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Are we overreacting?


yes we are overreacting.


we overreacted when we were 24-10 last year. wasnt there world series talk?

we overreacted when we blew the 8 game lead. yost is bad, but isnt this a young, learning, battling team?

we overreacted this off season we melvin rebuilt the bullpen, and when we had 8 starters it was all the rage to predict who would get traded, or sent to the bullpen or AAA.

we overreacted with our predictions for the season, and player performance.


we are NOT overreacting to the possibility that if things do not change quickly, like the next 7-10 days, we will be faced with a mangerial change, the real potential for another losing record and long playoff drought continuing.


we are currently 5 games from first place and 2-1/2 games from last.

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Yes, I think we are overreacting, but that's the nature of being a fan I guess. For many of us including myself this is the most talented team that the Brewers have put on the field and the closest they'll be to having a chance at the playoffs. I think there were only two other years I remember feeling like they had a chance (since I've been following them) and they were '87 and '92. Man, that's a long time and a lot of bad teams. When this is the group that's hyped to be IT and they don't get it done it makes me wonder if they'll ever get there. So, I think it's mostly just frustration of seeing all this talent and expecting more. Frankly, I think it was easier to be a fan when Turner Ward was our best player.

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I believe this team is loaded with talent


This is what I keep hearing, but where is the evidence? Other than the brief period of 34 games at the start of last season the results have been mediocre. Why is that if the team is loaded with talent?


My kids are "loaded with talent", of another sort, that would lead you to believe they would have excellent academic records. Yet all three of them have mediocre records. This could be because I am a poor parent or it could be because, through no fault of mine, they just don't care. Hmm, I think in either case, I am the one that should be fired, if different results are desired.


If the team still stinks on May 31, something needs to change and the only reasonable thing I can think of to do would be to fire Yost...whether it is really his fault or not.

Other than a brief period of 33 games last year this team was great. On July 24th last year we were 56-44, we then went 10-23 over the next 33 games. We finished the rest of the year 17-12. This idea that we just had 34 hot games last year is just absurd. This team was good most of the year last year, they struggled in late July and all of August and choked away the lead.

To take it a step further we were 9-7 after 16 games last year. So you are really trying to say we were only good for 18 games that we went 11-3 during in late april early May and stunk the rest of the season. Problem is if you take out the hottest period of any teams stats they look much worse, you can't judge a team like that.
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I can only speak for myself, but I was not worried before Yo went out, even though the offense had been struggling. Once Yo went out, I figured they were probably done for. The offense won't be this bad all season, but they're dangerously close to falling into a hole they won't be able to climb out of without Gallardo.
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yes we are overreacting.


we overreacted when we were 24-10 last year. wasnt there world series talk?

we overreacted when we blew the 8 game lead. yost is bad, but isnt this a young, learning, battling team?

we overreacted this off season we melvin rebuilt the bullpen, and when we had 8 starters it was all the rage to predict who would get traded, or sent to the bullpen or AAA.

we overreacted with our predictions for the season, and player performance.


we are NOT overreacting to the possibility that if things do not change quickly, like the next 7-10 days, we will be faced with a mangerial change, the real potential for another losing record and long playoff drought continuing.


we are currently 5 games from first place and 2-1/2 games from last.

Wonderful post! I need not add any of my own feelings on the thread question, as they've pretty much all been covered here. The force is strong with Ozzy.



we're only overreacting if they turn it around soon. If they don't we're acting appropriately.


So, if the very loud complainers are right, they get to be right, and if they're wrong, they get to say, 'Gee, I'm glad I was wrong!', instead of taking into consideration whether or not they're overreacting? I by no means 'get' to tell people what to think & how to feel, but lately there has been a lot of loud complaining & very little reflection on how accurate said concerns are or aren't.


Little attention paid to the Cardinals playing way over their heads, little attention paid to remembering how that season way back in 2007 went, little attention paid to the fact that our hitters are going to start hitting... and lots of 'OMGz! This team is garbage, and anyone who thinks they aren't is wrong!'

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This idea that we just had 34 hot games last year is just absurd. This team was good most of the year last year, they struggled in late July and all of August and choked away the lead.

