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Crowd behavior


Good. I think the quick hook should be standard operating proceedure at these games.


Probably, but a lot of the ushers don't know who to target. They're bothered by people who are standing up, the person who questions their authority, or the guy who has a questionable message on his t-shirt, but they're unaware and/or afraid to step into a potential fight. During the Cubs series, I've seen ushers step in the wrong place. Look at the whole purpose of this thread -- the ushers should have told those teens to shut up, but they cowtow to the Cubs fan who was offended by the Fukudome shirt. The ushering staff at MP has always bothered me for those reasons.

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I had a long and interesting conversation with the Cub fan next to me. He was a good guy. He went to Wisconsin for undergrad. He seemed to have a pretty good knowledge of his team.


I still hate his guts while he's wearing that jersey, but he was a nice guy.


There was a pretty big group of Cub fans in my section, and a group of Brewer fans. The Brewer fans were antagonizing the Cub fans about Fukudome, etc, and being completely over the top (and not to mention wrong about most of the Cubs' players). I think the Cub fans being so over the top for several years has rubbed off on the Brewer fans, and we've become what we hate.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
Yeah, I've seen plenty of moron Brewer fans at Wrigley - and at Miller Park for that matter. I think we just need to come to the realization is that there are jag Brewer fans and jag Cub fans and there are cool Brewer fans and cool Cub fans. The difference is that there are more of them than of us - both jag and cool - just based on the shear volume of their fan base.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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When I went to Shea last year (with 3 friends, i'm not crazy enough to go alone), the first thing we heard off the subway was "(expletive deleted) the Brewers." Good thing I had this experience a year before my son was born, as now I can get a grasp on reality and plan his MLB games a bit better than this dad did his. It doesn't excuse the behavior of these idiot kids, but we all have to live in reality. And the reality is that there are a ton of idiot kids at events like this. Its not just Milwaukee, its everywhere.
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The worst example of this sort of thing that I've encountered happened at a mid-90s Packers-Vikings game in MN. If you recall, GB always lost up there during that time, and often on bizarre, last-minute plays.


My boss at the time was on his way out after an overtime, Monday night Packers' loss, packed in the mass of bodies in the narrow Metrodome corridor, when he saw an intoxicated Packers fan literally attempt to tear a Vikings sweatshirt off the back of the stereotypical midwestern grandmother. From his description, this was a tiny woman, likely about 70 years old, and this guy yanked on the back of her shirt, tearing a big hole in at, and dragging her to the concrete floor in the process.


I also recall Badger football fans vandalizing Hayden Fry's customized van about 20 years ago.


I'll never understand what motivates people to make an ass of themselves like that. What does it gain someone to hurt someone else, or damage property?

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Some people can't control their emotions, and when anger is introduced into their intoxicated brain bad things happen. This is a societal issue more so than a sports fan issue, but is spills into sports because its a form of spectator entertainment that involves drinking. At least we haven't yet evolved to all out rioting like they do at football games in Europe.


As for this series, I think it brings out the individuals that love confrontation. They know they can find it at this game if they are either a Cubs or Brewers fan. Unfortunately for this dad, the group of confrontational (i assume buzzed, but they don't have to be) people in his section did not find their counterparts. So they had to create one and ended up selecting the closest Cubs jersey I imagine. I doubt they even knew he was a challenged individual.


If I were the dad, I would have sought help from an usher or police officer.

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I'll never understand what motivates people to make an ass of themselves like that. What does it gain someone to hurt someone else, or damage property?



I think it's very simple...


Starts with an overall lack of intelligence and a lack of respect for other people and the game.


You add a few too many beers, and that is a very dangerous mix.


I'm not just talking about cub fans, every team has these kinds of "fans".




And no, I'm not trying to be funny here.

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I doubt they even knew he was a challenged individual.

Oh, they knew. There comments about bus rides and the way they imitated him made it very clear they knew.


Every team does have these kinds of fans. It is just unfortuante that so many seem to come out of hiding for what should be an excellent series.


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I doubt they even knew he was a challenged individual.

Oh, they knew. There comments about bus rides and the way they imitated him made it very clear they knew.

Then they were just mean people. Very unfortunate these people go out in public.


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A thread for this? Really? ...if a small super mega tiny sub-section of Brewer nation/ county/ village takes it too far, is it really a big deal?

The 'big deal' would be the specific circumstances described in the lead post. It wasn't a "same old, same old" crowd behavior message.


That’s the only thing Chicago’s good for: to tell people where Wisconsin is.

