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My Brewers Confessional


-I sold Brewers tickets to Cub fans at Miller Park as a means to make a little coin an I don't feel bad at all about it.


-I have a jersey with my last name on.


-I didn't know about the M and B in the old logo until five years ago.


-My favorite memories are of sitting in my own section at County and I almost wish to go back to that time.


-I hate kids asking for balls and will not allow my children to do so.


-I brought a glove to the game until I was 24ish.


-I cannot tell Uecker and Powell apart.


-I secretly thought to myself that I didn't know if I would want the Brewers to win the World Series as I fear that I would care less about the Brewers after that.


-I leave early from games almost all the time as I have a long drive back and I do not want to wait in the lot.


-I wish they would ban beer.


-If the Brewers don't win and I wouldn't mind the Cubs winning.


-Last week, I had to go the game for the bobblehead only and then leave as I didn't have anyone to watch my dog.


-I do not feel as though the Brewers will not make the playoffs but if they do I may try to make money off the tickets I have.


I think that's all for now.

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ok, heres a question. I listened practically to every game from 1999-2005 on the radio. Bob Uecker made the game so enjoyable even though we were losing 106 games. I havent heard a game since the last game of '05 cause I joined the navy. If I were to sit down and listen to a game right now, would I be able to tell the difference in Uke. That would make me sad.


I also confess that I liked the trade for Estrada and I am still a proud fan of Turnbow.

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I stopped following baseball and the Brewers basically from about '99-'01. The games didn't move quickly enough for me. I was an intense dude in his late teens to early 20's, who was infatuated with speed metal, and preferred faster sports such as basketball, soccer, and tennis. As proof it had nothing to do with being a bandwagon fan, I rejuvinated my interest in both the team and sport when the Crew were in their midst of their worst season ever. A mellower attitude accompanied by a new found affinity for classic rock eased the pain.


I think if the Brewers haven't overtaken the Cubs prior to September, but are still in striking distance, we'll win the division. I expected the collapse when we were 8-9 games ahead in '07. We just don't play the frontrunner role well because we've been one of the lovable loser teams in baseball the last 25 years, but have a passionate fan base, who was hangs on every pitch/swing when we're finally seen as contendahs. That's a lot of pressure for pitchers and hitters to bear while executing at the highest level. Billy elongating his swing trying to be the hero, Rickie too petrified to swing the bat period, Turnbow terrified of being a goat if he makes a mistake so he walks almost a batter an inning. The pressure right now is on the other lovable losers since they have the expectations and are now the hunted. You think it was a random event that what was then ace Mark Prior became a gas can AAAA caliber pitcher when the Cubs held a relatively commanding 3-run lead only a few outs away from the World Series? It was random chance that the Red Sox finally overcame the Yankees to make it to the World Series in '04, when they were down three games to nothing? As long as we're the tiger in the brush at the edge of the jungle, and not the fearful villager all by his lonesome.....I like our chances.

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-I like Ned Yost. Sure, he makes some pretty boneheaded moves, is confrontational, says stupid things, and I wouldn't be up in arms if he got fired at some point, but overall I think he's done a good job in Milwaukee. I'd love for him to be the manager if the team wins the World Series at some point.

-I'm getting tired of waiting for Rickie Weeks to reach his potential for a full season.

-I also liked the acquisition of Johnny Estrada at the time...sad day.

-Whenever I used to look at the interlocking MB logo in the 90s, I couldn't look at it without seeing BM because those are my initials. I was so happy when they changed the logo.

-I'm addicted to Brewers T-shirt jerseys.

-I obnoxiously dance and belt out the Beer Barrel Polka at each game I attend.

-When the Brewers were in the AL, I used to like the Cubs.

-I miss Kyle Peterson.

-I used to think Bobby Hughes was the "catcher of the future." I still honor him in my avatar.

-I would purposely put on boring movies so my ex-girlfriend would fall asleep so I could watch the Brewers on TV. I would also make up lame excuses to avoid a date so I could watch a Brewers game.


I know there's more. I need to think some more. Pedro, this is a great idea for a thread!

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I'm sure I have more to confess than I'll be able to think of here, but I'll try anyway.


I consider myself a hopeful fan, which I think is different from being an all-out optimist. For example, heading into the park to see Dave Bush take on Cole Hamels, or Seth McClung take on Randy Johnson (before I realized how far the star of the latter has fallen), I was not particularly optimistic about the Brewers' chances in those games, but hopeful that my expectations would be surpassed.


I haven't figured out how my hopeful approach jibes with this big CC acquisition. I can tell my student employees (all of traditional undergraduate age) that this is the biggest Brewers transaction in their lifetime to date. The trade for Don Sutton took place the year I began following baseball closely, and at the time I simply lacked the background to

realize its significance. I'm not used to the Brewers being big splashy buyers, and I don't know who here would be used to it.


