets get handed out at 5:30 or 5:15 whatever time they want, and that way there is no mad dash or running inside, and that way it does truly go to the first person. My idea was to hand out tickets or wristbands with the section that the player is signing in, and then all you have to do is walk to the section. In my mind, this helps a lot because it doesn't exclude people that can't run, it truly would be a first come first serve type of deal, which I think is the most fair way? Not who is faster...


Mr. Kinney thought that there were some problems with the idea because how many tickets do you hand out? For example, Braun signs less autographs than Prince Fielder because he talks a lot more and he personalizes a lot of stuff. So if they handed out 90 tickets, what happens if Braun only has time to sign 70 autographs? I didn't think to make the response, and I should have, I don't think that the ticket has to be a guaranteed thing...It could just have a number on it that says your spot in line - - but that would be a head ache for the ushers I'm sure as people would not be in order...


My response to that was to just use one entrance as the autograph friday entrance, they could put out the metal railings outside, and form 6 or 7 lines, however many they need for however many players/coaches are signing. and one line is braun, one is seder, etc...So say they would designate one of the home plate gates as the place to line up for the autographs. Then ushers would escort the line to the correct aisle...this way there is nothing handed out no tickets, etc...but it takes away the running and what not when the gates open and you go to a section. They may have to let that gate open first, like say at 5:15 instead of 5:30, but I don't see why that is a big problem. I've been to plenty of parks where certain gates open before other ones, so I don't know if it will be an issue with employees there 15 minutes earlier or not, but it is done in other places...He said that they had thought about that, but they think that people will still skip lines and cheat...


He said that autograph friday's were meant to have a personal interaction with a player, and it has turned into something a lot worse...We can debate about who is ruining it, (ex. dealers) but that I don't think is going to get us as fans anywhere...Dealers are always going to be getting autographs, it is part of the hobby, it is something people have to "deal" with...


Again he said that he is open to suggestions, so if you have any, it would be great if you could post them...My plan would be to then email him everything that we as fans have said...Hopefully we can at least get some new ideas out there...


Thank you for all of your time,


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I should also mention that he said one of the things they are thinking about is having the lineup completely random so no one knows going in...the reason for this was because the whole thing was created so that fans could have an interaction with a player, and they think that this will cut down some of the chaos, personally, i think it creates more chaos because then in my opinion, people will be running in all different directions trying to figure out where the best player is signing.
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My question is this?


How many autographs of the same player do people need?


Why on earth do people get Braun 20 times unless they are selling?


I have one Braun autograph, and that is all I need as a fan... I'd be interested in getting another, but not at the price of denying others who don't have it yet.


I know there are people here who have countless items autographed by the same players, what is the point?


I don't blame the players one bit for not wanting to sign for the same people on a constant basis, whether they are selling or just hoarding the sigs for themselves.


Simple fact is, eventually, they will shut it down because people are glutons. Let the kids get the thrill of meeting their favorite players.


Why not let the auto lines be for kids, say 14 and under, or 16 and under... Of course, then you would have adults abusing the kids by paying them off for autos, etc...


The entire "business" of autos cheapens the point to begin with. The point being, having sigs of your favorite players. It has now become an obsession for some, and a livelyhood for those who sell. What do the players get by stopping in the player's lot and signing?

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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My question is this?


How many autographs of the same player do people need?


Why on earth do people get Braun 20 times unless they are selling?


I have one Braun autograph, and that is all I need as a fan... I'd be interested in getting another, but not at the price of denying others who don't have it yet.


I know there are people here who have countless items autographed by the same players, what is the point?


I don't blame the players one bit for not wanting to sign for the same people on a constant basis, whether they are selling or just hoarding the sigs for themselves.


Simple fact is, eventually, they will shut it down because people are glutons. Let the kids get the thrill of meeting their favorite players.


Why not let the auto lines be for kids, say 14 and under, or 16 and under... Of course, then you would have adults abusing the kids by paying them off for autos, etc...