Let me put it this way, since that hot start of 34 games, the results have been mediocre at best. They are 65-87 since then, is this the sort of results that should be expected from a team that is "loaded with talent"?
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I am sick and tired of all the stat geeks on this site that truely believe stats rule the game. It is not fantasy baseball and heart and desire do matter. THIS IS A BAD BASEBALL TEAM AND IT WILL NOT CHANGE. They are bad because they lack the leadership to tell them that the way they do things doesn't produce wins. Some will get hot while others are cold and vice versa so your yearly numbers will look like you expected but the wins will not be there. I was an All American football player in college and I need to let you know that winning is more than stats it is a mentality and this team is as far from it as any in sports. It is so obvious that this is a complete me first team. (Outside of Corey Hart) Living in KC I wish I was not such a homer to all Wisconsin sports teams. The amount of time I have invested to this site and this team in the last 8 years is in the thousands of hours. I have never been so dissappointed in the level of play, effort and enthusiasm as I have been in this years team. They are hard to root for. It is not stats or slumps or any measurable, it is a bunch of kids that have been pampered through the minors and now they don't get what it takes to win. Ned Yost is still making excuses for them like it's the September of there call up. "Bushy just left a few pitches up" or "Ricky seeing a lot of pitches". I for one am tired of it and I think we fans deserve more than we are getting. Our fan base and this site prove how much we back this team but I can't help feeling a huge disconnect. I really hope we turn it around but I'm just not sure this bunch can do it. Someone tell me I'm not alone. At least tell me your drinking too
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Lisa: Don't you think you're overreacting?
Homer: Don't you think you're underreacting?
Lisa: This session's over.
Homer: This session's under.
Lisa: Good bye.
Homer: Bad bye.

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This idea that we just had 34 hot games last year is just absurd. This team was good most of the year last year, they struggled in late July and all of August and choked away the lead.

Let me put it this way, since that hot start of 34 games, the results have been mediocre at best. They are 65-87 since then, is this the sort of results that should be expected from a team that is "loaded with talent"?


Isn't that the point though, that they should play better than this? If you think the team has no talent, then you can't really be over reacting at all I suppose, because you shouldn't have expected much else. But, on the other hand, if you think the team has a lot of talent, then you should know they are not playing up to that talent at all, and that is where the concern comes in. I expect much better of this team, because I believe they're talented, and I agree the results have been mediocre for awhile and that is unacceptable.

If you want to believe the team lacks talent because they're not putting up winning results, that's your opinion, but I don't think talent is gauged on a win/loss record, really at all. I lean heavily that the team lacks leadership, I don't think Ned's "they'll figure it out, they're good kids" routine is really a prime example to set and I think that is hurting this team far more than any perceived lack of talent.

(BTW, I don't think you need to keep putting loaded with talent in quotes like that, it seems pretty condescending when written repeatedly that way. IMO.

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This idea that we just had 34 hot games last year is just absurd. This team was good most of the year last year, they struggled in late July and all of August and choked away the lead.

Let me put it this way, since that hot start of 34 games, the results have been mediocre at best. They are 65-87 since then, is this the sort of results that should be expected from a team that is "loaded with talent"?


It wasn't a hot start of 34 games though, it was a hot 14 games. But yeah if you take out a teams hottest streak in a season you will get dismal results, if that is the point you are trying to make I agree. Otherwise your point makes no sense.
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rather than over or under -reacting, I'd just like to see the brewers do something. people say we should wait and we need more time, and teams will not trade with us until the deadline. while melvin is applying his stand pat, wait and see approach and do nothing until the trade deadline, other GM's are taking action, cutting deadweight and making trades today. Are these GMs over reacting? or are they taking appropriate action?


jacque jones and edmunds were cut this week. Seattle brought up Clement and balantien and released Wilkerson and nelson. Cleveland traded Michaels to pittsburg.


other teams seem to think 30 games is long enough to wait before taking corrective action.


it was nice to see turnbow released. I would have preferred to see him traded in the offseason when other teams were inquiring about him and he actually had trade value. once again, we waited too long before taking action.


yes, we the fans panic and over-react. I think it would be refreshing if GM's would over react or at least not stand pat.

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jacque jones and edmunds were cut this week. Seattle brought up Clement and balantien and released Wilkerson and nelson. Cleveland traded Michaels to pittsburg


The problem is these are reactions to moves that anyone who follows baseball knew were just bad ideas to begin with. They cut bait on deals they should have never made in the first place.

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my point is the fact that they didn't take the wait and see approach or wait another 50 games to see if they'd turn it around.


the players weren't producing and their GM took swift action to cut them loose.


I'd like to see more GM's take the swift approach to cutting deadweight.

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Isn't that the point though, that they should play better than this? ...if you think the team has a lot of talent, then you should know they are not playing up to that talent at all, and that is where the concern comes in. I expect much better of this team, because I believe they're talented, and I agree the results have been mediocre for awhile and that is unacceptable.

Yes, that is exactly the point I meant to make in my indirect way. If the people running the team keep telling us that the talent is there and yet the results don't show it, then either something needs to be done about it. Otherwise what are they going to do, say "we lied, we don't really have that much talent"? (sources outside the team would indicate that is not the really case, but would we not have to assume that the team's owner and GM believe this, if they don't change anything, despite the mediocrity).


BTW, I don't think you need to keep putting loaded with talent in quotes like that, it seems pretty condescending when written repeatedly that way. IMO.

Sorry if the quotation marks made it seem that way and now I sure can see how it would. I did not really intend that the quotes meant I was using the phrase an ironic sense, I really meant it as just a quote of the sort of thing we keep hearing from the team and other sources.

