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I want Prince to Kick Vegetarianism Thread

Two years ago for health reasons, I made a minor change in my diet. It was something I was conscious of virtually every waking hour for months. Sure he can find ways to make up for the protein, but that requires a lot of effort and planning that isn't being put into his job.

Who says he isn't? Do we honestly think that MLB teams don't have someone to help players do this? And do we honestly think that since Prince has million and million and millions of dollars going on his strength and conditioning that he won't hire some or make the effort? This is this mans job, he can devote his time during our "working hours" to focus on said things.

I'm very disappointed in everyones "jump to conclusions" that Princes "power issues" (Remember.. he only hit 1 HR MORE LAST YEAR SO FAR) this year is because he's "weak because he's a veggie now". Lets stop assuming that he's not taking care of himself, infact this might be a good move for him to extend his carrier by focusing on his eating and his general well being.
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on the other side of the coin, vegetables and fruit also have a lot of drugs and chemicals pumped into them. so they are not entirely as healthy as people think.


When I lived in Tampa I would get hives because of the chemicals sprayed over the nearby orange grove . oranges are not naturally orange. they put a dye into the tree and fruit to ensure the orange comes out orange rather than green. As I pass by the corn fields here in Illinois, I am amazed at the chemicals put into the ground to make our corn grow bigger and faster. Do we want to talk about all the chemicals sprayed over lettuce, cabbage and tomatoes to ensure the local vermin don't eat our crops? Trust me, it's not the non toxic deer away spray they sell at walmart. I'm not sure we want to talk about the toxic stuff they spray on our fields to kill off the weeds.


Ever look at a bottle of water lately? There's a lot more stuff that goes into that bottle of moutain fresh water than just mountain fresh water. Some of those chemicals make drinking a coke or mountain dew look healthy.


I had lunch at Ryan's steak house. I noticed the lettuce seemed to be in a pool of water. I made notice of this to the attendant. He informed me it wasn't water, but rather that famous clear liquid preservative that keeps their lettuce looking fresh and not brown. Half of the bowl was that preservative.


The more I eat vegetables and fruits, and the more I live in the country, the more I learn about all the bad chemicals and preservatives used to bring those fresh vegetables and fruits to you. There's a reason you only find dead worms in apples. it wasn't the apple that killed the worm. Think about it. what killed the worm, could kill you.


Today's fruits and vegetables are no more healthy than today's meats and pastas.

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As I said before, I don't really care what he or any Brewer eats as long as they produce on the field. I do though have a problem with a guy who's supposed to be the team leader spending time on game days promoting a lifestyle. If he wants to do that in November after the World Series, more power to him.
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dannyjnoonan[/b]]"Its amazing how many of you have bought into the meat-manhood myth."


It has nothing to do with manhood and it's not a myth. Female athletes need protein too. Anyone that has ever trained for a sport will tell you that eating right is important. Any dietician will tell you that that includes eating protein, fats and carbohydrates. He got his dietary advice from a book written by a fashion model for Pete's sake. Unless Prince is drinking about a gallon of whole milk per day, I'm worried about this.

You do realize protien is found in things other than meat, don't you?

Yeah, like Milk. Like I mentioned in the sentence you quoted. Learn to read man.


Like I said before, (1) I am not saying that it's impossible to be a healthy home-run hitter without meat. I'm saying it's difficult and that Prince might not be up to the task. If he's supplementing his meat with Doritos, then I'm worried. And none of you know what he's doing. People keep saying that the Brewers have a full-time nutritionist for him and stuff. I've seen no newspaper article saying that this is true. Early in the season there was one that specifically said that they do not. And (2) I am not saying that Prince's diet is entirely responsible for his early season "slump." But it MIGHT bet PARTLY responsible.

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Two years ago for health reasons, I made a minor change in my diet. It was something I was conscious of virtually every waking hour for months. Sure he can find ways to make up for the protein, but that requires a lot of effort and planning that isn't being put into his job.

Who says he isn't? Do we honestly think that MLB teams don't have someone to help players do this? And do we honestly think that since Prince has million and million and millions of dollars going on his strength and conditioning that he won't hire some or make the effort? This is this mans job, he can devote his time during our "working hours" to focus on said things.

