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What was your high school ride?


My "what's bugging you" post earlier today about high schoolers who park their late model cars (often SUVs) on our block - frequently disrupting our trash/recycling pickup - inspired enough replies to warrant its own thread.


What was your "ride" in high school; or, for those of you who didn't have a vehicle until after high school, what was your first 'own' vehicle?


I will start, and reveal my extreme old-schoolness in the process.

I did not have my own ride in high school. In fact, with my father gone and not paying child support, my mom had to trade down to a brownish green 1973 Dodge Dart that was literally all she could afford. I remember not wanting to ride in that thing, much less take my driver's test in it. I did, ultimately, but I walked to school most days (mainly because it was about a 15 minute walk). It was an ugly, disintegrating car, and symbolized perfectly our family's dire financial straits.


I didn't have my own car until after college. My first car was a 1990 Corolla, bought new in Green Bay soon after arriving there. A used car probably would have made more financial sense, but the only mechanic I knew was in Monroe, and that seemed a little far for a test drive.


Since then I've been a solid if infrequent Toyota customer, switching to a Camry in 1998 and then a Prius last year.

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I took my road test in and later owner a 1992 Mercury Tracer


I later traded that in and was rocking a 1985 Ford Mustang GT for the rest of high school, I spent a good deal of my 99% disposable income modifying it, to make it loud and fast, i miss it dearly


I am currently 26 and on my 14th car, but that a different thread

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1986 Olds Calais, then

1992 Ford Tempo (worst car ever), then my last year of H.S. and first year of college was a

1985 Olds Celebrity...followed by

1996 Olds Achieva


Apparently I had a thing for Oldsmobile. Wait, maybe the Celebrity was a Chevy. Oh well, it was a piece of crap but it started in the dead of winter.


I'm now 26 and just recently bought a 2003 Hyundai XG350, which is my first "real" car. I was forced to buy a new one because the driver's side airbag on the Achieva went off. No accident, it just decided to go off and punch me in the face while I was driving. Needless to say, I love my new car.

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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'82 Trans Am for the summer, '85 Daytona for the winter. This was 96-98.





Summer Ride (sans bra)





Winter Beater

"We all know he is going to be a flaming pile of Suppan by that time." -fondybrewfan
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  brettac1 said:
I had a '93 Bonneville. It was a sweet ride, pretty much.

My good friend had this same car. Brings back a lot of memories. That 3800 engine GM makes is about the best thing they've accomplished. He attempted a lot of burnouts with that car.


I had a 94 Nissan Altima. Reliable car.

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89 Chevy Cavalier. Ladies, you know you dig it.




Not this 89 Cavalier:



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In high school I was blessed with a 1984 Dodge Omni (brown). I don't remember what happened to that car (I think my dad sold it). Then, in college I inherited a 1984 Dodge Omni (blue) that my dad bought for $500. Manual transmission, 2.4 L turbo-charged engine, man that thing could move! I loved it and I cried when it died here in Arizona some 7 years ago. I put over 100,000 miles on it after it was already at around 83,000 when I got it.


I still remember having to learn how to drive stick with that car. If I learned, I was able to take it to college. If not, it stayed at home. Two days of solo test-driving and I had it down--that car was going to be mine! The shifter was a bit funky, though. You had to do things "just right" to get it to shift properly. It felt like one of those 1950's moments you see in movies about knowing how to start a car because the owner put some "special modification" in so he is the only one that knows how to start it up.


Then, I taught my cousin how to drive it because we were road-tripping to Cooperstown for Spring Break and he had to do some of the driving. He wanted to go real bad so a day of solo driving and he had it mastered, sort of.


Man, I miss that car!

- - - - - - - - -

P.I.T.C.H. LEAGUE CHAMPION 1989, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2011 (finally won another one)

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High School (late 80's) - '79 Ford Van - full size, previously owned by an electrical contractor, so we got to carpet & panel it ourselves.

College (early 90's) - '85 Chevy Chevette - little 4 cyclinder was efficient for 4 hour drives back home.

First Job (mid 90's) - '89 Ford Pick-Up - needed 4WD & bed for hauling supplies at construction job... been 4WDs ever since.

