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My Brewers Confessional


Don't know why, just felt like posting this (and not because of the outcome tonight), but I have to get it off my chest:


I don't have any confidence in the Brewers making the playoffs.


There, I said it.


It's not a vent. It's not a whine. It's not a thought-out logical, statistical or rational analysis. It's just appears to be my attitude. I'm not proud of it, but I can't ignore it. I'm happy we're in the hunt, happy we have the best record since May 19th or whatever, and happy we have CC Sabathia. I don't boo, I don't complain (much) about individual players or the manager, I don't go around spouting a defeatist attitude, I attend games and cheer, I very much want them to win, and I support the team on many levels. Yet, I cannot shake my innermost thought: that the Brewers will fall short.


I'm fairly certain it's simply the result of all the year's of losing, but one is never one's own best judge.


That is my confession. I just needed to let it out.


I also confess that's it getting more difficult to listen to Bob Uecker, I don't like Klements sausuages or the sausage race, I occassionaly miss County Stadium, I once thought Corey Hart was not major-league worthy, and I've been known to leave early to avoid the traffic.


Whew, that was cathartic.


Anyone else care to confess anything?

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Since nothing good ever seems to happen to this franchise, it's not hard to feel that way, Pedro. Melvin and Mark A. raised the bar for this team with the trade, and now we have to see if the current roster can raise up to that level.


When it comes to the Brewers, I am pessimistic. Thirty-plus years of following this franchise will do that to a person. I won't change until they finally make the playoffs.

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I don't feel like the Brewers are going to make the playoffs either. I do however rationaly think they have a very good shot at making the playoffs and I hope they make the playoffs. Its tough when how you feel and what you rationally know are in conflict.

Fan is short for fanatic.

I blame Wang.

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Before the season began, I was absolutely convinced that the Brewers would be the NL wildcard team. When Gallardo got hurt, I thought that opportunity was gone, but now with Sabathia in his place - I absolutely believe the Brewers will be in the playoffs, as the wildcard, three games behind the Cubs.


On the other hand, I also miss the atmosphere at County Stadium, (when it's warm out), and I am also noticing the changes in Bob Uecker, which is sad to say.


Oh, and I supported the move to get Johnny Estrada when it first happened.

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Yeah, I just feel something odd will happen to prevent us from the playoffs. Like having the third best record in the NL, but missing the playoffs, while Joe torre and the dodgers go with a 500 record.

I remember the 90 + win seasons in the late 70's when we always seemed to fall short. Or when you think you have what it takes, your MVP closer, or ACE gets hurt. Whatever it is, it will probably be rotten luck. That's why I think Melvin needs to go all out and try improve every weakness we have and just go for it this year. Roberts, Harden, Gamel, Feunties, Durham, I don't care, call it overkill, whatever. GO FOR IT!

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I thought Mota would bounce back with us.


I'm sure most of you are familiar with Bill Simmons. I just finished reading his book and this post reminds me of the first two sections of that book. The Red Sox "curse" is well documented and their fans suffered for 85 years (something like that) before finally breaking through.


We don't have a "curse" like our counterparts to the south, but we have still suffered just as much. (Although I'm a pretty young Brewers fan). I also have feelings of doubt, but when Bill Simmons described what it was like for him as the Red Sox beat the Yankees and won the championship; all I could think was that could be me.


Yost wouldn't say it yesterday, but CC gives this team swagger. He's a giant southpaw with filthy pitches. He's an intimidating guy. Sheets has equally as good pitches, but he just doesn't carry the persona that CC does.


So I'll confess that I have doubts about this year because it's been beaten into me. I will; however, take solace in the fact that we are in our divisional and wild card race and we just made our team significantly better. I would be scared, but I'm far too excited at the possibility of winning a championship and that's something I've never been able to say about the Brewers.

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I want to believe but I don't think that I can. Last year was just too much. I followed the team from 1988 to 1994 and only got back into baseball last year when I realized that I missed it so much. Back then, I didn't expect much out of the Brewers. 1992 was bad enough, but 2007 was just as horrible and potentially worse. I keep thinking that once again everything will be blown in the last week of the season.


I miss Derrick Turnbow so much, and I didn't even get to see the good version. I want to believe that he'll put it together by September...but rationally I know that he won't.


I want to believe that Seth McClung is a genuine #3 starter and that he doesn't have a "dead arm" but in every start this month where I see him unravel like fuzzy yarn, it's becoming harder and harder to do that.


And, yeah, Uecker's losing it. Powell is so sarcastic that I can't believe that nobody else has made a big deal out of it. Even so, I kind of enjoy that.

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I also confess that's it getting more difficult to listen to Bob Uecker, I don't like Klements sausuages or the sausage race, I occassionaly miss County Stadium, I once thought Corey Hart was not major-league worthy, and I've been known to leave early to avoid the traffic.

