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Player midseason grades


I was wondering what everybody would give out for grades on each of the 25 players on our 25-man roster plus Suppan at the midpoint of the season. I am working on my own grades for them right now and will probably have it by Thursday.


Team - (A) - I didn't expect this good of a record at the half way point especially with many players underperforming expectations and Gallardo out for the year after 3 starts. This is a team that is greater than the sum of their parts right now.


Offense - (B-) - I think most of the underperforming is on the offensive side

Pitching - (B+) - I give the starting pitching an A and the bulpen a C+.


Biggest surprise of the first half(that keeps on giving) - Gabe Gross scores winning run only to be traded minutes later. Now the team is looking for a LH bat. That gets a big "what the heck are they doing" from me.


Biggest dissapointment - Gallardo getting hurt.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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I can't bring myself to give the team an A, because the bullpen has Mota and Gange in it. I'd give the team a B. I'd give Ned a B-, because of the no-logic decisions that have backfired. Offense gets a B-, pitching gets a B, defense gets a B.


Biggest surprise has been a tie to me. Braun's seamless transition defensively to LF, and his hitting has kept up along with McClung actually being able to pitch!


Biggest dissapointment would have to be Rickie offensively. He's not really producing as a leadoff hitter or at all.

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Overall Team Grade: B+ -- You can't really complain about being 9 games over .500, but it definitely feels like we've had some games get away.

Weeks: C-. For a guy hitting ..217, at least his OBP is .100 points higher. Hardy: B. Hardy has rebounded from a slow start to put up some decent first half numbers. Braun: B+. Braun has done very well for himself in his transition to LF and at the plate. Fielder: B. Prince is by no means having a bad season, although I think some people are disappointed due to their own expectations of him. Hart: A-. Can't really ask for more than what Corey has done this season. He's had a few defensive oopsies, but who doesn't. Hall: D. Even though he is heating up now and hitting .394 in July, his season has been a major disappointment. Cameron: C. Cameron has been about as average as can be. Kendall: B. If Kendall isn't a catcher, his grade is probably in the C range, but he's been good throwing out runners and has handled our staff very well. Rivera: A. For a guy who plays once a week at best he has sure been productive. Kapler: A. Gabe was a great find for Melvin and has been utilized well by Yost as to not over-play him. Counsell: C+. Craig has been Craig. Dillon: Incomplete. His numbers aren't great, but I don't really want to pass judgment too much on 65 at bats. Branyan: B. Branyan came in on fire, but is beginning to revert to being the Branyan we all know and love anyway.


Sheets: A. He's been awesome. He had the early injury scare which forced him to miss a start but otherwise he's been rollin'. Sabathia: A. He's been as advertised so far. Suppan: C-. Suppan has been hit hard recently, and one can only hope there is some validity to his elbow soreness and it wasn't just a ruse to stall for CC. Bush: C. For as terrible as he was in April and May, Bush has turned it around in June and July. Parra: B. If you watch Parra pitch it is remarkably evident why the Brewers were so high on him. He needs to throw strikes more consistently, but he has had a good year to date. McClung: B. For a guy with a 5+ career ERA, his performance this season makes you wonder if he has finally figured something out, or if he is just getting guys out with smoke and mirrors. Whatever it is, he's been successful to date. Torres: A. The hidden gem of the bullpen retooling this offseason. How worse off would we be had he decided to actually retire like he hinted initially when he was traded? Gagne: D. His stats are pretty ugly, but for all that ugliness he did at least record 10 saves. Mota: D. Mota has gotten progressively worse as the season goes on. His luck seems to have run out. Villanueva: C. He has been better out of the bullpen, but he struggled in the rotation for whatever reason. Shouse: B+. Shouse has been his dependable self. Riske: C. We haven't seen enough of Riske to form a full opinion, but from what I've seen he seems pretty average. Stetter: B. He has been serviceable as a second lefty option for Yost.

