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Six games in, what do we know?


I know 6 games is a tiny sample when looking at a full baseball season but I think it's safe to say the following:


-Suppan is a major liability in the rotation (master of the obvious). Why Macha had him start the first game is beyond me. He is going to be the Glendon Rusch of this year's team...I predict he will be out of the rotation by late May with an 0-6 record and and ERA over 6.


-The bullpen is below average without a healthy Hoffman. I'm ok with a bullpen of McClung, Stetter, Coffey, Villa and an effective Hoffman; Julio is a joke and I think a combo of Villa/Hoffman for the 8th/9th would be great.


-The offense will be above average when it's all said and done. We've played 5 of 6 games against All-Star starting pitchers (and relievers if you count Marmol) and done alright, not great but it should only get easier from here on.


-Rivera needs to play more. In his limited playing time, he's shown he can hit the ball so why not give him more chances especially when Kendall is ice cold.


Overall, it feels like we are a good starter and a good reliever away from contending. In other words, right now we're a pretty average team (78-84 wins). Whether or not we can hold things together for most of the season and hope Melvin can make a decent deal or two in July remains to be seen.

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Great post. I had a few other thoughts as well.


- Rickie Weeks is looking better at the plate so far. I hope this continues on. In fact, he might even get better once we start to face more normal to average pitching for a change.


- Other than Carlos Marmol, the Cubs have a bullpen problem as well. Nobody in their pen has looked impressive so far.


- Corey Hart seems more patient and seems more willing to take walks. However, he still has a lot of trouble with sliders out of the strike zone.


- The Brewers and Cubs games all came down to the final pitch. Any of these games could have gone either way if not for a few questionable calls and a few inches here and there (i.e close plays at first, close plays on stolen bases, and a near grand slam)


- I worry about our bench being a weakness. The guys we have are not going to do much unless they play everyday in the minors. I think you need veterans (i.e. Gabe Kapler) who have seen lots of major league pitching and can likely be more successful off the bench.


- Todd Coffey continues to do well in pressure situations. I am starting to become a big fan.

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Only thing that really needs to happen is for Hardy to wake up at the plate. He has been by far the most disappointing and frustrating to watch at the plate so far.



What about Braun? I think he hit the snooze button a couple too many times this spring by getting injured, but he needs to wake up too. We need his bat in a major way.

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It's weirdly comforting that Rickie wasn't even close to being the biggest issue over the first week. He's been fine, and I hope it continues.


The pitching has been about what I expected -- spotty. Offensively, I feel as though I'm just seeing a succession of so-so at-bats. I totally agree with AJAY's post above about Corey; he looks horrible on that slider away, as does Braun. My fear is that teams are going to figure that out and just pound them there. They are both so impatient that it might be effective.


As for Kendall, he is 59 for his last 282 (a lusty .209 clip) as a Brewer, dating back to last season. Of those 59 hits, I am willing to bet that at least 50 were 13-hop, seeing-eye grounders.

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- Looper seems to have recovered from his spring injury; Very pleased with his first start.

- Braun could use a few days rest to complete a recovery, he doesn't seem 'right.'

- Rickie seems more focused

- McClung, Hardy, Kendall all will improve, I'm not worried

- Parra is crucial and if we get the version we saw Thursday, it could be a long season I thought he would attack more this year, but I still felt like he was nibbling.

- Soup, Jorge really worry me


2-4 isn't great, but

Formerly Andersoc420
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We know absolutely nothing. I could break it down point by point but nothing you posted is certain given what has happened so far. What you thought of players before the season started means more than what these 6 games say.
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- Hart's approach, the walks and 2 opposite field blasts.

- Weeks, most are impressed with his bat - as am I - but I'm more impressed with his D. He made 2 great defensive plays in the opener and that throw on Sat. could have been better, but it beat the runner and that's all that matters.

- Gallardo

- Macha, I like what I've seen for the most part.



- Goes without saying, but Soup..... I would have rather seen Soriano hit a granny last night....... at least make them earn it.

- JJ and Braun both have started out slow, JJ doesn't worry me because he is streaky..... always has been, but Brauny seems to be pressing right now, although it was nice to see him take the walk last night.

- Kendall...... off to a slow start would be an understatement.


I had to keep reminding myself last night that we are only 6 games in.......

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I tend to agree with Ender's point that a week of games doesn't reveal much. However we do know that Macha's decision to start Suppan in the opener that also resulted in Gallardo missing the Cub series was a mistake. That confirms what most of us thought a month ago.


My other impressions of the first week:


Kendall's done nothing to allay my fears (which I've expressed often) is that he's done as a hitter. He's hit one ball hard in 5 games. I suspect at some point he'll get a hit or two, but he's a .220 hitter now with no power. That I have to watch him 140 or so more games is discouraging.


Duffy may be no upgrade at all from Gwynn. All spring numbers need to be taken in context. This was a guy who the Pirates gave up on. That says a lot right there. At best, he's a marginal 5th outfielder.