For those of you who remember the "It's Coming Together" organizational motto of 2003...it could really be coming together now, and I am still figuring out how to process that. How can things be falling into place for the Brewers - our Brewers? It's not the norm - which usually bugs me, as I'm a creature of habit, but I also realize that in this case it really could be good, good news.


I really embraced the excitement of 2007. It all made so much sense (every 25 years, timed perfectly with my employer's museum exhibit,etc.) for the Brewers to advance. I drank the blue kool-aid and spent much of the offseason in a degree of disbelief - not that the Brewers just missed, but that they were so close. I was ready with the blue kool-aid this year until Yovani was injured. After a week or so of absorbing that disappointment, I got back into the mode for which I usually strive - try to enjoy the games day by day for what they are, and to not have everything be about the end result. I don't want to miss the forest for the trees.


Now things could be coming together, and I'm beginning to feel like I did in May 2007 again. I understand the skepticism that several of you have admitted to in this thread, and I partially share it. I'm going to try to continue being hopeful and enjoying the season game by game. We'll see if that works.


In terms of actual confessional...


I have a soft spot in my heart still for Glendon Rusch. I'm not usually a dig-the-long-ball chick, but he hit that dinger in his first game as a Brewer at MP and that won me over (I guess because it was unusual). This is not to say that I'll root for him at the park tomorrow night.


And just to give some deserving ushers some love, the ushers we see regularly are very nice. Last month, I was high fiving the guys up at 417 when Russell hit his miracle blast vs. the Twins, and we did the same last year when Vinny Rottino pushed the Brewers across to their 82nd win.

Also, the usher in our loge section is very on top of things, super nice and professional. He recognized us by the second game we attended there this year. The S.O. and he were talking about the Seattle Pilots at the last game we attended in June. When we returned Sunday (two weeks later), he saw us and said, "I have something for you!" and pulled out of his pocket a neatly folded printout listing every man on the Pilots' roster.

I've seen enough usher reviews to the contrary here to be very grateful for what we've experienced.

Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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I'm also mad that when we do hit the playoffs/series, I won't be there. I'm a poor college student, so I also buy the cheapies (Ueckers, Bernie's, upper deck seats) Some "big fan" who couldn't tell Matt La Porta from Matt Mieske will be occupying the seats I kept warm all those years, while I watch on TV.


I can relate to the plight of the poor college student (I recently returned to school full-time to pursue a Master's and currently living off loans), but I think the Brewers have done more than most teams to keep their tickets affordable. The last 3 years, my friends and I have purchased the 20-pack because of the guaranteed playoff tickets that come along with it. The $240 cost this year (field bleacher level) is probably only a little more than what I would have spent on tickets anyway during the course of the regular season. To me, that's well worth the chance to go to every game of the playoffs, without having to participate in some dumb ticket lottery and getting screwed over. Plus, now that you can re-sell your season tickets through Stubhub it's a lot easier to get rid of the ones I don't use.

I go to school in Chicago, and I'm doing an internship in the Pac Northwest right now. Going to Sox and Mariners games really emphasizes how lucky we are as Brewers fans. Even the cheap seats were way more than I thought they would be, since I'm accustomed to $12-$15 bleacher and terrace level.
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-I'm worried that this is it. For the past twenty plus years, this is the season I have been waiting for. With the possibility of Sheets, CC and Prince playing elsewhere next season ..... this could be it. For all the prospect talk for years and all the young players coming up; that this season may be the Brewers best chance for years to come because of the potential pitching situation after season's end.

-I haven't given up on Rickie Weeks.

-And why are the Cubs this good during the same season that the Brewers show this much promise?

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What gets to me, and I know it shouldn't, is the die hard fan who brings his gf/date for their "first game", only to have to explain the game the entire time and give me a headache. I mean I understand that a little bit of hands-on training is best, but couldn't you have set her up with a previous game as a mock test? Sit her down for CC's start tonight before showing her Ben Sheets? Then again, already this year, I've had two very close friends, who were the only recipients of my extended invitation, bring their significant other to the game with us and then go through the annoying motions of attempting to explain the game. The grass is green. The sky is blue. Weeks is going to get on base and score a run. Watch the game!
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What gets to me, and I know it shouldn't, is the die hard fan who brings his gf/date for their "first game", only to have to explain the game the entire time and give me a headache.


This doesn't bother me at all, as long as the "die hard fan" is explaining the game correctly. It's the people that try to make themselves look smart by giving out false information that really irk me.

I like the idea of this thread, but doesn't it seem like it's about 50% confession, 50% rant?