[align=right]-- Sigmund Snopek[/align]

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Attending a Brewers game vs. the Cubs just isn't very fun. I have been to at least one Brewer/Cub game at Miller Park each of the last 6 years and hated each one because the obnoxiousness of the Cub fans. Last night a 10 year old boy screamed in my buddies face Brewer Suck at least three times. I mean inches from his face while sitting down. My buddy just looked at me and said what can I do, he's like 10. The kid stood on his seat and taunted the crowd behind him until a woman started jawing back and forth and finally yelled, "Where are your parents!". Unfortunately his Mom was right next to him and she began yelling, "You don't have the right to yell at my kid, stupid Brewer fans, losers, etc." Dad decided that everytime he went to the bathroom he had to Go Cubs into the face of every person in the row as he slid past to the aisle. (of course wearing his Sammy Sosa jersey. Why do the worst ones always seem so have Sosa or Prior jerseys?)


It is one thing to cheer for your team but the sheer number of Cubs fans standing up and taunting the people around them in my section is unbearable and leads to the fights and arguments. No other fan base causes so much animosity. It dooesn't matter what the score is, what the standings are, or who wins, every game is a bad experience because the Cubs fans act like such jerks. Cardinals fans don't do it, Twins fans don't do it, heck even the White Sox fans at the exhibition games weren't bad. It is like the Cub fans win an award after the game if they can be the biggest a hole in the ball park.

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If my daughter ever did something like what "bball123h" and "MJLiverock" are describing, I would drag her ass out of the stadium, and she would never again be allowed to attend a sporting event.


Thankfully I do know her parents, so she will not act like that to begin with.

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splitterpfj[/b]]My boss at the time was on his way out after an overtime, Monday night Packers' loss, packed in the mass of bodies in the narrow Metrodome corridor, when he saw an intoxicated Packers fan literally attempt to tear a Vikings sweatshirt off the back of the stereotypical midwestern grandmother. From his description, this was a tiny woman, likely about 70 years old, and this guy yanked on the back of her shirt, tearing a big hole in at, and dragging her to the concrete floor in the process.

Wow. Alcohol and a heated rivalry really bring out the worst in people.


I guess I feel the same way as most on here about the Brewers-Cubs series. Just simply stay away for the foreseeable future. I attended the April 07 game where Bush gave up 6 before I even got in my seat, and that will be the last. Had a bad experience in the parking lot after the game with a Cub fan getting out of his car and kicking the crap out of my friend's SUV because he wouldn't let him in.

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I want to premise this post by saying that I know there are a lot of obnoxious Brewer fans, especially now that they've started to compete. That said, I've been to a handful of Brewer/Cubs games in both Milwaukee and Chicago. I will never go again because the behavior of the fans is unbearable, and in my experience it's mostly on the Cubs side. There is a general demeanor about the Cubs fans when they are in Milwaukee, acting as if it is a home game. There is nothing I hate more than hearing a Brewer pitcher booed at MP for checking a runner at first. It's simply classless. What bothers me is that I know that some Brewer fans are responding in kind at Wrigley Field. I've been to a Bears/Packers game at Soldier Field and it was more civil. I think that's a shame, and I hate that it's gotten to the point that I can barely watch the Brewer/Cubs games on tv any more because I simply despise the Cubs fans. It's not healthy, it's supposed to be fun, and I agree with another poster just a few back who said this series isn't really very much fun.
You may run like Mays...
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It's not healthy, it's supposed to be fun, and I agree with another poster just a few back who said this series isn't really very much fun.


Amen. I have tickets tonight, but I'm dreading it. I feel like it's my duty to attend the game and defend the Brewers. I'd like to hear from Baltimore or Tampa Bay fans. Do the Red Sox fans act the same way when they play in those cities?

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I have tickets to tonight's game and in no way am I excited at all to go. The dread of attending this game has put me in a sour mood since last night. But it's the Brewers and I want to support the team by at least going to the game I have tickets for even though I probably would have sold them if I had thought about it sooner. The girlfriend and I will be in attendance tonight trying to set an example of decent fan etiquette, but all the while we're not looking forward to the confrontations we will come across in the parking lot and in the stands. The big reason I love watching baseball is because it's so relaxing. It's not supposed to be like this.
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Funny, Gobias, that game was my last straw as well. On a bit of a side note, after CC's MP debut, someone stole my bud's grill from under his car in the parking lot. I mean, what the hell? There's an unwritten law regarding those things, besides the written law against STEALING! I feel bad for saying it, but at least when we stink again I can go to a game in peace.
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Its obviously a very small sample, but does this thread not provide plenty of evidence that some sort of change to address the fan experience for these games is called for? I didn't actually count, but most in this thread - the die hard Brewer fans, the lunatic fringe, choose not to go to these games, or at the very least indicate they do not enjoy going to these games. Late July, the two best teams in the NL, the Brewers best chance at the playoffs in years - and these people are choosing not to go? What's wrong with this picture? Obviously, the brewers are happy to have the tickets sold, and they know they will have big crowds, but is this really the image they want these series to portray?


