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My Brewers Confessional


One more... (or a couple that are all interrelated)


Can someone explain to me how people come to Miller Park and then must stop either 1) at the "doorway" to the section or 2) at the top of the stairs and then all 4 of them look at each other and realize they have no idea where their seat is? There are 4 adults and you have tickets in your hands - basically a ROADMAP of where you need to go - and not one of you can figure it out?!


This fascinates me to no end. Everything is very clearly marked. You walk through the "doorway" with your section number on it. You walk to the aisle with your number on it. You sit in your seat.


I can't possibly be the only person who walks into a section and checks the first seat number to figure out which end of the aisle I should enter from and if I'm on the other end, I walk out and around to the other side.


Lastly, it bugs me when ushers yell at you for standing off to the side/in an aisle/at the landing of the stairs because you're waiting for the pitch to be thrown so as not to interrupt everyone else in the section.

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I had more fun following the Brewers when they were crappy and there were no expectations.


While I appreciate all of the dollars the bandwagon fans bring in, it's annoying when you're wearing some form of Brewers-related apparel, and people start talking to you about surface-level Brewers stuff.

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I absolutely hate two things about Brewers fans:


1) Booing current or ex-players


2) The wave


I can tolerate some booing if a pitcher absolutely blows up (Mota) or if a player seemingly screws us over (CoCo), but booing Carlos Lee or Bill Hall is just ridiculous.


The wave is something that should not be tolerated ever. There has been 1 game i think this year that i've been to where it hasn't started. On Sunday, people were getting it going during the 2nd inning! Why even come to the game if you're more fascinated with starting the stupid wave??? The worst part is, it always seems to happen during an exciting part of the game and people cheer louder for that than they do for the actual game. It's ridiculous.

"I wish him the best. I hope he finds peace and happiness in his life and is able to enjoy his life. I wish him the best." - Ryan Braun on Kirk Gibson 6/17/14
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I had more fun following the Brewers when they were crappy and there were no expectations.


While I appreciate all of the dollars the bandwagon fans bring in, it's annoying when you're wearing some form of Brewers-related apparel, and people start talking to you about surface-level Brewers stuff.

I agree with that. As much as I love that it brought more people into the fold, I can't stand the same thing. I want the taste of a playoff, but I find myself a time pineing for just the hardcore watching the Brewers gritty battle for a win. When you mention minor leagues people know who you are talking about. Off course that might be my own nerdness kicking in.


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One more... (or a couple that are all interrelated)


Can someone explain to me how people come to Miller Park and then must stop either 1) at the "doorway" to the section or 2) at the top of the stairs and then all 4 of them look at each other and realize they have no idea where their seat is? There are 4 adults and you have tickets in your hands - basically a ROADMAP of where you need to go - and not one of you can figure it out?!


This fascinates me to no end. Everything is very clearly marked. You walk through the "doorway" with your section number on it. You walk to the aisle with your number on it. You sit in your seat.


I can't possibly be the only person who walks into a section and checks the first seat number to figure out which end of the aisle I should enter from and if I'm on the other end, I walk out and around to the other side.


Lastly, it bugs me when ushers yell at you for standing off to the side/in an aisle/at the landing of the stairs because you're waiting for the pitch to be thrown so as not to interrupt everyone else in the section.

Maybe its because I am a CPA and work with numbers everyday but that seems so obvious to me too. Just match up the numbers on your ticket with the numbers on the section sign, aisle and seat and sit down.


And I've only been to a few hockey games in my life but I loved the fact the usher will close the curtain (at least where I went) and didn't let anyone sit down until the action stopped. It only took a game at MP to train my fiance not to get up or sit during the action. Now if I had more free time I could get to the rest of the crowd.


And I must confess I love the sausage race and always will root for the Brat and hate anyone trying to start the wave.

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Also I'm sick of people coming and going during AB's. Especially at key moments in the game. Hey drunk idiot!! Did you come to watch the game at all?!?!? Or did you just come to be loud, drink overpriced beer, and drool over the trailer trash bimbo with the big chest. The Crew is down one run, Braun is at second, they just walked Prince, and Corey is coming to the plate!! Watch the damn game!!

This is the only reason that I like going to the Metrodome. I wish the ushers at MP would take the same approach and not allow people to go to their seat until the AB is over.