The entire "business" of autos cheapens the point to begin with. The point being, having sigs of your favorite players. It has now become an obsession for some, and a livelyhood for those who sell. What do the players get by stopping in the player's lot and signing?

I can argue my stance on this all day long, but let's please try and keep the discussion on how to fix the thing instead of what has hurt it...
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I have not gone to an autograph session in years, mostly because it wasn't worth the trouble of dealing with the "trouble makers". Also, I don't like lines so it's just not worth it. I'm sure I'll still take the kids from time to time, but whatever.


Anyhow, any chance we can keep this thread on topic? Brian's trying to gather advice and I can just see this falling into an ugly debate about getting auto's in the first place.


The first thing that popped into my mind was making the player line ups random. I agree with this 100%. When I did go to the AutoFriday's, I rarely "tried" to get a certain player. When I did it rarely worked out. My thinking has evolved into - I'll be happy with anyone for free, but I'm resigned to the fact that if I really want a particular piece signed, I'll need to pay for it. Yes, it kind of sucks, but it is what it is.

20Fry : April 2006 - March 2012
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ok sorry... just had an opinion to share, didn't mean to throw it off topic. No offense intended BillyHallFan.


My solution is to have the lines be kids only... (pick your age limit...14 and under, 16 and under...) just like some of the give-aways, it should be about the kids getting to meet their heroes, not a bunch of adults trying to cash in.

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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20fry - that is something that he said they talked strongly about I just don't understand how that fixes the running and pushing once the gates open? For example, once the gates open, if it is random, wouldn't everyone just run around like crazy trying to figure out where fielder, braun, etc... are signing? Not trying to shoot down your input and I appreciate it, I'm just wondering if I understand it correctly...Or would you suggest that they hand something out as to where you are supposed to go? I think that seems like a mass of confusion...


turbo - thanks for the input, I guess to me, I just don't understand why adults shouldn't be permitted to get autographs...I've met a lot of collectors that are over 70 years old, I don't really think it is right to exclude them just because some people sell autographs...again it is something that has entered the hobby and it won't go away...

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I agree with BHF on several aspects here. I think randomized lineups will only create a stampede, and I am totally against making it just for kids. A lot of these "kids" are the ones who collect autos and sell them off to dealers. Some of them are basically employees for dealers. If it sounds far-fetched, trust me, it's reality.


And I'm 22. I like autographs. I spend a lot of money on the Brewers. I think I should get a chance for some perks, too. I'm not gonna cut off a kid in line or shove a kid out of the way, but if I'm willing to patiently wait in line for Ryan Braun, I should get a chance to see him. I've gotten him six times and each time it's a fun experience.

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I don't think there is an "easy solution" to this. I agree that we are lucky to have these dates, and had a feeling that as last year went on that we would not have these opportunities again. Seems like too big of a liability for the Brewers to keep doing things the way they do. I like the "wrist band" idea the best. Give out 80/90/100 "Guranteed" wrist bands. Let the players know that when they are done, they are done and can go in. Start giving out the wrist bands at a certain time on a "first come, first served" basis and go from there. Takes the "stress" and "danger" out of the situation. (Similar to how they did Yount and Uecker at the On-Deck event about three years ago) Of course, this system pays for those who get their "early", and as a teacher, I am easily able to do this almost every week. However, if you have eight guys signing each night (or ten with alumni) you are giving out a thousand autographs. Did you ask him at all about the possibility of getting blue sharpies on the tables? That is really my one complaint/concern after last week. As someone who has been a collector since I was nine years old, and have been a dealer and promoter at times, I don't really think that dealers are a big issue here. Knowing who owns stores and who has tables at shows, you really don't see those guys in line. (At times I have wished more dealers were there so I could "hire" them to get something signed for me.) The most aggressive people in my opinion are the "regulars" who take their autographs very seriously (myself included) who love autograph fridays and do sprint to the lines to try to get a signature of the player(s) they need the most to finish off the item(s) they are working on. In most cases, I believe (I could be wrong) those signatures don't get sold, it is just you see the same people there every week (myself included) and so the "dedicated die-hard autograph collector" line gets blurred between those people and those that are called "dealers". Am I wrong on this observation? Thanks for the making the phone call. Very "heads-up" and proactive on your part. I think the best thing for the Brewers to do, whatever they do, is to be fair, honest and up-front with the fans. I also think that the Brewers could do something with the players to raise money for charity with "us" as a community. I know that Todd Helton, Troy Tulowitski (sp) and Larry Walker (before he left) will/would sign through the mail for $25.00 per sig for Rockies charities. If I had that opportunity with the Brewers I would write a check and jump at the chance to get Billy Hall, Rickie, Weeks, and such. It would keep me (and some others) away on most autograph fridays and allow more fans to partake in the "experience" which is what the Brewers want.
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hofcs - I agree with pretty much everything you just said, and also agree with that observation...however, I can tell you that the owner from Waukesha Sportscards was in the line on Friday for Braun, but who cares?