Counsell's looked as good up there as I've seen him in a Brewer uniform.


Weeks had a nice first week. That talk about Randolph helping him and what they've worked on in hitting may actually mean something.


I still think Jon Garland would have been a much better signing than Braden Looper. Nothing that's happened so far has changed my mind on that.


Macha has a very slow hook. He didn't get burned too bad by leaving Bush in the other night, but we all know that Bush looses it quick and needs to get out of there when he does.


The bullpen would look a lot better with Juan Cruz in it.

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I guess I am not to worried yet, we've faced 4 very good starting pitchers and our offense isn't really clicking yet. Once JJ and Braun start hitting the offense will be fine. Considering the pitching we have faced they have done a pretty darn good job. The opposing pitchers pitch county has routinely been extremely high. I also agree that Kendall has just looked pathetic at the plate this year, at somp point his lack of offense will diminish the value of his defense. Rivera is obviouly a much better hitter and I am not so sure that he is that far behind Kendall defensively. I have been very happy with Weeks, Hart, Fielder, and Cameron so far.


Obviously I am worried about Suppan and the high number of walks for almost all of the pitchers. Coffey, Looper, and Gallardo were bright spots in the 1st week but everyone else has struggled somewhat.


Yesterday's game was by far the most frustrating, even more than the Saturday loss, the pitching staff pretty much gave the game away yesterday.

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Rickie has not only looked better at the plate and on D, but even his body language is different-

It looks like he feels like he belongs in the bigs-

used to look like a lost little boy, but he's got a lot of confidence-


and after last night's game, we also know that Joe Morgan has not become any less annoying to listen to...

btw, obviously it sucked that it was a homer against the Crew, but the camera angle on ESPN last night from right behind the catcher for that first pitch that Soriano tagged looked pretty amazing-

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Here's what I've learned so far since the season started.


Spring training doesn't prepare you for the high pressure of regular play. Case in point, JJ and Duffy, who both had relaxed, monster springs, are having ABs that look rushed and desperate.


Prince and Braun in clutch, must-get-a-hit situations, swing for the fences when often a double would do.


Coffey is a nice pick up and will help stabilize our pen.


I'd feel more comfortable with McClung in rather than Soup. At least Big Red has an out pitch or two.


Umpires hate us. That's already at least a half dozen game altering decisions haven't gone our way in the first week. If these things even themselves out, we got some catchup decisions coming our way soon.


Brewerfan.net for the most part is letting Macha away with some managerial moves (Bush going too long Saturday, Soup starting at SF, the loooooong inning before the hook last night) that would have gotten Yost absolutely crucified here (pun intended). It's early, but Macha hasn't impressed me much yet.


The Brewers absolutely can hold their own against the class of the division (and maybe the NL). We could have taken the weekend 3-0, or lost 0-3. If that doesn't scream competitiveness, I don't know what does.


Man, I've missed Miller Park. You forget just how good that first game of a new season is, until you take your seats with a dog and a beer.


We're gonna ride the young horses hard, because Soup, and maybe Looper don't look likely to go deep too often. That bullpen may be putting up career highs for innings pitched, come September.


Counsell scares pitchers with his normal new stance - so much so that they keep walking him.

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Here is what I have learned but I'll still say that 6 games can make anyone look good or bad so it is pretty meaningless overall.


Officiating is just as bad as last year. Already a number of terrible calls and the strike zone in a couple of our games has been criminal. (that is not an excuse for suppan last night, the starter does need to adjust to a bad strike zone, Dempster did, Suppan didn't)


Weeks really does look like a different player, hopefully it keeps up.


Braun looks hurt to me, I won't be surprised if we see him on the 60 day DL before the end of the year and that will be the end of our season. I'm really worried about it.


Looper looked good, his control was off but that isn't a surprise considering he missed so much of spring training, I really like the movement on his stuff. (Garland isn't any better and costs more so I'll disagree with JB on that part!).


DiFelice has really impressed me, I hadn't seen him pitch before spring training so what we've seen this year is all I can go on but I'd rather start him than Suppan.


Jason Kendall needs to sit more often. He was valuable last year because of the defense but to expect him to repeat his career year defensively at his age is probably wishful thinking.


Hart has taken more walks but his approach at the plate is still terrible.

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I also agree that Kendall has just looked pathetic at the plate this year, at somp point his lack of offense will diminish the value of his defense.


I think that this has already happened -- I think Kendall's CS% will be closer to 18% than the 40% he had last year.


I'd feel more comfortable with McClung in rather than Soup. At least Big Red has an out pitch or two.


I would probably agree that I would rather see McClung in instead of Suppan, but I would rather see DiFelice instead of McClung as a starter -- and just keep McClung as a LR guy -- which I get the feeling is going to be used a lot this year.


It's early, but Macha hasn't impressed me much yet.


Agreed... Good thing I am still in full-battle mode from last year.


