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Should I go to the doctor?


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Put some ice on it. If you feel a sharp pain when you put the ice on it, go get an x-ray. If the ice just numbs the injury wait for 2 or 3 days to see if it gets better.
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Did this to myself last summer except I punched a soft-sided tackle box after losing a very, very large muskie while fishing in Canada. I thought the soft sides would lessen the blow but that wasn't the case. I never went to the doctor and it took about a month before it felt normal. It still hurt at all but I know that I screwed something up because I can feel something hard floating around in the knuckle area. If I were you, I'd go get it checked out...especially if you have insurance.
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I can build a mean brick patio and retaining wall - spent the majority of my high school, college and some of my post-college life doing just that.


One day, about 7 years ago, I was chiseling a block in half using a chisel and a large hammer. I was making good progress and got a little too confident, came down hard with the hammer and instead of hitting the chisel came down on the hard, boney area right below where your thumb and index finger make the V.


Hurt - a lot - but I put some ice on it - it stayed swollen for a long time, but I didn't have insurance and needed to keep working, so...


Still gives me problem to this day. I feel like I have the hands of a 55-60 year old and I'm only 28. Nice little scar there. Hand is structurally fine, but I can still feel it.




I also feel like the constant vibrations from chiseling with a hammer permanently screwed up my hands. Anything that involves tightly gripping an object for any extended period can lead to painful stiffness and even results in me having to pry my fingers fully open...


...maybe I should go to the doctor...

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Every time I hear about something like this, I feel obligated to announce to everyone within earshot that my brother once broke his hand by punching me. He needed a cast.


Whenever I hear someone talk about a time they hurt themselves a while ago and never got it checked out, and "now it clicks/hurts when I bend this way etc." it just helps convince me that I should go to the doctor for something like this.

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Yeah go to the doctor. They'll tell you it's just bruised or if it's broken. I thought I fractured my foot a few months ago during a hard foul in Soccer, turns out it was a strained tendon across the top of my foot. That thing hurt.


No insurance? Take a drive to Canada eh?

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Verified Member
  Stevo said:
Every time I hear about something like this, I feel obligated to announce to everyone within earshot that my brother once broke his hand by punching me. He needed a cast.
I hope you laughed at him for that. Then I would hope he comes back with his other hand trying to punch you but before he lands the punch you say do you really want to break your other hand?
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I used to be a puncher. Every time something bad happened Id punch anything. I have broke my hand like 5 times and went to the dr once. The only reason why I went the last time is because my hand was 3 times the size as my other. The dr. said, have you broke your hand before? I was like, dunno, first time I have been for this. He said, well, by the looks of your hand, you have done it many times.


Id go see the dr. or your hand its going to be like mine, I can't straighten out my pinky anymore.

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Wait until Gagne blows his next save so you can punch the desk with the other hand. This way you only have to make 1 trip for 2 busted up hands.



On a real note, yeah probably go to the Doc. It never hurts (except the wallet), and its not worth the risk of the bones in your hand healing out of alignment.

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We have insurance. My son thought he broke his foot twice in the last year playing basketball. he was in extreme pain. the hospital took xrays and all he had was a sprain both times. The cost for each visit was $1200. We paid about $10 out of our pocket and the insurance covered the rest. I thought I had a heart attack last year mowing my 2 acres with a push mower. I went to the hospital and stayed there for awhile. my stay in the emergency room cost about $2500. I paid about $35.


hospital costs, even for routine visits to the emergency room are expensive. I highly recomend for the active man to buy health insurance. if you don't have insurance, you could be like a friend of mine and be in debt for life.

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Isn't anyone else ashamed that we are attempting to give advice based on finance (insurance) rather than patient welfare (doctor)?


Yeah, it's pretty insane how brutal it can be to not have insurance. I was offered a consulting job that paid well but didn't include insurance. In the end, that was the deciding factor, as I knew that if I tripped down the stairs I could be bankrupt. It would be horrible to be very responsible financially and then screw it all up because you got sick or hurt.

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