I did ask about the blue sharpies, and I think he was a little mad that I brought it up because he said that if someone isn't selling them what does it matter what color it is in...long story short, I need to contact a guy named David Barnes to ask him about that, I plan on doing that tomorrow as it was after normal business hours when he called me back...


thanks for your input...

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I'm 100% against making it "kid only". I understand the sentiment, but there are plenty of adult fans who want an autograph too. I'm not talking about the hard core collectors either, I'm talking about the regular guy (or girl) who thinks, "a JJ Hardy signed ball would be really cool". Nothing wrong with that.


As for my thoughts on the randomness thing. It's certainly not perfect, but I think it's better than the chaos that they have now. No assigned players, just 10 lines (or whatever number) and you get in line not knowing who is coming. Yes, it would suck for people like you and I who want certain items signed by certain players. However, for the people who, as Turbo points out, just want an autograph for their kids it's fine. No stampedes, just lines (and a surprise autograph).


Granted, this is not a particularly well thought idea. It's just the first thing I thought of. I guess my thought is, it's free, so I can't complain (much). But who knows. Maybe I'll sit and think about it and decide I hate the idea too.

20Fry : April 2006 - March 2012
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If it is truly something they designed to promote fan interaction, then they should go back to just having the 5x7 player cards and not allow anyone to get other stuff signed. That would cut down on the dealers and others who are just looking to get stuff signed to resell.


Or maybe have the cards for free, and then sell special Brewers/Autograph Fridays logo baseballs for $5 (not OMLBs) and those would be the only 2 items they are allowed to sign. You could get one of those balls at the start of the year and get it signed by the whole team if you want or buy separate ones for each player. Not being official balls would hurt the dealers/resellers, but anyone who just thinks it's cool to have a ball signed would be more than happy. They could even maybe donate the profits from the balls (since they probably are around $1 or less in bulk) to Brewers Charities.

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I really like that last suggestion. There are plenty of options to meet players and get autographs throughout the season that don't seem to include the mass chaos of Auto Fridays, so if you really, really want something else signed, you have options. Making it charitable and forcing the sigs this way is smart.
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Three things:

The random part...You all know as much as I do that we'd all be extremely PO'd if you went down to Miller Park at 3:30, stood in line, picked a random section to see Jorge Julio come out while Prince and Braun are in the two sections sandwiching you.


The Brewers ball/cards part...Those Brewers balls are extremely generic and within 2 years they will turned into superfading/bleeding. The cards would be okay to an extent, but I would much rather get a ball signed over an 8x10, 5x8 etc, because it's smaller and easier to display.