"When a piano falls on Yadier Molina get back to me, four letter." - Me, upon reading a ESPN update referencing the 'injury-plagued Cardinals'
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Weeks- D+ Definitely a disappointment offensively. A little better defensively but nothing spectacular. I know his BABIP is really low, but his line drive % is also really low.
Hardy- B Pretty poor first couple months and aweome last few weeks
Braun- B Would be nice to see his AVG. and OBP. go up. Seems alright in LF, hopefully he'll soon learn to not play too deep.
Fielder- B- Has been a little above average offensively for a first basemen, defense still pretty poor.
Hart- A- Most consistent good player on the team.
Hall- D Starting to pick it up but doesn't really make up for a pretty awful first couple months Branyan- B+ Even with his slump he's been a huge addition
Cameron- B- He's been slightly above average offensively and good defensively.
Kendall- B+ He's basically been what we thought offensively but excellent at throwing out runners.
Counsell- C+ For a backup middle infielder he's fine.
Kapler-A Unreal that he continues to hit this well.
Dillon- I agree with thablingster, not nearly enough PA's to really know. Rivera- B+ Has hit very well in very limited time, not so great behind the plate.


Sheets- A Even with a few "shaky" starts recently has great numbers, has been healthy
Sabathia-B (in his two Brewer starts)
Parra- B He's really turned it on lately. Still walks a decent amount of guys and they'll probably have to limit his innings soon though.
Bush- B- His ERA is basically right around his career numbers, and for a 4/5 starter 4.5 is pretty good
Suppan- C- Started out pretty well but has looked terrible recently.
McClung B I'm still shocked he's pitched as well as he has.
Villanueva C Was bad as a starter, pretty good in the 'pen.
Mota D Wasn't really expected to be good but still frustrating to see him suck.
Gagne D Not close to earning 10 mil.
Riske D+ Really underwhelming so far.
Shouse B.
Torres A Savior in the bullpen.

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Here is my grade based on my expectations.


Fielder -- B- His D has gotten worse.

Weeks -- D Weeks is not playing well

Hardy -- B Solid year so far.

Hall -- F Very disappointing year for Bill Hall.

Braun -- B+ Good year for Ryan

Cameron -- C- Needs to hit better

Hart -- B I think he could play better D, esp. his OF throwing

Kendall -- B+ Unspectacular at the plate, way better than advertised behind it.

Bench (Dillon/Counsell/Kapler/Branyan) B Probably won some games for us.


Sheets A- Solid Year

Suppan C- Needs to pick it up

Bush B- His grade is rising,

Yo/CC -- INC

McClung -- A- He isn't the best pitcher, but he has really taken advantage of his opportunities.

Villy -- C- A Disappointment since he could hang in the rotation.

Shouse -- C Needs to keep inherited runners from scoring -- much worse this year

Mota F -- Should have just DFA'd Estrada

Gange F -- Blech

Torres B+ -- Another better than expected player.

Riske D -- Much worse than I anticipated, may regret multi-year deal.

Parra C+ -- Decent enough year -- needs not to burn so many pitches in early innings.

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I agree with thablingster's ratings. Let me add that Villanueva has been outstanding as a reliever: 2.33 ERA, 29K's, 5 BBs in 27 innings. I think it's time to forget about the rotation for him and look to increase his role from the bullpen.
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Fielder -- B (Not a bad year, but he could stand to be a little more patient at the plate.)

Weeks -- C- (He's had his moments, but unfortunately they've been pretty far apart. Defense isn't horrible, but still not great. Psychological factor may be playing a role in his poor play.)

Hardy -- B (Bounced back from a poor start, and has seemed to play better once he started getting regular days off. I don't like how he seems to rely on the homer once he gets hot, though...a little too much swinging for the fences for my liking lately.)

Hall -- D+ (Defense has been bad, and he's lost any plate discipline he's had in recent years. Turned it on lately, though...hopefully it continues).

Braun -- B (Slugging the crap out of the ball, but I miss the Braun of last year that was just as happy lining a double down the line or taking the ball the other way as he was hitting a homer. Swings at too much crap -- especially with RISP -- to get a much higher grade than this.)

Cameron -- B- (His defense has been great for the most part, and his bat is starting to come around. He is what he is -- a .250 hitter with decent pop -- and he's providing that. Among the team leaders in HR despite missing the first month.)

Hart -- B+ (Hitting for more power this year and he's great with RISP so far. His defense doesn't seem to be as good as it was last year, though. Hopefully he can keep up his production over a full season.)