I also secretly don't know how to appreciate Corey Hart as a player. I mean, I know he's good and all and his stats show it, but he just doesn't "look" like the kind of player that he plays like. How does a guy who is like 6'6" get so many stolen bases? Seems awkward.


I cringe every time Shouse comes into the game. All I can think of is that even a left-handed hitter has to be able to pick up a pitch when it's maxing at 82 mph.


Uke worries me sometimes, but his humor will keep me listening. At some point, I just remember him in the good days and his legend and realize that I have to listen and appreciate it. I've always loved listening to Powell.

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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It makes me sad that even in the wake of the Sabathia trade, the 4-Letter Network can't seem to get the little things right when talking about the Brewers. When they showed clips of the Sabathia press conference, they said it was Sabathia on the left and Doug Melvin on the right. It was Ned Yost. In uniform.


Jeff Cirillo needs to be involved more in the FSN broadcasts. I don't care if it means adding a third guy into the booth -- the guy is a ton of fun to listen to and I've always thought he knows more about the game than Bill Schroeder ever did. I just wish they would bring him into the broadcast more than just using him as a second Davey Nelson. I don't even really like Brian Anderson -- too many stupid catchphrases (or misguided sayings -- bases-clearing double, grand slam range, etc.), too many mistakes that he refuses to admit, openly bashing statheads, calling for a home run every time a runner gets on base, etc. It's getting to the point where I'm willing to sacrifice having the sound and picture synced up so I can listen to Ueck and Jim while watching the game, even if the radio is a full pitch ahead of the video on TV.


The stupid wave thing bugs me, too. I was at the Orioles game where Manny Parra was struggling to throw strikes and was routinely getting into jams early -- fans were doing the wave when the Brewers were losing and the O's were threatening to break the game open.

"[baseball]'s a stupid game sometimes." -- Ryan Braun


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There are 4 adults and you have tickets in your hands - basically a ROADMAP of where you need to go - and not one of you can figure it out?!


Oh, you hit a nerve with me on that one. GROWN adults, fumbling around like lost little children. I've always wondered if you handed someone like that a book, and said, 'Find the 14th page in Chapter 8', if they'd look just as lost. It's the same concept, and really, basically the same action to get from Point A --> Point B.


As a side note, being a person that can comprehend aisles & seat #s, it bothers me to no end when ushers (not just at MP, anywhere) stop you as you try to walk to your seat, look at your ticket, and say, 'Ok, you go down to row X, and then you're in seat Y.' O RLY?!

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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As a side note, being a person that can comprehend aisles & seat #s, it bothers me to no end when ushers (not just at MP, anywhere) stop you as you try to walk to your seat, look at your ticket, and say, 'Ok, you go down to row X, and then you're in seat Y.' O RLY?!

Even better when they spend what feels like five minutes trying to read the ticket since they have been alive since the Cubs last won the WS and you want to scream "I know where my seat is but thanks!"

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As a side note, being a person that can comprehend aisles & seat #s, it bothers me to no end when ushers (not just at MP, anywhere) stop you as you try to walk to your seat, look at your ticket, and say, 'Ok, you go down to row X, and then you're in seat Y.' O RLY?!

Even better when they spend what feels like five minutes trying to read the ticket since they have been alive since the Cubs last won the WS and you want to scream "I know where my seat is but thanks!"

That was my scenario when I went to the Brew/O's game a couple Saturday's ago.


Let me add there was a drunk guy right behind me yelling stupid things all the time. He was kinda funny, but only borderline. I was with my kids, they're teenagers so it wasn't too shocking for them but it made me cringe every time he yelled an F bomb. Which was every sentence. He was funny but only because he was stupid. Everytime a called looking strike sailed past a Brewer batter he screamed, "Swing at the *F*****ng ball". When a Brewer got a hit, he'd say, "that's what I mean, swing at the F******ng ball". After one of these sequences the nice older lady next to me leaned in and said, "I'm so glad he came, otherwise the Crew might not ever get a hit."