My confession:

Although I've always been a baseball fan (I played little league), and I could name players from the 80's and 90's (mostly because I collected baseball cards with my brother), I didn't really start following the Brewers until 2007. However, I hate that the second I say that, everyone assumes I'm a bandwagon fan. I made the decision in January 2007 to head to spring training in Phoenix with Dad, and from the first day on I knew I really missed baseball. I saw Braun for the first time and decided he'd be my favorite player...I made sure I could recognize everyone without looking at their jerseys (the people that do that at spring training really irk me)...I busted out a scorecard and brushed up on my scorekeeping skills. And as luck would have it, the first 3 months of the season were incredibly exciting. Even though we didn't make the playoffs, I attended 40+ games and purchased a full season ticket package for this year.

I apparently picked a bad year to start being a fan, because now I'm not genuine enough.

EDIT: Addition to confession: I'm about to go to bed. My pajamas consist of polka dot brewers pants and an oversize Ryan Braun shirt. I even bought Brewers underwear at the sale last winter - I'm saving them for the playoffs.

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My Confessions:

- It's 2:40 a.m. and I'm on Brewerfan.net
- I will never give up on Rickie Weeks. Theres no doubt in my mind that he will be an All-Star.
- My friends are the drunk jags everyone is complaining about.
- I briefly stopped following the Brewers this year when they slipped under .500 because I wasn't at a healthy anger level, and needed to get a grasp on the real world.
- I never read the newspaper the morning after a loss.
- Uecker is still the man, even if more and more fly balls are starting to "GET UP! GET UP! GET OFF THE WALL!" as he slowly slips into dementia.

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I hate that the "diehard Brewer fans" (drunks with tons of freshly bought gear) everyone celebrates bear no resemblance to the fans I know.
How about when the actual die-hard fan buys new gear and then gets called a bandwagon fan by an actual bandwagon fan. Im sorry that my podsednik and burnitz shirts have been worn to the point where it just doesnt look good in public anymore...
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ewizabeff, it continues to amaze me that you don't have guys banging on your door proposing marriage. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif


Oh, they're at the door. I just have it barricaded pretty well. I'm only 25, and at this point I'm more committed to the Brewers than any guy. Even in the light of last season, the Crew is more reliable. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/wink.gif

Additional confession: I've been on vacation all week, and I've probably spent at least 30% of my time on BF.net

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I guess I'll start my confessional...


- I judge guys in tight JJ Hardy shirts. Screams nothing but fan boy...


- I'm proud of my little group of friends, we have zero big 3 Jerseys/Ts (Braun/Hardy/Fielder). The Big 3 are the defacto "Favre" packer jerseys. I love the under appreciated players. The glue behind the rocks of the big 3.


- I've only left a game early once, but that was due to the ex-wife having sun stroke. I just people for leaving early, even down 5 runs you can still rattle of a rally.


- I can't stand the wave. I will only do the wave when it's slow-mo or reverse. The wave is way to over used.


- Friends and I broke into Bernies chalet and went up the slide. It was awesome. (BTW, they use cheap furniture polish to get it good and fast at the bottom). Yes lots of beer clouded our judgment, and it was stupid.


- I love starting pitchers, as much-to-do about Closers, I love watching a good pitcher go deep into a game.


- I charge. Thanks to my buddy Dan, I charge every time the trumpet goes. Standing and all, wish more people would do it..


- I think every parking lot sucks except the Giants lot. Maybe I'm an elitest, but it's old school parking lot action.


- I have no problem with drunk jags, as long as they actually make sense. It's the idiot trying to pan himself off as a fan spouting drunk jag like stuff that bugs me.


- I take pride in knowing I watched the Brewers when they were horrible, makes me appreciate it more when we win, and means I'll still be there in 5 years when we are sucky again.


- I want to stab the person who's brain child it was to switch all the attendance guesses from numbers to letters. I cant' indicate an A with my hand, but I can a 1. Same thing for the racing sausages text thing...


- The new store, though cool, makes getting into the stadium slower, expand the enterances if we are going to close down a section of the entrance with a store.

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- I think every parking lot sucks except the Giants lot. Maybe I'm an elitest, but it's old school parking lot action.


The Giants lot is the only acceptable lot. Easier to get out of, shorter lines for the bathrooms (although they do need more over there), fun crowd walking back under the bridge, don't have to get stuck in interstate traffic to get there. I heart the Giants lot.

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I agree! Crowd is really fun there, and it is way faster to get out.


I do think that they need to put up a pedestrian walk way over the one road to preferred parking. Since you have to wait for all the people in the cheaper (better!) lots to walk by, and then wait for them to get out first, there's no point in spending 4 extra bucks to wait in line.


