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OBP Question

If Billy Hall goes 1-4 with a single, but acually gets on base a second time because of an error, is his OBP .250 or .500 for the night? Does he get credit for being on base, even though he got on base once via error?
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Yeah, except whether something is an error or not is sometime pretty arbitrary. I'd rather they include errors, but it's not like it would make much difference.


BTW, if errors were included the figure for the example would be .400 not .500. On base twice in 5 plate appearances.

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I believe he meant that in the 4 plate appearances, he gets one single, get on by error, and gets out twice...in which case it would be .500.

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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this is correct, an error still counts as an AB, he had both 4 ABs and 4 PAs.


Yikes, all this time I thought an error did not count as an "at bat". That's embarrassing considering how much of my 48 years has been spent watching baseball. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/embarassed.gif



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Yes, reaching via an error uses an at bat and a plate appearance. It's treated as an out, and it hurts a player's batting average, on base percentage, and slugging percentage.

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Someone should tell Davey that this is the case. On Brewers live tonight he answered that it "definitely" does help the OBP because he reached base.


The two kinda laughed...not really sure at what, Craig may have known that he was wrong, but didn't say anything.

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reaching base via Catcher's interference does not count as an at-bat, I believe. But I do believe you calculate Catcher's interference into the equation (although it so rarely happens you don't really notice this).


Now, keep in mind, they may have changed the rule on this. But I believe at one time that CI was included.

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P.I.T.C.H. LEAGUE CHAMPION 1989, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2011 (finally won another one)

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