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Beyond the score, what this season meant for me.


Sunday afternoon, back from the game. The weather is gloomy, sort of a post game funk.


Sad to see the season end like this, but not a surprise. Given our six week batting slump, and relying on a guy who has not pitched well since August, no surprise. Yet, these are our weaknesses, and they were exploited. No surprise.


Yet, I feel good. Baseball has been important to me most of my 59 years. My first game at Wrigley, yes, Wrigley in 57. My brother Pat, Dad (both gone now) and a guy who had a hook for a hand - WWII vet. It was against Pittsburgh. Pat, always the contrarian, became a Pirate fan after that. No idea who won.


Years and years, many games. Cub Scout trips to Comiskey. Loved that old place with its dark concourse, quirky spaces, and the exploding scoreboard.


Fast forward. We move to Milwaukee in 81. Lucky to marry a lady who is as well a fan. Already, we had been raising the two boys to be fans, started the oldest in Cincinnati, and then number two son in Chicago. Our 1981 daughter had no choice, going to Brewer's games at a very early age. Our fourth, a son, came along in 1989, and has attended more games with me than anyone.


So, where is this going?


Milwaukee baseball is a uniting thread for us, something we as a family have enjoyed, and agonized together for years.


In 82 I took number one son to the WS, last home game, he was seven. We won. Today, we went to his first playoff game in 26 years. Yesterday, youngest son came home for our win. He was with me for the first game at MP, and the All Star game. He would have walked home from UW Eau Claire for the game. Even better, number two son, who now lives in Siberia, yes Siberia, is home for a bit. We went to the clutch game against the Cubs. He was ecstatic, no MLB in Siberia. Unfortunately, our daughter could not get back in town from NYC.


So, a great up and down ride, but no matter what, our time together was again special, and will always be remembered.


Going forward, look at my avatar, that is number one son (The Bwaz on BF Net) with his son, first trip to MP.


So, it will go on.

His memories are just beginning.



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That's a really moving post. Great to see baseball bringing people together. Especially for me - I was raised in a very non-sports house, although I vaguely remember my dad screaming at the TV during the '93 World Series. I hope to be so lucky as to go to baseball games with my grandchildren!
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For me, 2008 was special because I finally got the "Major League Experience" that I have always wanted. I know many of you have heard me complain over the years, but now I finally know what it feels like to be in the Major Leagues.


This what I have always wanted . . . .


1) A winning team

2) Post-season Baseball

3) Regular nationally televised games

4) High profile midseason acquisitions

5) 3 million loud and passionate fans

6) Seeing masses of people in Brewers clothing all over town

7) Being prominently covered on ESPN Baseball Tonight and SportsCenter

8) An owner with deeper pockets and a real payroll

9) A roster with name recognition

10) Higher profile sponsorships

11) Recognition as being a desirable destination for free agents

12) Strong television ratings

13) Overall respect for our city, our fans, and our organization.



Ladies and gentleman, this is how the rest of the baseball world has lived for years. Now we finally get our taste of what it is like to be in the Major Leagues. It feels AWESOME.

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Wow, multiple generations of a family posting on Brewerfan - that's great!


I make up the third generation of baseball fans in my family. My grandfather went to lots of Braves games; he and my grandmother and mother went to the 1955 all-star game, and the 1957 and '58 World Series. I didn't know my mother had attended the 1955 all-star game until she told me, the day before the 2002 equivalent event.

I also didn't know my grandfather's County Stadium seats were in LGS 3 until after he died and I inherited some of his ticket stubs. LGS 3 was our section in the 1990s.


We brought my mom to one of the exhibition games in March. She has physical difficulty with loud noises, so most of the regular season games would have been too noisy for her (now that the team is popular). We also have brought my nephew to an annual game for three years now, so I'm working on developing a fourth generation fan (it helps that he lives near bensheeps and his warped family).

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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We also have brought my nephew to an annual game for three years now, so I'm working on developing a fourth generation fan (it helps that he lives near bensheeps and his warped family).





On behalf of my "warped family", we will continue to do our part with your nephew. Between him and my son, I think the next generation of fans will be taken care of.