Kendall -- B (Like Cameron, he is what he is, and he's pretty much produced to those standards. Decent OBP from the 8 spot, and he's been much better throwing out runners so far this year, but we'll see if that continues as he plays a ridiculous amount of games behind the plate. It seems like he's started to wear down recently, so hopefully the break does him some good.)

Bench -- B (One of the more solid benches I remember the Brewers having recently. Another power lefty bat would be nice, whether that's Nelson or someone else.)


Sheets -- A (Putting together a Cy-caliber year.)

Suppan -- C- (Below average and getting lucky with unearned runs. Hopefully he pitches better in the second half, but I'm not holding my breath.)

Bush -- C+ (Bouncing back nicely after a really rough start, and at a critical time for the Brewers. I still hold my breath every time he starts, but he's been dodging the early inning blowups.)

Yo -- http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/frown.gif

McClung -- C+ (Walks are starting to show up more, and he's not as efficient as he was in his early starts. Decent stopgap, though.)

Parra -- B- (Pretty good all year, but he burns up a ton of pitches nibbling after getting 2 strikes. Needs to be more efficient, especially with his looming innings limit.)

Villy (bullpen version) -- B (He's been very solid out of the pen, and his stuff is probably better suited there)

Shouse -- B- (Still not bad against lefties, but he's getting less lucky with the inherited runners this year)

Mota -- D- (Gasolina, en español)

Gange -- D- (Essence, en français)

Torres -- B+ (Bouncing back nicely from a bad '07...hopefully he can hold up)

Riske -- C (Up and down so far, but he's been better in the second half in his career.)

"[baseball]'s a stupid game sometimes." -- Ryan Braun


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I generally agree with most of the grading, so probably no point in posting the same thing. I will say that I don't think there is one player in the lineup who offensively is performing above expectations, and there are only a couple who are *meeting* expectations. I'm surprised their record is as good as it is, and I agree with logan that the team is greater than the sum of its parts.


My biggest disappointment is Weeks, just because my hopes for him this season were sky high. I look dumb after telling people he'd be an All-Star. Luck has a little bit to do with it, but he's not driving the ball enough.

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I really like thablingster's grades...very spot in. I would just point out was is probably assumed...the grades are realitive to the player's role and the expectations for the player. On an absolute basis, obviously Braun is more valuable than Kapler...but relative to expectations Kapler has been a bigger surprise.


I also agree with those who believe we'll see a bigger set up role for Villy in the second half. If Bush or McClung slide into that long relief role...that opens up Villy for the 7th or 8th after Mota's probable DFA. A committee of Villy/Gagne/Riske/Shouse and Stetter can get you through 6-8 to Torres.

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"My biggest disappointment is Weeks, just because my hopes for him this season were sky high. I look dumb after telling people he'd be an All-Star. Luck has a little bit to do with it, but he's not driving the ball enough"


The excuse of hitting into bad luck has definitely worn thin on me as well when talking about Weeks - his BABIP may be unusually low, but lazy infield popups tend to bring that down quite a bit. Is it me, or does every ball that Weeks actually hits well directed between the third base line and straightaway left field? Hey Rickie, there's alot more fair territory to use - your refusal to take advantage of it probably has alot to do with why you tend to hit 0.200 for months on end.