I'm very disappointed in everyones "jump to conclusions" that Princes "power issues" (Remember.. he only hit 1 HR MORE LAST YEAR SO FAR) this year is because he's "weak because he's a veggie now". Lets stop assuming that he's not taking care of himself, infact this might be a good move for him to extend his carrier by focusing on his eating and his general well being.


You're the one that's assuming and jumping to conclusions.
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You're the one that's assuming and jumping to conclusions.

Sure I am.. but not as much as people saying that Prince isn't taking care of himself, and that his power outage is directly linked to him not eating meat. What's more outrageous?

As pointed out previously in the thread, we don't know details of his diet. I assume he's doing it right (After all it's his job) and people are assuming he isn't. The fact is.. he's only 1 HR behind last year so far.. and I feel it's more he's not seeing the ball.

Nice mat zzzman!

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I think his power outage is probably more directly related to prince having a good eye at the plate (The baseball field one - not the dinner one) and being selective as to what he swings at, and pitchers not giving him anything good to smash.


I also believe his contract and hitting 50 homers last season and the change in batting order are also factors. before the reds series, I would have said, we're winning so who cares?

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You're the one that's assuming and jumping to conclusions.

Sure I am.. but not as much as people saying that Prince isn't taking care of himself, and that his power outage is directly linked to him not eating meat. What's more outrageous?

As pointed out previously in the thread, we don't know details of his diet. I assume he's doing it right (After all it's his job) and people are assuming he isn't. The fact is.. he's only 1 HR behind last year so far.. and I feel it's more he's not seeing the ball.

Nice mat zzzman!

It's a huge assumption that just because he is only one home-run behind last year's number means that there is definitely nothing wrong. That's a much bigger assumption than saying that the major lifestyle change he made might have some effect on him.

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You assuming that changing his diet is the cause. The truth is we don't know why he's having a "power outage" even though he's not much behind his numbers from last year. Maybe he's feeling stronger then ever with his new diet, but the sausage races reminds of his ethical stance. Or maybe he's just having an off start because his kids have the flu.


My problem with this entire thread is that people are saying that dietary changes are the cause of the "power outage". Please... we don't know. My assumptions that he's doing the right things are just as out there as you telling me it's his lifestyle change. Or maybe he's just not comfortable in the 3 hole. Who knows.. I'm just defending the fact that being a vegetarian (I am not one) isn't the cause, and with a properly managed diet he won't lose power. And poeple have this wild assumption on what being a vegetarian is.


How about this, we get GMA to ask for specific dietary questions, how much fat he's eating, protein and what not. He doesn't look any smaller to me. And correlation doesn't mean causation, people are just expecting Prince to be hitting a bomb at every at bat. And since he hasn't hit a home run yet, and the Brewers looked not all that great (as a TEAM) that people are looking for things that changed.

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Nope. We don't know, no one knows. That is correct. But he sure did give us reasons to speculate. And again, if this continues, we'll see how his moral/ethical issues change. Whether or not it's got any effect whatsosever. My guess is his morals/ethics in this decision go about as far as how much money he's got coming to him in the future.
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I thought politics was off the table on this board Brian. Ever hear of the FDA? That statement is clearly political.


How about all the hard working Americans employed in this country in the meat industry?


Have you ever heard of babies, puppies, and our troops? How about baskets full of kittens and the lives and happiness of our future generations where we shall stand united as the greatest nation on earth? Freedom, liberty, the American way and democracy!

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"You assuming that changing his diet is the cause."


No I not. I suggesting it might be part of the cause.


"but the sausage races reminds of his ethical stance..."


There is a causal connection between diet and things that affect hitting. That basic statement is a fact.


"My problem with this entire thread is that people are saying that dietary changes are the cause of the "power outage". Please... we don't know."


Most of us are saying that his dietary change MIGHT be PART of the cause of his "power outage" but we don know. What we do know is that he did hit lots of home-runs when he was eating meat.


"My assumptions that he's doing the right things are just as out there as you telling me it's his lifestyle change."


Where did I say it was definitely his lifestyle change?


"Or maybe he's just not comfortable in the 3 hole."


That MIGHT be PART of the problem too.


"Who knows.."


Not you. Or me. But I never made any affirmative, concrete statements.