They charge premium prices for games already...why not make these super premium games and tack on another 25% or whatever number they deem appropriate to make the riff raff decide that maybe that's too much money for me to go to that game simply to draw attention to myself? I would love to go to these games, but not in the current environment. I would gladly pay more if it meant that I could go to the game without having to worry about these pathetic losers on both sides ruining the experience for me and my kids. The ticket demand is obviously there. I realize this may also squeeze out some of the quality people who would like to go but may not be able to pay more, but frankly, that's too bad. I don't see what makes their their financial needs any more important than my need to feel comfortable taking my kids (or myself for that matter) to a great baseball game.


I have a lot of confidence in the current Brewers management, and I trust that they will not be like most organizations and wait until something serious happens, like someone getting launched off the loge level, or shot or whatever, before they do anything about it. Perhaps it isn't that bad, but it is obvioulsy bad enough that a whole lot of people aren't willing to go, and unfortunately, the more quality people stay away, the more prevalent the bad element becomes.

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Last year we sat through an agonizing loss to the Cubs. While the game was close for awhile, the Cubs broke it open and never looked back. I had my 9-pack season ticket Brewer fan "friends" around us that did come to the game. However in the few spotty seats that seem to change hands during the season for our rivals pack, low and behold Cub fans bought the seats.


Anyway, I have seats with my inlaws, wife, son (2 at the time), and infant daughter. We are ALWAYS decked out in Brewer gear, including my daughter with a Brewers bib and all. After the Cubs took the lead, the Cubs fan (probably mid 20's) found it funny to turn around and say at least once per inning to my infant daughter "Sorry baby".....while waving his hand goodbye within inches of my daughter's face.


I have complete and total disdain for anyone wearing that ridiculous "C" on their hat that should stand for "Can't win it all even in 100 years", that Prior/Sosa jersey, the stupid annoying idiot Ronnie Woo Woo. What the heck is that guys problem anyway?


I did feel though from watching the game at home last night, that the Brewers did have the overwhelming majority of fans there last night for game one. When JJ and Braun went back to back it was much, much, much more louder than when the Cubs did anything.

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Funny, Gobias, that game was my last straw as well. On a bit of a side note, after CC's MP debut, someone stole my bud's grill from under his car in

the parking lot. I mean, what the hell? There's an unwritten law regarding those things, besides the written law against STEALING! I feel bad for saying

it, but at least when we stink again I can go to a game in peace.



Had my Smokey Joe ripped off at that game too. And I was in preferred parking to boot.

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If we're going to talk about solutions, maybe the typical seating distribution should be ignored and Brewers/Cubs fans should be seated in separate sections like they do for college football. However, I worry for the few unlucky fans who get seated/have the guts to sit in the wrong section. This would require Brewers management to accommodate Cubs fans, which would likely be unpopular despite the reality of the situation.


Secondly, the extra money made on tickets needs to be spent on a large number of extra ushers and security. I know they already have extra, but there should be more, and although I generally disagree with a zero-tolerance policy, the Brewers need to address the media with specific rules and then enforce these rules with the extra staff. If it takes throwing 500-1000 people out of the game to make the atmosphere better, so be it.


I know it would be horribly unpopular, but if the situation gets too far out of hand, the Brewers could consider significantly raising the price of beer for Cubs games or even preventing fans from entering the stadium who are obviously intoxicated. If you look intoxicated coming into the game, it's probably better to go back to your car to sober up for a few innings than come into the game and be a problem. Unfortunately, I think it would take a 50+ person in-stands fight or a death for extreme measures to be taken.

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Brewer Fanatic Contributor
I've been to several Cub Brewer games at MP and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I'll be there in late Sept too - if anything is going to go down it will be then.
"Dustin Pedroia doesn't have the strength or bat speed to hit major-league pitching consistently, and he has no power......He probably has a future as a backup infielder if he can stop rolling over to third base and shortstop." Keith Law, 2006
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I completely agree with your second, and even some form of your third suggestion.

I guess the real question here is as to the Brewers feelings on all of this. Do they even see a problem that needs to be addressed? Perhaps some member of our oh so lazy media in this town could look into this at some level beyond the married couple going to teh game - "He's a Brewer fan, she's a Cub fan" that inevitably ends with some refernce to Packers-Bears. As predicatble as the story showing the loading of the salt trucks when the first snowfall of the year is on its way.

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Should make it so only folks from Wisconsin can buy tickets to these games and or make so it so you have buy tickets to another series along with this one. Price it double for out of state buyers. While we got some bad apples of our own, I think alot of this attitude comes from the way Cubs fans conduct themselves on the road and some of our fans thinking they need to pay it back. You don't see this any other time besides when the Cubs come to town.
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