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-- C Kendall (B+): FtJ said it best ("Unspectacular at the plate, way better than advertised behind it."). Best Brewers defensive C I've ever seen play (others have reminded me of Charlie Moore, who I remember but not vividly enough to say 'I remember his game')
-- 1B Fielder (B): Horrible defense, good offense, but not up to his own high standards at the plate. Power should show even more post-ASB
-- 2B Weeks (D+): Defense has improved marginally, offense appears to have taken a step back. Rickie has really appeared to struggle making good contact on the ball. Even on some of his harder-hit shots he hasn't gotten the sweet spot on the ball (relates to FTC's comments that he may be pulling the ball too much)
-- SS Hardy (B+): Proving yet again that he can absolutely rake at the MLB level. More consistency would be nice, but for now I'll take the higher OBP/better approach at the plate J.J.'s shown thus far. Defense, as always, is predicatable (not spectacular, but steady) & strong, at the most premium spot.
-- 3B Branyan (A): Anything less than an 'A' for Russell so far just wouldn't be accurate. He's exceeded the loftiest expectations, and was invaluable during his post-call-up binge. His defense at 3B has been a godsend over Bill 'The Matador' Hall.
-- 3B Hall (D): Horrible approach at the plate will take more than a couple good series to counteract; defense has been embarassingly bad... yet still better than Braun's in 2007 http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif
-- LF Braun (B/B+): The 'B+' is there if you think his defense has been valuable enough. Ryan's been surprisingly steady out there; however LF is about the least-impactful defensive spot. Braun's approach at the plate is still far too wild. If he ever figures out where the strike zone is on a consistent basis, he should notch 75 BBs/season easily. Luckily, his raw power has been able to compensate for his poor approach. I'm hoping for some strike-zone discipline from Braun down the stretch.
-- CF Cameron (B): Still as good as there is, defensively. I was prepared for a second-tier caliber defensive CF, and imho Cam has exceeded those expectations. It'd be nice to see some singles fall in to help boost that OBP in the second half. Mike's been BBing just fine, and clearly the power is still there. Missing the first 25 games makes me think we're going to continue to see his best production after the break. SLG is up for Mike, just as predicted, and the OBP has been climbing steadily. Great start to July, following an underappreciated .799 OPS in June.
-- RF Hart (B/B+): Good, steady defense in RF, paired with consistency at the plate. However, much of Corey's success has been due to him having a lot of runners on to drive in. Not much has been said about his .300-ish OBP from June 1 - now. Corey is going to have to exhibit better plate discipline if he wants to avoid a second-half tailspin. Even fewer BBs than Braun -- Bill Hall actually has Corey beat in that department, with much less playing time.

-- Bench (Counsell, Dillon, Kapler, Rivera) (B+): I don't think these guys could be doing much better than they are. Dillon will probably get hotter, and Kapler will probably cool off. Mike Rivera will continue to collect a paycheck.
Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Cameron has an .801 OPS this year if you haven't noticed.


I have. I think that is below what he should bring to the table

Then I think you have unrealistic expectations. His career OPS is .787. Cameron's career batting average is .250, .340obp. As I pointed out in another topic, he is 4 hits shy of batting .250 with a .336 obp. And his current slugging is higher than his career number. .481 vs. ,447

Stevo wrote:

. I will say that I don't think there is one player in the lineup who offensively is performing above expectations, and there are only a couple who are *meeting* expectations. I'm surprised their record is as good as it is....

Man that's an excellent point. I guess on the pitching side Sheets, and to a lesser extent Parra, might be considered to be performing above expectations. But no one on the offense is having an MVP or "career year" season. It doesn't seem like any hitter this year is capable of carrying the team for more than a 1-2 week stretch. They could use one or two hitters to kick it up a notch these last 67 games.

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-- Sheets (A): The Ben we've been waiting for. Absolutely stellar this season, and the main reason the Brewers are in the playoff hunt

-- Sabathia (INC): Has looked good so far. Very good.

-- Gallardo (INC): Still wish he hadn't tried to leap over that play at 1B. Silly, silly mistake -- & one that cost us Matt LaPorta, essentially.

-- Suppan (C-): Good start to the season feels like it's been cancelled out by recent WOAHs.

-- Bush (C+): Kinda took the complimenting path to Suppan. Hopefully his more recent success is a good sign & not just fluky (I'm inclined to believe it's a good sign)

-- Parra (B): Nice to see Manny 'turn the corner' earlier this season. He knows his stuff is good enough to get any hitter out; now he needs to work on commanding it better.

-- McClung (C+): Got some good starts in before typical control issues reappeared. I think other teams have him scouted as a SP now, and would love to see him return to the 'pen to be a patch there... just as he patched the rotation earlier in the season. Maybe I should just start calling him 'Patchy'.

-- Villanueva (B): Has settled into the bullpen after really struggling to begin the season as a SP. I'd prefer to see Carlos in the rotation, but he may prove to be more valuable this season from the 'pen.

-- Shouse (A): More steady production from Brian. Let's just hope he isn't overused in the second half... or misused (so far, 65 PA each v. both LHB & RHB)

-- Mota (D): Actually has had some good outings, but completely overshadowed by terrible ones.