Random thought part (related to 20fry's thought)...There isn't many other public signings of players that I know of outside of Auto fridays and Legends...Legends overprices greatly as I think most of us will agree on. So trying to complete a multi-sig item, or what not would become very difficult. For example, would Mike Rivera have ANY draw at Legends? I only use him for example because he's basically the last guy I need from my team bat last year, and really, does he deserve to charge people? He only played in like 16 games last year, and basically a career minor leaguer before that.


BHF, I personally think your idea of lining up next to the Uecker line ticket window is the best. Tickets over wristbands, as people could easily transfer wristbands and whatnot, and it'd be too much to have someone clipping them. Tickets can be just be taken, and that's that. I've been wishing this on the past few years since I saw how smooth the Yount/Uecker thing went at FanFest.


Quick final thought on autographs being only for kids...I didn't get many autos as a kid, but that's when I started collecting them. At some point all kids grow up, and shouldn't have to discontinue a hobby because of their age (unless it's playing GI Joe or ding dong ditch).

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I don't think that idea is bad, especially because I get the 5x7 cards signed each year. However most events where you can get autographs are somewhat chaotic...........Auto Fridays, Block Parties...........the easiest cure to avoid the chaos is to trade Braun, Fielder, Hoffman, Weeks, Hall, Gallardo, etc. Then the crowds would go not be nearly as large!!!



I remember back in the 90s, when you could get EVERY GUY signing in the 20 minutes!

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IMO a parent sending their 6 year old in at the front of the line for the initial stampede sounds like the problem. So don't do that and that pretty much solves that part. And if you're so completely disenchanted by the whole thing don't go at all. That's the solution to that. Or just go and get one of the non star players. It would be great if everybody could have a Braun & Fielder autograph but it's never going to happen. Plus I think the whole "personal interaction" thing is nonsense too. Maybe somebody gets all warm and fuzzy because they got to spend 4 seconds "interacting" but I personally just want something that looks cool to display on a shelf or hang on my wall. All this idea about tickets and lines and usher escorts and somehow keeping 8 lines separate would cost money in the form of employees doing these things, which I"m sure the team isn't all that interested in. The bottom line is that however you do it, 70-80% of the people that show up for these things are going to go away empty handed and disappointed.

Why on earth do people get Braun 20 times unless they are selling?

How's it even possible to get Braun 20 times? And if it is, good for the person that did it because they probably spent about 100 hours doing it and I won't begrudge them their $3 an hour profit or whatever it comes out to be after they sell 'em on eBay.

I I have one Braun autograph, and that is all I need as a fan... I'd be interested in getting another, but not at the price of denying others who don't have it yet.

I'd like another one too. And if I invest my time standing in line and I was ahead of somebody that doesn't have one yet, that's too bad.

I know there are people here who have countless items autographed by the same players, what is the point?

Because a bunch of different Braun 8x10's hanging on my rec room wall would look pretty damn cool. Why does anyone need more than one shirt? They should give up their spot in line for me at the Team Store because I don't have one yet and I'm sick of standing in line during the game.
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I didn't expect anyone here to agree with me by having only kids allowed in the auto lines. Since most here are colectors, my opinion wasn't going to be the most popular, but I've seen a lot of frustrated kids unable to get their idols auto due to the big selfish adults...


It's just too bad that something can't be done to allow the kids a better shot at getting the autos...

"I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!" Ajax - The WARRIORS
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for the whole "plastic baseball" thing, I don't really understand the point of that, the autograph would be gone from the baseball in two years, so then the fan that got it, can't even enjoy it...


I guess I have yet to understand why some people think, and obviously the brewers, that if someone is getting a nice item signed, it is going on ebay. I happen to like 16x20's, and I'm trying to get a lot of the Brewers on a team one, currently only Braun is on it, just because it is something other than a sharpie baseball, or a card, or a 5x7 does not mean it is going on ebay...Just because people care about the quality of their time and effort, doesn't mean that they are in it to make money...


In terms of only being able to get the 5x7's signed, as much as I hate that idea, it is actually a pretty good concept...It used to say that was all you could get signed anyway, and that might be what ends up happening...