BTW, what is causing all that water by the walk way by giants, the water table isn't that high is it? Or is that from all the tailgaters peeing in the woods?

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BTW, what is causing all that water by the walk way by giants, the water table isn't that high is it? Or is that from all the tailgaters peeing in the woods?
Indeed, Giants lot FTW. The first year of Miller Park, parking in that lot made me feel like County Stadium was still alive - at least until we got to the other side of the interstate. And we have been wondering the exact same question as sgt above, about the water on the road near the front of the Giants lot.

Like sgt, I regularly root for the underappreciated players - hence (in part) my soft spot for Doug Davis. My first player tee was a Hardy (bought in 2005, mind you, before he turned on the bat). My second was a Villanueva and third is a Hart. Of course, Corey's way up on everyone's radar now.


I either inherited or acquired the trait to root for the underappreciated from my mom - whose favorite Brewer last year was Kevin Mench. She hasn't declared a favorite to me yet this year, but I think she's leaning toward Gabe Kapler.





Remember: the Brewers never panic like you do.
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I haven't parked anywhere but the Giants lot for as long as I can remember. Easiest to get in and out of and the tailgating there is easily the best.


I own a Bill Hall jersey and will defend him to the death, no matter how irrational it may be. I'm also pretty sure i'm the only person on the planet with a Dave Bush t-shirt jersey. I'm thoroughly enjoying his mini-renaissance here.

"I wish him the best. I hope he finds peace and happiness in his life and is able to enjoy his life. I wish him the best." - Ryan Braun on Kirk Gibson 6/17/14
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I have hesitated posting my confession because it's subject to getting me banned from brewerfan.net. However, I have made reference to this before. I'm not nearly the Cub hater that everyone else is. In fact I have rooted for them in the playoffs (**Gasp!**). I probably dislike the Twins (mostly because I hate the dome - so maybe that will change with the new stadium) and the White Sox more than the Cubs. Don't get me wrong, if they are in a pennant race with the Brewers, I am constantly checking the out of town score board and rooting for them to lose. But if they are in the playoffs and the Brewers are not, I root for them. My dad is a life long Cubs fan (I mean from the 30's) and I would like to see them win one again before he dies.


Also, not to change the subject, but regarding Ewizabeth and men beating down her door because of her love of baseball.... I was at the game the other night sitting next to 3 attractive girls that appeared to be about 20 or 21. They talked about baseball throughout the whole game with each other. Not.."Oh look at JJ, isn't he so cute" type talk. Yes, there was a little of that, but most of it was very intelligent and thoughtful discussion regarding topics such as small ball and the depth of the pitching staff. Don't want to sound sexist by being surprised by this, but when I was that age there were absolutely no girls that I was aware of that knew the first thing about baseball (maybe about getting to first base....but I digress). I have noticed a lot more female fans of baseball in Milwaukee than in the past. My 25 year old niece is also very much into baseball and has a pretty good knowledge of it.

User in-game thread post in 1st inning of 3rd game of the 2022 season: "This team stinks"

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I confess that this post over at UniWatch is about me and I can't decide if I'm embarrassed or jazzed...


#38 by Paul Lukas on 07.09.08 10:14 am | Quote

Was at the Brewers game last night (yay CC) and watched the guys chalking up the heart/hart and just knew that Paul would hate it.


Judging strictly by anecdotal evidence, I think it's a fair bet that Nicole [redacted my last name] attends sporting events with more regularity than any Uni Watch reader (and certainly WAY more than I do). My hat's off to her!

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Yes, more Giants Lot fans! I think I've only parked in another lot like twice in my life. It's either the Giants lot, or park on Wells and walk through the Giants Lot. It's by far the best place for tailgating, and I never have any problem finding my car since I always seem to end up by one of the #2 poles. A walkway over the roads (one where you have to cross into the lot if you're walking down the hill--where the river of crapwater is now, and one after you cross under the freeway where the cop makes you wait) would be nice though.


Hmm...I need another confession if I'm going to post in this thread....well, when I was a little kid (26 now) I used to like a lot of the crappy fringe guys. Guys like Rick Manning, Jim Paciorek, Juan Castillo, and of course, my namesake (although I still tell myself that he was neither "crappy" nor "fringe." I was very disappointed when they didn't continue with the Brewers and thought that the team didn't give them a fair chance.

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- I don't like tailgating.

- The only day I ever liked Jenkins was the day he took out his ad thanking the Milwaukee Fans. (Has anyone else noticed Bill Hall morphing into a RH Jenkins?)

- I gave up on Weeks a long time ago.

- I've sold tickets to Cub's fans I didn't know. I've given tickets to Cub's fans I did know.

- I really miss Carlos Lee

- I loved Turnbow.

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