-- Gagne (D): Has been hot or cold -- of 24 appearances:

1 or fewer baserunners allowed -- 12 times

Allowed R/ER -- 9 times

Allowed > 1 R/ER -- 6 times

-- Riske (C-): Hasn't been lights-out yet, but has been much more reliable than the 'gas can duo' of Mota/Gagne

-- Torres (B+): A total win for Melvin here. Torres has, however, been made to look much better via some very good luck. He's narrowly escaped trouble several times this season, so I don't want to be too quick to just heap praise on Salomon. On the whole, he's been great.

-- Stetter (B): Control concerns me with Mitch (6.14 BB/9 IP), but he's been murder on lefties (.129/.289/.226/.515), and is a nice backup to Shouse as the lefty specialist. Also need to point out that he's been piling up the K's (11.45/9 IP). However, if Yost continues to misuse Stetter (52 PA v. RHB, 39 PA v. LHB), bad things will come of it.

-- DiFelice (B+): Hard to assess Mark's 2008 so far, since he just hasn't gotten much of a shot. Really only had one glaringly bad game -- his first of the season at Boston (5/18). I'd love to see more of Mark in the second half.



In all, what worries me most about our pitching is how Yost will employ it. Ned is convinced that Stetter & Shouse are fine options v. RHB, which is troubling to say the least. As long as our main bullpen rotation (in no particular order) can move from Torres/Shouse/Gagne/Mota/Riske -- to -- Torres/Shouse/Riske/Villy/Stetter/DiFelice/McClung, I think the depth should help the 'pen hold up ok.


I'm fine with hanging onto one of Gagne/Mota, and given the salaries I think we know which one would go, but for garbage innings only. There's no need, nor at this point is there any excuse, for either one of those two guys to get important innings. Again, I fear Ned in this sense. He seems to take great pride in 'stickin' with my guy(s)!'

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Fielder: (B) - Offense has been a bit of a disappointment. Defense has always been below average. Probably our worst defender. Just doesn't seem to be centering on the ball like he did last year.


Weeks: (D) - Has me questioning everything I've ever believed in. Defense has been noticeably better. I still get nervous at the end of the game when he turns a DP. Offense has been awful. Was actually getting unlucky earlier in the season, but has since been pretty bad (Since June). As others have mentioned, would love to see his spray chart as he pulls everything. When he goes to right, it's usually on a curveball he's waited back on. Never see him drive a fastball to right with authority. Wish he'd get on base more, he's probably the most efficient base stealer in the league. Has had some HUGE hits for the Brewers this season.


Hardy: (B) - Has turned it around in a big way. Was our worst offensive player first month and a half. Has had quite a few infield hits and bloop doubles for a guy as slow as he is, so BA is a bit inflated. His defense seems better than last year. Great high fastball hitter, I don't know why they throw him as many fastballs as they do.


Hall: (D-) - Has looked better at the plate lately. Defense, like others have stated, has been off the charts bad for a guy who can play a passable SS. Asking for a trade mid-season was dumb; I lost the little amount of respect I had for him left. Hopefully puts it together so we can trade him in the offseason.


Braun: (B-) - Slugging is there, but plate discipline is non-existent. Defense has been ok in LF. He still gets bad jumps on the ball, but it's LF, so not a huge deal. Nice to have him off of 3B. Didn't deserve to start in the AS Game, and probably shouldn't have been there at all.


Cameron: (C+) - Offense has been fine, like others have said. Makes tough defensive plays look easy because of how much ground he covers, but then botches some easy plays that have cost us big time. Didn't like how he just stared at the ball after he missed because of the lights recently. Seems to have a bit of an attitude.


Hart: (A-) - Needs to take a couple more walks per week. Otherwise power is there, and is easily our best overall baserunner. Defense is solid, but his arm is very overrated.


Kendall : (B+) - Great clubhouse guy. Can't say enough about every defensive aspect of the game. Has a similar OPS to Estrada, but is much more valuable because he actually gets on base.


Branyan: (A) - Has given us 11 HR's and 19 RBI's, which is 11 HR's and 19 RBI's more than I thought he would. Solid glove.