Braun looks hurt to me, I won't be surprised if we see him on the 60 day DL before the end of the year and that will be the end of our season. I'm really worried about it.


I think you are on to something here.

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I tend to agree with Ender's point that a week of games doesn't reveal much. However we do know that Macha's decision to start Suppan in the opener that also resulted in Gallardo missing the Cub series was a mistake. That confirms what most of us thought a month ago.


My other impressions of the first week:


Kendall's done nothing to allay my fears (which I've expressed often) is that he's done as a hitter. He's hit one ball hard in 5 games. I suspect at some point he'll get a hit or two, but he's a .220 hitter now with no power. That I have to watch him 140 or so more games is discouraging.


Duffy may be no upgrade at all from Gwynn. All spring numbers need to be taken in context. This was a guy who the Pirates gave up on. That says a lot right there. At best, he's a marginal 5th outfielder.


Counsell's looked as good up there as I've seen him in a Brewer uniform.


Weeks had a nice first week. That talk about Randolph helping him and what they've worked on in hitting may actually mean something.


I still think Jon Garland would have been a much better signing than Braden Looper. Nothing that's happened so far has changed my mind on that.


Macha has a very slow hook. He didn't get burned too bad by leaving Bush in the other night, but we all know that Bush looses it quick and needs to get out of there when he does.


The bullpen would look a lot better with Juan Cruz in it.

I agree with most of this. To me Soup is almost to the point where we might be better cutting our losses and eating the contract because I seriously feel every time he takes the mound we are going to lose.


Looper is solid if unspectacular and probably would do nicely in the #4-5 role so I am not concerned about his signing... and he was cheap/short term so those things make him far more tolerable.


As for Julio, we knew that most of this bullpen was made up of retreads that had been dumped by other teams for a reason... someone was not going to hold up their end at some point. I would think we'll avoid Turnbow/Gagne level disasters but certainly I expect someone to struggle enough where we need to change the pen up during the season at some time.


Kendall at this point scares me a little because I think his hitting skills are gone (not unlike Varitek but Tek at least has power still) and he's going to get ABs just because of the reputation has has defensively and with handling the staff... that's a lot of automatic outs in the lineup. Anyone else think Macha came off completely insane by even suggesting he might play Kendall at lead off?



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I think they look pretty good so far. The only game they were never in was Parra's 7-1 loss. The team played well in Suppan's two starts and might have won both those games were it not for his shoddy pitching. Last night's game was the first instance where the other team scored first. Even then the Brewers tied the scored in their first at bat.


That 2-4 record is all on Suppan.

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We don't all know Bush can fall aprt quicly, at least not anymore than any other starter. His pitch count was low, so there was no reason to pull him right away. It's not even practical.


After 6 games, there's no way I'm adjusting expectactions for any player yet. We can make some observations about players healths but that's about it.


I haven't been impressed with Macha so far but I really wasn't expecting to.

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Braun looks hurt to me, I won't be surprised if we see him on the 60 day DL before the end of the year and that will be the end of our season. I'm really worried about it.
Come on...what are you really basing this on? I know he isn't hitting that well yet, but he barely got any real spring training time. He could easily just have a bit of rust on yet. He doesn't look hurt on defense at all. It's going to take more than a handful of swing throughs for me to panic about Braun....and even if he is somehow still hurt a bit, jumping to the conclusion he's going to go on the 60 day DL is a tad extreme.
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I won't be surprised isn't a conclusion it is a statement that it won't surprise me if he is hurt.


His swing just hasn't looked right since early spring training. He had the same injury flare up after resting it the entire off-season, an injury that never got fixed just rested and one that you can't really 'fix' you have to 'manage' it. I'm worried about it, sorry if that offends you somehow.

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I think it is too early for us to really evaluate the Brewers yet. But of course I will try. We still make too many errors. Maybe this coaching staff will be able to improve on that. I think we have too many feast or famine hitters. We need more OBP guys. It will be interesting to see Sveum's influence on our hitters as the season goes along. I heard all last year that the key to our line-up was Weeks. I think the key to us scoring runs is the 5-spot. When that spot gets hot, Fielder and Braun will get hot. Actually, I like our bullpen more than I did last year. I think Julio is miscast as long-man though. We will consistently be at a disadvantage in the starting pitching match-ups however.


I don't think Macha knows this team real well yet. Change could occur gradually over the course of the season. We still determine pitching roles by contract, that bothers me. I would like to see McClung in the rotation. I think that he is better as a starter. I think he was a better starter last year than Suppan, Bush, or Parra. Plus, he attacks hitters. We have a bunch of "pitch-around" guys. Suppan, Bush, and Looper tend to not to challenge left-handed hittes and power hitters. Sometimes they will get burned.


Suppan is Suppan. He is what he always was. We just overpaid for him.


I think that this will be a year of evaluation and then in the off-season will change the look of the team (if this season goes bad).

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