You know maybe people who don't have kids just don't realize it, but as parent I just can't tolerate cussing when lots of kids are around. I may have been just as boorish back in my single days, but guys yelling about some girl's boobs and dropping f bombs every sentence when you are sitting with your 15 year old daughter is really maddening. I suppose it's fine at the Tavern, but some guys just don't realize not every venue is a dorm room.
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I agree on Uke, he is getting to the stage that most of our grandpas get/got to. The telling of the same stories, the misspeaks etc. The one thing I have noticed this year is the general lack of excitement other then over exciting moments(big home run, go ahead run etc). He just sounds tired now.
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I'd have to agree that while being a true-blue contender is very cool...some time I miss the days of Brady Clark hitting 4th. When I first found Brian's site in 2003; felt like I joined some underground cult, but in a good way!
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I also sorta miss the days when you could have a whole section practically to yourself. I hate that the "diehard Brewer fans" (drunks with tons of freshly bought gear) everyone celebrates bear no resemblance to the fans I know. When my dad was still alive he went to 50-60 games per year, mostly general admission or Uecker seats. Once we were almost tossed out of a game by MP security when standing behind the loge seating during a Cubs series. Prior was getting rocked, but unfortunately my dad's "obnoxious clapping" was bothering the Cub fans in front of us and an usher threatened to throw us out. When my mild-mannered dad protested, they got the guy in charge of the loge level and he threatened to throw my dad in the "brig." What a way to treat one of your most loyal fans. He was out there when you couldn't give Brewer tix away. I'm also mad that when we do hit the playoffs/series, I won't be there. I'm a poor college student, so I also buy the cheapies (Ueckers, Bernie's, upper deck seats) Some "big fan" who couldn't tell Matt La Porta from Matt Mieske will be occupying the seats I kept warm all those years, while I watch on TV. I also find myself staying away from big games, like Twins or Cubs series, cuz I just want to watch the game, not get into a pissing match with some drunken frat boy.

End Rant. I feel cleansed.


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I don't even really like Brian Anderson -- too many stupid catchphrases (or misguided sayings -- bases-clearing double, grand slam range, etc.), too many mistakes that he refuses to admit, openly bashing statheads, calling for a home run every time a runner gets on base, etc. It's getting to the point where I'm willing to sacrifice having the sound and picture synced up so I can listen to Ueck and Jim while watching the game, even if the radio is a full pitch ahead of the video on TV.

I always think it's weird when Brian and sometimes Ueck or Powell say things like "Get Braun on base for Prince" as though Prince is the only guy on the team that can score runs. I'm not sure why, but it always strikes me as odd - that Weeks, Hardy and Braun exist only to be on base in case Prince hits one. As if they're not good enough in their own right - they're just there as Prince accessories. Frankly, lately, it seems much more likely that JJ or Ryan will do the hitting and Prince will strikeout in 4 pitches or less.


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It bugs me when people say the Brewers are too dependent on the home run, as if it's a bad thing to hit a home run. Hey, the Brewers are 3rd in the league in home runs....would you rather they were last in home runs but first in sac flies? Teams who hit home runs score a lot of runs; teams that play small ball lose a lot of game 3-2.
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I confess that I thought the Brewers were too dependent on the home run during the early days of the Lopes administration and that trading Jeromy Burnitz was a good move. After all, I had simulated the 2002 season on my EA Sports Major League Baseball game for the PC and Eric Young and Alex Sanchez dominated.


Before I became a better educated fan, I also thought that Kevin Barker deserved a better shot with the Brewers. Brian Banks shouldn't have been demoted after a four hit performance, either.

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I've also had the "video game expectation" of players before. Ever notice how Rivera absolutely dominates on The Show '07? That's what I expected from him. I'm disappointed.

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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I am in the same boat as many. I really just will not believe we will make the playoffs until we have it clinched. I realize we are in a great situation right now only .5 back of the wildcard and having just acquired Sabathia, but I'm going to have to need to see it to believe it.
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I prematurely declared the season to be over when Gallardo was injured.


Bill Hall is still my favorite player. I understand that he has flaws but I love him anyway--I feel like he has always played better than his talent level his entire career.


I feel like the crowds have been too quiet at games this year--I start clapping with 2 strikes on a batter with 2 outs and runners on and only a few join me--but I expect that to change now that we have CC.


The only time I went to a Brewers game drunk, I got distracted too easily and didn't have as much fun as when I was sober.


I think we're going to lose tonight.


I don't think Prince Fielder has gained any weight this year.


Finally, I don't leave games early, but I always buy my seats in left field and leave immediately after the last out while others are still in their seats. We've never been waiting in the parking lot for more than 5-10 minutes--it always works if you get out right after the last out and walk quickly.

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Can someone explain to me how people come to Miller Park and then must stop either 1) at the "doorway" to the section or 2) at the top of the stairs and then all 4 of them look at each other and realize they have no idea where their seat is? There are 4 adults and you have tickets in your hands - basically a ROADMAP of where you need to go - and not one of you can figure it out?!