Rivera: (A-) - Always looks good at the plate for a guy who struggles to maintain a .300 OBP at AAA. Expect his numbers to drop off in the second half, but he's a fine backup catcher.


Dillon: © - Doesn't seem to be giving as good of at bats as he did last year, especially PH'ing. Should never play 2B outside of an emergency situation.


Counsell (B) - He's a good backup infielder. A lot of his value comes from his ability to play a good SS.


Kapler (A+) - Can't believe how well he's performed. A+ in every aspect of the game. Above average in all 3 OF spots. Awesome clubhouse guy. Hope he decides to manage in our organization after he retires for good. Always thought he was a meat-head, but is very well spoken. A lot of the younger guys could learn from him.


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If he's 'below what he could do', though, wouldn't that just mean that he's below an 'A' grade? As in, 'what he could do' = 'production ceiling'. I don't see how being below what one could do means being below average. I would tend to agree with TWR (feeling dizzy here...), in that a 35-y-o playing at or above career norms appears better than an average performance.


I realize I have reached a new level of baseball dorkiness (debating intangible, relatively meaningless letter grades), but just want to hear your thoughts FtJ.

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If he's 'below what he could do', though, wouldn't that just mean that he's below an 'A' grade?


Absolutely not, I'd reserve an A grade for Cameron if he would have had a .320 BA and .900 OPS (or something like that much better than I had hoped)


B/C is the grade for what I expected.


I would tend to agree with TWR


Red flag.


I would tend to agree with TWR (feeling dizzy here...), in that a 35-y-o playing at or above career norms appears better than an average performance.


I expected more out of Cam, I think he has been marginally disappointing.

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One thing that disappoints me about Cameroon ,FTJ is all this Gold Glove-caliber defense he was supposed to bring us. "He'll be the best defender on the club" we were told. But those "triples" that he let s scoot by him every few weeks are back-breakers. Gold Glove-caliber CFs don't let that many squeeze past them.


I won't bore everyone with long-winded explanations for the grades, so I'll try to limit each player to a lovely 5 word Haiku.


Fielder (B+) D & power going down

Weeks (D) Leading off? Ya kiddin' me?

Hardy (B+) Glove & bat in synch

Hall (C-) Thought 3rd base would help

Branyan (B-) Nice boost but fading again

Braun (A) Even I'd like more walks

Cameron (C-) Overrated D. Don't do drugs!

Hart (A-) Improve arm & he's golden

Kendall (B+) Re-learned how to throw

Counsell © I never expected much, anyway

Rivera (B-) Should relieve Kendall more now

Dillon (C+) If Weeks continues to falter...

Sheets (A) Injury-free gets an A+

Sabathia (A+) If only CC would stay!

Suppan (C-) Same comment as Craig Counsell

Parra (B) Pitch deeper into games, Manny!

Bush (C+) AAA wake-up call helped

McClung © Way better starter than expected

Villanueva (C-) Awful before June, terrific now

Shouse (B+) Overused, old, but still producing

Torres (A-) Thanks, Sol for stepping up

Riske (C-) Get healthy! We need you!

Mota (D-) Was OK until June 6th.

Stetter (B) 2 earned runs only once

Gallardo (Incomplete) Why did Reed Johnson slide?

Turnbow (F) Former All-Star washed up

Gagne (F) Worst free agent since Hammonds


Yost (D) Stubborn manager loves struggling players


Melvin (B-) Going For It!...But Yost?

"So if this fruit's a Brewer's fan, his ass gotta be from Wisconsin...(or Chicago)."
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I expected more out of Cam, I think he has been marginally disappointing.


I think part of what's interesting in this thread so far is the varying expectations fans had for players. I personally don't find the difference between 10-20 more singles disappointing enough to give Cam a grade as low as 'C-'. I just think that his stellar D combined with approximately predicted offense, that's good enough to be in the B/B+ range. But again, here I am discussing made-up, highly subjective letter grades from obsessed fans.





Gold Glove-caliber CFs don't let that many squeeze past them.


What, two plays? I can easily think of twice as many plays Cam made that almost any other CF doesn't get. I know you've been a critic of the Cameron move from literally day 1, but you could be a bit more fair.

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