Uecker still is OK. I do think he may just be hanging on hoping for that magical season though. Anyone think he would retire if they won it all this year?

I have always thought the sausage race was pretty silly, but I am one who just wants to watch baseball and could do without all of the distractions. At times I wonder about the people that attend the games. When people are trying to start the wave during a rally, I just do not understand why they come.

I will always miss County Stadium. I like Miller Park, but there just isn't the same atmosphere that you had back then. The bleachers were a blast just because it was completely separate from the rest of the park. I understand the revenue that they bring in, but I could do without all the extra kitsch vendor stands as well. Give me my beer and ballpark fare and I am happy.

OK, how can any fan leave a game early? I have never understood this in all my years. I get it in football, there are some scores that get too far out of hand where the clock makes a comeback impossible, but baseball has no clock. Any game is still in play. What are you really saving in time? 10-15 minutes? For the cost of a game today, I just don't get how one could throw away the enjoyment for an extra few minutes. Besides the ninth-inning rally is the best there is in sports IMO. What if there is extra innings? You don't mind missing all that extra action? In over 30 years going as a fan, I have never left a game early. I have had friends that have tried to get me to leave, but I have simply refused and let them know that they could go and I would take a bus home.

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I have to confess, I am still visibly excited over the acquisition, if only because for the first time in both of their careers, Ben Sheets and CC Sabathia won't be forced to be their team's "ace in the rotation." Both pitchers, since they ascended to the majors, have been dubbed the best pitcher on their staff. Well, does anyone think either pitcher is going to lay down in the face of their first competition for the moniker of "ace?" Who is the best pitcher on our staff, our absolute, must-win, Game 7 pitcher? Maybe I am in the minority, but I'd still take a healthy Benny (04 Sheetzke, that is).
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OK, how can any fan leave a game early?
After Sunday's game, when many had already left early - my friend and I both left at the same time. He was parked in the parking lot. I was over on Wisconsin avenue parked on the street.


I had been back home in West Bend for about 5 minutes before they got out of the parking lot. That is why.

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I find Jim Powell annoying. I know that I shouldn't, and that he's probably a good guy, but I can't listen to him.


I hate seeing people who are within camera range simultaneously waving and talking on their cell phones. (That is less a Brewer confession than an overall MLB rant.)


I won't stay up and watch the end of late games from the West Coast.

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I don't stay up late either.


I want to believe they will make the playoffs; but I am already accepting it if they don't. Sad to say, I'm just glad they are rolling the dice and making a play for it. Guess I'm easy.


Bob has struggled the last couple of years, but he is our guy so that is good enough for me.


I secretly think Ned isn't that bad and still really hate strike out and (man, don't tell anyone this) find a place for 'small ball.'

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OK, how can any fan leave a game early?
After Sunday's game, when many had already left early - my friend and I both left at the same time. He was parked in the parking lot. I was over on Wisconsin avenue parked on the street.


I had been back home in West Bend for about 5 minutes before they got out of the parking lot. That is why.

That about nails it for me. I go to 40 or so games a year, so I see plenty of baseball, and I don't leave if it's a close game. But my season parking is right next to the stadium, which is great when coming in but a pain when leaving. With 35,000+ fans, it can easily take me 30-45 minutes to get out. And I absolutely hate sitting in traffic.


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I've always missed County Stadium, I've never liked Miller Park. It's growing on me, but they can have all the fancy marketing and themed shops/food they want and it will never top the authenticity of Vaughn's Valley. (I have no problem with the Sausage Race - nothing wrong with a little fun and scoreboard races were around for a long time). I'm a pessimist about the Crew as well, figuring there is no way they'll even make the playoffs, let along ever win a World Series. I hope I'm wrong. I imagine a World Series win, and in my mind it's 10 times better than when the Packers finally won the Super Bowl.
You may run like Mays...
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Let's face it Pedro...we are all conditioned to believe it won't happen...it's a natural feeling for any Wisconsin sports fan. I never believed the Badgers would win a Rose Bowl and I sure never thought the Pack could win a Super Bowl either. For now, I'm just glad the team has put themselves in this position. For so many years it wasn't just that the Brewers lost, it's that the situation was hopeless. We may not win, but we do have hope.


As for Uke...I don't hear him as often as you guys back in Milwaukee so the sentimentality of hearing his voice and jokes makes up for barely cobbling together an idea of what is actually happening in the game.

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My confession is that I was very disappointed in the crowd Saturday night. I do not believe that a crowd can single-handedly swing a game's momentum, but throwing a little support behind your team during a tight game can only help. A 1-1 pitch to the leadoff batter during the 8th inning of a tie game is just as important as when there are two strikes and two outs (which apparently is the only time most think it is acceptable to stand and cheer). I have often heard Miller Park's atmosphere described as "electric" during certain games but it sure didn't feel that way Saturday.