I don't know how many times I've helped direct people to their seats.


"Do you work here or something?"


No, I've just been to the park more than a few times. (And I'm not a moron. But I don't say that part.)

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I must admit to leaving a game early only twice and both were Saturday night games against the Twins so the moral of the story is avoid Twin games at MP on Saturdays.


The first was when Ben Hendrickson gave up an insane number of runs without recording an out in the first inning and the 2nd time I stayed long enough to boo Ned for keeping Tavarez in for the 12th last month. I was so sick to my stomach watching that crap I had to leave.

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I, too, declared we wouldn't make the playoffs when Yo went down. I'm still not as optimistic as some on here but feel alright about their chances.


The wave is bad enough in a scoreless game in the 2nd inning, but I can at least tolerate it. I hate sitting in Terrace Reserved and the Bleachers for Fri/Sat night games because there's always more drunken morons than usual, and usually a few of them attempt to do the wave in key situations. The best is that you already know the demographic before it starts. It's a 21-25 year old guy, always holding up a beer while encouraging people to start the wave in a tie game in the 9th inning, spilling half his beer then laughing about it while high-fiving random people. If you're going to drink so much that you can't even pay attention to the game, why pay for the ticket?


I really can't stand watching Jeff Suppan pitch. Even when he pitches pretty well, it seems like he'll always have a couple innings of 25-30 pitches at the beginning of the game. He's also incredibly boring to watch cause he rarely strikes people out.


Gabe Gross and Chris Capuano were two of my three favorite Brewers but neither might play with the Brewers again.

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I can't stand most of the ushers. Most of the guys in the field section are a bunch of old guys who are on a power trip. Yet, when there are a bunch of boorish drunks in the bleachers disrupting an entire section, they're nowhere to be found. They should put the power-hungry ones in the bleachers.


It seems like people that sit in the club section don't care too much about the game. They're the last ones to stand and cheer. I would know because I sit there often and this trend bothers me.


I felt as if the crowd was really into it last night. Down 4-0, with two on and no outs, the entire stadium was on its feet and loud.


I have left games early -- I don't think it makes me less of a fan. I'm a habitual scorekeeper, so I don't like missing any action. I left early during one of the St. Louis games in August. I was so disgusted with the play, and I didn't want to watch anymore. Also left the game that Gagne blew against the Cards this season. I won't leave if a game is a blowout; I'll only leave if I'm emotionally deflated.


And, I have no faith that this team will make the postseason. I'll believe it when I see it. I also have a feeling that CC will have an extremely average start tonight (5 IP, 3-4 ER). Most of us Brewer fans are born and bred pessimists.

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I have no faith in the Brewers making the postseason either. No matter what the circumstances, I'm convinced that they will come up short somehow.


I don't like the National League, even though the chances of the Brewers being competitive in the AL are slim. I miss the DH (hate the pitcher batting for himself) and all the other teams/stadiums I grew up watching as I watched the Brewers.


I refuse to stand for the sausage race because it embarrasses me as a fan that the stadium gets more fired up for the sausage race than anything that happens on the field.


I own a Chris Capuano jersey and still hold out hope that he will be a successful member of the rotation in the future.


I hate when people have seats in my section and row, but they are on the complete other side of the section and row (I sit pretty close to an aisle) and rather than go up and around, they make 14 people stand and awkwardly shuffle by them, bumping drinks and taking forever.


I was excited when we first picked up Chuckie Carr.


I love listening to Powell alone or Uecker and Powell together, but Uecker alone is getting pretty brutal.


Also, add me to the list of people that hates it when we boo our own players. When I was moving last month, I came across my copy of the 1988 Brewers Yearbook (with the Molitor hologram on the cover) and Chris Bosio's profile had this to say under "What I Like About Milwaukee:" "The fans. They stick with you. They support you even if you're having a rough time. They don't boo you out of town." I doubt any of our players would say that today.

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I thought we should have traded Ben Sheets after the Boston series...for Matt LaPorta and three friends.


I love that Prince Fielder is a vegetarian.


I've hated the Cubs ever since they became that cool other team to watch during summer afternoons from a bar in Madison during college...I couldn't stand it that my friends started to like them more than the Brewers. It was as bad as being in elementary school and having everyone love Marquette...and being the lone Wisconsin basketball fan.

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