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After following this team since the late 70's it was fun to again see them become contenders and make the playoffs. However, my biggest enjoyment this season came from sharing it with my 10 year old son and watching him go through the joy and heartbreak of following a team.


By son has been interested in baseball since he was 3. By the time he was 4 he could name the Brewers lineup (maybe not always pronouncing the names correctly) and would often do so while playing imaginary games in the living room. Over time he collected Brewer autographs and his room has become somewhat of a "shrine" to the Brewers. The last week of the season and last Sunday was very exciting in our house as we all hung on every pitch. I'm sure the neighbors could hear us going nuts as the Brewers clinched the wild card.


I don't think my son had a clear understanding of the playoffs and what the atmosphere was like until he went to the game on Saturday. I could see in his face that it was beyond what he was expecting, especially as we were leaving the park and you could hear "Let's Go BREWERS!...clap, clap, clap,clap, clap....Let Go BREWERS..clap, clap, clap, clap, clap" through out the corridors. I'm not sure how much he slept on Saturday night and he was raring to go Sunday. I don't think he had any thought in his mind that they could possibly lose. Even in the ninth inning when Hart got the single with one out, I think he was still believing the Brewer would pull it off. My wife and I looked at each other, knowing that our son was probably about to be served a hard dose of reality. It didn't really hit my son until we were waiting in the crowd to go down the escalators. I looked down at my son as the tears streamed from his eyes. It tore my heart out, but at a same time it put a bit of a smile on my face as I realized that he was beginning to really understand the highs and lows of being a loyal follower of a sports team.


This morning he called me at work to ask where the game score cards were (he keeps score at all the games). He needed to finish Saturday's game because of the confusion regarding the interference call. I think he's still trying to "re-live" the weekend.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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Thanks for the reminders that it is not always this way with every family. Until reading these stories, I had not thought of our family generations as a whole. I grew up and still live 3 hours away from Milwaukee, so attending games is not near the frequency of many posters. My first game was with my Grandpa, Dad, Uncles and Cousins in the late 70's (Sixto Lezcano hit a homer and I got some blue & yellow striped tube sock that I'd wear for years after that).

One of my nephews attended his first game within a month of his birth and his first opening day with us before his first birthday, so he probably won't remember his first experience as much as I do. A year ago, we were able to take Dad, all the sons & grandsons to a game together; unfortunately Grandpa had passed - so while not ever all at one, I'm proud to be part of four generations of Brewer fans.

I'm also realizing how cool it is to have this continue on the non-professional level. I remember being bat boy and score keeping for Dad's softball team growing up and he coached all four of us through little league. Now, Dad and Mom come to our softball games (all four brothers played together this summer), with Dad keeping our scorebook and the grandsons chasing our homerun and foul balls.

While this is not the case with many families, I will use these points when others argue that sports are overrated and we need to focus more on financial, political & educational issues - I credit the upbringing from my solid family structure with leading to my overall stability in these challenging times, and being a participant & fan in sports has helped in those experiences.

Through thick and thin, win or lose, our family looks forward to watching games together and will always stick by the Brewers - Thanks for a great season guys!

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I attended probably about 65 games with my dad this year. If it weren't for the Brewers, I would probably only see him once every 2-3 months. Instead, I basically see him for 3 months a year. As a girl in my mid-20's, granted, that can get a little old sometimes...but I wouldn't trade this season for the world. I know my Dad isn't going to be around forever, and I'll always remember spending time with him at the games. Most of the time, I'd rather go with just him than bring my friends anyway.
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My comment goes along the lines with Liz's. I've gone to quite a few games with my dad this year and he works 80 hours per week in the summer as an Agricultural Manager. He manages over 10,000 acres of Sweet Corn and Peas so time is scarce for him in the summer, but we did get to the baseball park and he would never go unless the Brewers were good. So thank goodness for the Brewers being good because when we saw C.C. pitch against the Reds and he hit that home run, I was there with my dad. I bought him a C.C. T-Shirt and I'll remember that day for the rest of my life. Good job, Brewers this year and let's hope this is a start to many playoff years.
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Yeah I to had some good times at the park with my Dad this season. We went to 3 games together, including a win on Fathers Day which was special and he got his first bobblehead on Braun bobble day. As the man that taught me baseball growing up and taking me to so many games at County Stadium and him telling me all the stories from back in 81' and 82' time after time, it was nice to share a playoff season together for the Brewers since I was only 3 months old in 82.