I have never been a fan of the sausage race. During the lean years I understood that it was necessary since the team had to rely on more than just the product on the field to fill the seats. Only Fielder's walkoff (and the scoreboard prompts to make noise between innings) drew a comparable level of excitement and volume Saturday night, which doesn't seem like a good thing in a tight game while in a battle for the division/wildcard lead.


I will be happy if they make the playoffs and go no further than the opening round. Since I became a fan my only wish was to experience the excitement and suspense of post-season play. That is why yesterday felt like such a big day. No other single move that I remember had more of a chance of helping to satisfy that wish.

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Recent history tells us there's reason for pessimism. Last year's nose dive for example. Is the glass half full or empty? The Brewers have been on a nice run, yet barely caught the Cards, and only gained 4 games or so in that stretch. Will they continue on this pace, especially with CC, and will taht be enough? Will this be a crazy year that requires 95 wins for the WC? Ultimately, these teams are so close it will probably come down to injuries.


With that said, I like what Mark A and Melvin are trying to do. 26 years since the WS, and they didn't even win it all that year (of course.) It really bothers me to give up LaPorta, but I've come around to accept the desire to go all out this year while you still have Sheets.

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I want to throw things at the people who try for 2 whole innings to start the wave despite the fact that it doesn't make it past the section next to them.


In addition, I want to be able to tell people sit down and shut up when they try to start the wave when we've got men on base and are threatening. Seriously, you're bored right now? And a bunch of people standing and going "wooooo" is going to change that? Why are you here?!??!


I'm cautiously optimistic. I was very, very, very into this season to start and the slow start we had played havoc with me. I was entirely too into it game-by-game. I figure after the start we had, the rest is all a bonus from here on it.


I feel like Uecker and Powell are having an inside-discussion and the rest of us are just listening. I'm sick of all the giggling and jokes that we don't know and can't understand because they're laughing. Half the time Ueck gives the wrong score/wrong inning/wrong player. It gets old when you listen to at least one game a week on the radio.

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Don't worry Pedro, I burned my cursed hat. We'll make it!


I'm cautiously optimistic, I share you concerns Pedro. But I'm trying to re-adjust my expectations for the season and just enjoy the play off push. I'll be disappointed if we miss it, but I'm trying not to scoreboard watch too much. It is an exciting time to be a Brewer fan though, I'm just trying to enjoy it for once.

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I like Uecker and Powell. I like it when they talk to each other and Bob makes Jim laugh. I think Uecker is great and it makes me sad when he misspeaks. The character of the Milwaukee Brewers will be changed for the worse when he is no longer broadcasting the games.


Miller Park has grown on me; I like it now. The fans are in general a happy, friendly bunch. One trip to the Metrodome and you'll realize that's not the case everywhere. I do wish there was more variety to the food; basically it's penis-shaped things in a bun, hamburgers, and greasy pizza. How about a nice barbeque sandwich? Parking isn't as big an issue if you arrive close to game time and park in the back of the cheap lots. The extra 10 minute walk before and after the game is good for working off that brat.


I started the season expecting the Brewers to win the division and be the best team in the NL by the end of the season. I see no reason to change that belief.


These are my confessions. I am sorry for these sins and all my sins.....

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I hate the sausage race. I usually try to pick that time to hit the bathrooms, they are much less crowded at that time.


Maybe I'm just getting old, maybe it's just because our 20-game pack is in the field level bleachers, but I'm also getting sick of the people who come into the game drunk, then proceed to get up every other inning to go get yet another beer that they don't need anyway. Then call you not real Brewer fans because you're trying to watch the game instead of doing that stupid wave, or standing up yelling "you suck" at the opposing team's RF.


Also I'm sick of people coming and going during AB's. Especially at key moments in the game. Hey drunk idiot!! Did you come to watch the game at all?!?!? Or did you just come to be loud, drink overpriced beer, and drool over the trailer trash bimbo with the big chest. The Crew is down one run, Braun is at second, they just walked Prince, and Corey is coming to the plate!! Watch the damn game!!



However I do still like to listen to Uke. Yes, he's got his shortcomings these days, but he's still not down to what Harry Caray was towards the end.


And I do think the Brewers are going to the playoffs this year. I still think they may win the division, but I am usually overly optimistic about the Crew.




Thank you Pedro for starting this thread. Feels good to get some of this off my chest. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

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I cringe everytime I hear booing at Miller Park (unless directed at Gary Sheffield). We have a lot of great fans, but far too many lame and drunk ones that I am embarrassed about.


I also love Bud Selig, I can't understand why Darell Bevell didn't make the NFL and have seen the movie Hoosiers over 100 times and would watch it again if it was on TV tonight.

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