Thanks again for everyone's opinion.

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I definitely think that handing out wristbankds or tickets of some sort is the best solution. That worked best for the Brewers On-Deck events the past couple of years (especially with one entrance this last year). I'd be ok with the randomness of the autographs. Autograph Fridays are just a quick way to get a player you're really looking to get. In MOST cases, if you try hard enough, you can get one of these guys at some point throughout the season if you try hard enough, but it is a good way to get a guy when you know he's going to be signing on a certain day.


As for the autos for the kids, I'm all for kids being able to stand in line and meet their favorite Brewers. But I don't think it should be limited to that. I grew up with Yount, Molitor, and Gantner and I didn't get their autographs until about a year ago, because I just wasn't able to as a kid. Autographs, to me, are a fun way to stay close to the sport and enjoy it for years to come, pretty much all of my autographs I know when I got it and the significant story behind those autos. Those are stories I'll share with my kids some day. I think I enjoy it more now than I did when I was young because most of the time when I was younger, I don't even remember the stories of the autographs I got.

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I like the idea of using the outside ticket windows to hand out tickets or wristbands for a certain player. Another idea is to hand out random tickets with an assigned section number on them to the first __#___ fans entering at home plate. You would then go to the assigned section on your card and wait in line. They could limit the number of tickets given out with the understanding not everybody with a ticket will get an autograph or if time allows people in an overflow line would also get autographs.

Also, they need to do something about people at TGIF's getting in early.

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>>Also, they need to do something about people at TGIF's getting in early.<<


They get in early, but they still have to wait in a (slightly closer) line. That line is a giant mess, but if it makes you feel any better - I've been in that line a few times only to see people from other entrances racing to the autograph sections before the Fridays usher got the "ok" to let people in. It cuts both ways.

20Fry : April 2006 - March 2012
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If the whole intent is to cut down on running and stampeding, wouldn't the logical thing to do be ban people from running?! My idea is to have the "Home Plate" entrances as the designated Autograph Friday's entrances. Open those gates like 5-10 minutes before all the others, and load that area with ushers and security. Make signs or announce that if you run, you get kicked out. I'm sure that would be a big hindrance. This would also cut down on people running in from Friday's and the right field entrance because they would open 5-10 minutes later.


It just seems logical that if you want to cut down on running, you do something to ban running. I just don't see how forming lines outside the stadium for wristbands is going to help matters much. In my opinion, that would be total chaos. If you give out 90 wristbands that aren't guaranteed, wouldn't people just run into the stadium so they get as far up in line as possible?


In the past I've thought it just made sense to put signs up at different entrances outside the stadium, have an usher or 2 watching that line, and then once the gates open, the usher could walk that line into the stadium. So instead of listing the sections where the players will sign, list the entrance where the player's line will be. But I think the system is fine as is... as long as they find a way to eliminate running.

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The only way you stop people from running when you "ban" it is to break their legs. Sorry, but have you ever seen a Black Friday?


I'm in the minority who thinks it should be for children only. It may be an unpopular view but when a 10-year old gets shafted on an autograph from his hero because a 42-year old needs yet another autograph to do god know what with, it seems there's a problem. I can certainly understand a hobby but there are plenty of other ways to get an autograph.

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the last few auto fridays i went to have been chaos. last year for braun i was first in line outside and was #88 of the 90 they let get autos inside. because i only jogged instead of ran i was literally shoulder blocked off my feet, and slid across the floor. anyone that has met me knows i am not a small guy(6'3" 230). also last year the line outside was crazy with people just cutting in line because they knew somebody that was in line that had been there since 3. when i called out people on this i was either ignored or in the case of one lady she said she wasn`t leaving the line because she had a bad leg and it was only fair she should cut line.


i like the lines outside idea, as long as it isn`t being cut by friends of the people up front. someone will get hurt sooner or later with the current situation.

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