Formerly BrewCrewIn2004



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As a 27 year old female who lost her dad 3 summers ago, let me just tell you what you all seem to already know - cherish those moments because they're gone too fast. I know my dad would have loved this season.


He was diagnosed with Leukemia in May of 2005 and was at the VA Hospital. Because of the proximity, I was able to put him in a wheelchair and take him to Miller Park a few days that summer. It was pretty much the only time he didn't hate the wheelchair because it meant spectacular seats and views of the field!

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Well, Dad, thanks for inflicting me with the glorious disease that is baseball. The small one is already on his way; given a choice between some skull scraping inanity on Noggin and the Sox/Rays game last night, he cried for baseball. When the Rays won he tried to shower me with juice. He is 2 and a half. Tonight he asked "No baseball?"


The first game I remember was a Reds game at old Riverfront. I was, 4? We sat in the upper deck and froze, but it was Reds jacket day. I just remember the hugeness of the place. Same stadium 23 years later in 2002, and I had a 10 minute conversation with Ray King over the right field wall before the game.


Unlike the Cubs fans crushing their hats and swearing off baseball, I'm never walking away. Even in spite of the fact the Brewers playoff shirts I ordered 10 minutes after clinching for overnight delivery arrived...today. Eh, I have something to wear next year.

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I turn 30 in a little over a month, my Dad turned 60 this year.


I threw him a surprise party with 25 of his friends and family at Miller Park. It was the last Sunday in April against the Marlins. The look on his face when he walked into the lot that day was priceless, and its something I'll never forget.


He ended up going to the game with me where Braun hit the grand slam and I'd never seen him go crazy at a sporting event before. At least, not like that.


I was 3 years old when the Brewers were last in the playoffs, and this year, I was able to take my Dad to a playoff win at Miller Park.


I know, its just baseball to many, but to me, its so much more.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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As a girl in my mid-20's, granted, that can get a little old sometimes...but I wouldn't trade this season for the world. I know my Dad isn't going to be around forever, and I'll always remember spending time with him at the games. Most of the time, I'd rather go with just him than bring my friends anyway.



How cool, your dad is the High Life guy! LOL!


Seriously, my daughter is also mid 20's. She lives in NYC, but usually gets home for at least one game. She does get to a Brewer Mets game once or twice a year as well. She has a ball I caught of a Robin Yount foul in his last year.


She had to teach me how to text (T9 - Word, and I am really good at it) so I can give her updates when I am at a game.


Great to see how you enjoy games with Pops, I am sure he loves it as well.

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It didn't really hit my son until we were waiting in the crowd to go down the escalators. I looked down at my son as the tears streamed from his eyes. It tore my heart out, but at a same time it put a bit of a smile on my face as I realized that he was beginning to really understand the highs and lows of being a loyal follower of a sports team.


That's a great mental image, Patrick. I know the Brewers brought tears to my eyes this season, so I can only imagine how overwhelming games both 4 & 5 must have been for your son. I'm sure he's going to have the same fond memories of 'growing up Brewers' that many/most of us do.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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I'm surrounded here by Cardinal fans. They are my best friends in the world, and very good fans. But it's been more than a little annoying to hear them complain about LaRussa and that they can't win in the playoffs, or heaven forbid, they get beat out in the last week. It has been so long as a Brewer fan that I've had a real vested interest in late September baseball. I'd almost forgotten how much fun scoreboard watching is, living and dying a bit every day. Giving the Brewers up for dead and watching them step up in the last week. With Extra Innings the last month has been a lot of fun for me. It's a good feeling to remember.


Beyond that, I'm breaking in a new Brewer fan. My wife is a lost cause, the closest I can get is her watching the Packers. But I got to spend a lot of time with my just turned 3 year old daughter. She really doesn't think much of baseball yet, but when her favorite baseball player, JJ Party, hits a homerun and Bernie goes down the slide, it's a close second to the Disney Princesses. The playoffs were full of "Dad, where's JJ Party"s, which always brings a smile to me. I'm hoping for a lot of future playoff appearances, but I will never forget JJ Party and 2008.

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