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Big Reed, these are some moves Melvin has made this season: has traded away an outfielder, has demoted a starter that had led previously led the team in victories, and DFAd a former All Star closer. And you think he isn't doing enough?


As I see it, there are a couple of other moves that people want Melvin to make:


1. Fire Yost. I'm not a supporter of Yost, but I'm not convinced that whoever replaces him would be better.

2. DFA McClung. I wasn't sure why he made the roster, but the team obviously believes in him. I trust their judgment over my own.

3. Bring up Branyan. I think this could be a good idea. Enough has been said about him elsewhere.

4. Bring up Weaver. I think this is premature.

5. Bring up LaPorta. This too is premature, although it has to be tempting if he continues to mash down in AA.


I think Melvin is doing fine. The Brewers had a tough week and fans want to see things change. Patience and fandom are a tough combo.

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As I see it, there are a couple of other moves that people want Melvin to make:


1. Fire Yost. I'm not a supporter of Yost, but I'm not convinced that whoever replaces him would be better.

2. DFA McClung. I wasn't sure why he made the roster, but the team obviously believes in him. I trust their judgment over my own.

3. Bring up Branyan. I think this could be a good idea. Enough has been said about him elsewhere.

4. Bring up Weaver. I think this is premature.

5. Bring up LaPorta. This too is premature, although it has to be tempting if he continues to mash down in AA.

1. I'll skip this one since my position is probably well-known.

2. I think McClung can be okay in the position that he's in right now, which is mop-up. If he starts getting thrown into tight spots, the pressure seems to take over his control. But his stuff is good enough that he'll be fine, assuming we have more mop-up games and quit it with this 1 run game crap.

3. I like the idea of bringing up Branyan, but the thought just annoys me because we had Gross and traded him, and I personally would rather have Gross than Branyan (don't kill me!).

4. I agree that bringing up Weaver might be a little premature, but it depends on how we plan to use him. If the idea is just to use him for a month to give our regular starters a break, then now might not be a bad time. But if the idea is that he'll be a solid contributor for the long stretch (please no) and possibly playoffs (crossing fingers), then we might as well wait and just bring him up right before the June 1st deadline on his contract. That is, unless it seems like he'll stay no matter what.

5. Not so sure I like the idea of bringing up LaPorta either. I'm not completely sure of the rules on this, but is there any way to bring him up for a few interleague series and NOT start his arby clock? I don't like the idea of possibly sacrificing future prospects and the amount of time they can spend here just for that one win-now season, especially since we don't even have a winning record right now.


If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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"I'm not completely sure of the rules on this, but is there any way to bring him up for a few interleague series and NOT start his arby clock?"



I'm no expert on the subject either, but I would have to guess the Player's Association wouldn't let that happen.

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He only gets service time for the time spent in the majors. It isn't like his clock starts and doesn't stop if he goes back down. I think there might be some kind of minimun though.

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I blame Wang.

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Well, everybody was told all the same cliches last year. Dont' over-react. There's lots of games left. The sky isn't falling. Take a deep breath. Stay positive. Step away from the ledge. Whatever other condescending remarks I'm forgetting.


This team looks pretty similar to last year's team, and look how that turned out. I'm just saying...

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Depends on what you mean by don't worry. When I say don't worry it means the team will come out of it's slump and that is exactly what happened when everyone freaked out last May after the bad road series. It happened again after the bad August. It never meant don't worry we are a lock for the playoffs which the more negative crowd seems to take it as.


This team has its best baseball ahead of it this season, I don't think the playoffs are likely because of the Gallardo injury but this is a slump, not a team that just has no talent. Every team is going to go through slumps and you can't freak out over every one of them.

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Well, everybody was told all the same cliches last year. Dont' over-react. There's lots of games left. The sky isn't falling. Take a deep breath. Stay positive. Step away from the ledge. Whatever other condescending remarks I'm forgetting.


This team looks pretty similar to last year's team, and look how that turned out. I'm just saying...

Also, last year we had a 24-10 record at the beginning of the season to fall back on and give us some cushion -- and it still wasn't enough to save us.


Now this year, Yost is pretty much offering us a giant glass of Kool-Aid after every game that says we'll just magically turn it on one game like a faucet and start scoring 7 runs a game, guiding us to another great run which will be enough this year to overcome anything that happens this insanely early in the season, a ludicriously paltry 36 games which certainly isn't enough to make any kind of projections on.


Anyone buying it?


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When I say don't worry it means the team will come out of it's slump and that is exactly what happened when everyone freaked out last May after the bad road series. It happened again after the bad August.
Of course a team is eventually going to come out of a slump. You're not really providing any unknown information there. It's about how much damage was done during the slump.


In addition to the bad August, there was a bad July before that. The team went 20-34 in those two months. That's huge - a full 1/3 of the season! So I think it was completely justified to freak out about that happening. It destroyed the entire season and we blew our huge division lead. Just because they "bounced back" in September doesn't make those two months any less devestating, and it doesn't make the restlessness the fans showed during that stretch an over-reaction.

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