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In high school, I did not have a car, but my dad sometimes let me drive his 95 Geo Tracker to school. Then right before I left for college, my grandmother got a new car and gave me her 1990 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale. What a boat. We went through some crazy times together -- the $300 mailbox we knocked over, the time the brakes failed while I was on the road -- and finally when we failed inspection, I bought the Tracker from my dad.
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Check out this sweet ride





Me, about 80 pounds and a goofy haircut ago, with The Stang (I'll refrain from giving the other nicknames I had for it in order to be family-friendly) in 1992. '81 Mustang, cost me about $700 when I bought it in 1991 with tip money I made from bussing tables. The damage on the side in teh top one was from my very first car accident. Still one of the more reliable vehicles I ever had, but man oh man.


I never was a big car guy.


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My mom passed away when I was a junior in high school . Dad just found it easier to give me her car. I had a 1980 Chrysler LeBarron . I had it for about 3 or 4 years until I pulled out in front of a car I did not see & hit the backend of a Ford Taurus that plowed into a tree. The guy who hit me from behind was a big wig for an insurance company & the woman in the Taurus was 8 months preagnant. Thankfully everyone was fine.

A month late Dad bought me an 84 Olds Firenza for 3000.00. He kept a running total on his desk. I would get paid & depending on how many hours I would work I would put 50 or 75 bucks every other week on his deck & work my total down. It seemed like I paid that car off at least once but because it went thru 2 head gaskets & a new head it just kept adding up. Then there was the day I went to the desk to leave my money & watch my total go down . I looked at the paper ,it has 400.00 added to it & net to it it said new tires, your welcome. I was ticked but looking back he only meant the best.

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I drove a 1992 Chevy Corsica for a year and a half before it started going really downhill. So my senior year in high school I bought a 2001 Pontiac Grand Am. I love my car. We are the best of buddies.
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My 1st ride was a red '62 Poncho Catalina with a 389cid engine when I was just a soph. $175. In that era that was enough that I needed a loan to make it mine! Needed a little body work which a friend did. After adding a 4bbl carb. and dual exhaust it gave me less than 10 miles to the gallon; Spent all my money working at the full service gas station on it and gas. Gas was about $ .37/gal! Sold it less than a year later for some $4xx to buy my next ride:


'63 sky blue Chevy Impala SS. 327cid. for some $5xx. Had a mechanic friend who was older than me who also had the same car except he had a 3spd and mine was an auto on the floor. His fiance' was not friendly on that transmission so we agreed to have him switch trannys and a few other parts to the agreement of both of us. Blew out the rear end on a back road trying to see how much rubber I could burn. Also, my heavy foot caused me to get a speeding ticket , burn out a clutch, and roll it over on its side on a wet back road on a late Friday nite chasing a Dodge Super Bee! Sold that one, also, for a profit upon receiving the ticket (lost my license until graduation night) about semester break of my senior year. Enlisted in the USN at that time due to being pissed about the ticket thingy and the parents of a much younger squeeze put the kibash on our relationship. Would not enter the military until August after graduation.


While waiting to get my license back and working yet at the gas station among other part time jobs I came across one of the two cars I've always wanted; a '55 Chevy! The other being a ''57 Chev). A friend of mine drove me up to Port Washington to look at it and I brought it home w/o a driver's license...Working at the garage is always great for fixing up your own cars and I targeted graduation nite for having the heavy Chevy ready to roll. Another friend of mine painted it a Ford white as it was just primered upon purchase. A 350cid/350 horse 3spd on the floor. I told my mother that this would be the car I would be killed in. Not what a mother wants to here. Well, to finished this post off I can say somehow I survived graduation night without the local police force ticketing me for many unauthorized moving violations. Redundant, I know. I managed to stay alive that summer working a few part time jobs including the garage and finally entering the Navy in August, leaving behind four lady friends. I had my father sell it shortly after I joined the USN.


The rest is, as they say, history.

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  RyDogg66 said:

I did a Google Image search for 1988 Ford Escort, and this is what I found. I dont remember it hovering, but everything else looks right.



ha, I also had a 1988 Ford Escort, got it my junior year, got my only speeding ticket to date in it, drove it to freshman year at Platteville, it died during the first Christmas break. What a pile of crap. lol
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