"I'm just defending the fact that being a vegetarian (I am not one) isn't the cause, and with a properly managed diet he won't lose power."


That's a fact? But a few words ago you said, and I quote: "Who knows.." You know what else we don't know? That he's properly managing his diet to replace the lost protein, not to mention all the stuff that you can't replace without meat.


"And poeple have this wild assumption on what being a vegetarian is."


Vegetarian: person that does not eat meat, fish or fowl.


"And correlation doesn't mean causation, people are just expecting Prince to be hitting a bomb at every at bat. "


No it doesn't. But correlation deffinately doesn't mean "not causation" as you seem to think.

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on the other side of the coin, vegetables and fruit also have a lot of drugs and chemicals pumped into them. so they are not entirely as healthy as people think.


When I lived in Tampa I would get hives because of the chemicals sprayed over the nearby orange grove . oranges are not naturally orange. they put a dye into the tree and fruit to ensure the orange comes out orange rather than green. As I pass by the corn fields here in Illinois, I am amazed at the chemicals put into the ground to make our corn grow bigger and faster. Do we want to talk about all the chemicals sprayed over lettuce, cabbage and tomatoes to ensure the local vermin don't eat our crops? Trust me, it's not the non toxic deer away spray they sell at walmart. I'm not sure we want to talk about the toxic stuff they spray on our fields to kill off the weeds.


Ever look at a bottle of water lately? There's a lot more stuff that goes into that bottle of moutain fresh water than just mountain fresh water. Some of those chemicals make drinking a coke or mountain dew look healthy.


I had lunch at Ryan's steak house. I noticed the lettuce seemed to be in a pool of water. I made notice of this to the attendant. He informed me it wasn't water, but rather that famous clear liquid preservative that keeps their lettuce looking fresh and not brown. Half of the bowl was that preservative.


The more I eat vegetables and fruits, and the more I live in the country, the more I learn about all the bad chemicals and preservatives used to bring those fresh vegetables and fruits to you. There's a reason you only find dead worms in apples. it wasn't the apple that killed the worm. Think about it. what killed the worm, could kill you.


Today's fruits and vegetables are no more healthy than today's meats and pastas.

This is outstanding stuff and I have already printed it out and am carrying it around in my wallet. So, the next time I order the 12 oz filet instead of a big salad (which is very often), I can whip this out for all the vegans sitting with me!!

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rluzinski[/b]]Some seem to have this completely turned around. You are supposed to have to prove that there is causation, not that there isn't.

Observing a correlation leads to theorizing. Which is exactly where we are now. NOBODY in this thread has said it is a FACT that Prince's lack of a home-run is due to his lack of meat/fish/fowl.

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I think both sides are jumping to ridiculous conclusions and assumptions. There is not one person here who has any idea what is going on in Prince's head, stomach or on his dinner plate - and frankly, it's none of your damn business. I frankly find a lot of the discussion offensive in terms of how you're willing to make judgments on a man for his lifestyle choice. It's incredibly naive to think that you have any idea why Prince made this change. Prince's actual words about the switch to vegetarianism have amounted to about 4 sentences. That's about all the fact you can take from this and you should be smart enough to know that between the media outlet reporting the story and Prince wanting to keep some privacy, you're not getting the whole story.


No one seemed to care last year when a couple guys spent the afternoon filming a soap opera or being on an aircraft carrier on the roadtrip to California, why do we care now that Prince is going on GMA? Remember that this is a small market team that will be getting national exposure tomorrow because of this.

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I'll take Lack of Meat for $1,000, Alex.


Seriously, Prince is probably telling his wife, kids, the public great things about veggies.....but then sneaking out into the backyard at 3am to fire up the grill and cook himself a big, juicy New York Strip and woofing it down before anyone notices. No worries, folks. He's a meat eater....it's just a matter of time before he comes clean or really starts eating it again. It's like me trying the South Beach diet for a week until I had to suck down a whole box of laxitives and gave up the silly diet!

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I thought politics was off the table on this board Brian. Ever hear of the FDA? That statement is clearly political.


How about all the hard working Americans employed in this country in the meat industry?

How on earth was I talking about politics? How is this about party lines?

Look, if you feel that FDA guidelines are good enough for you, and you're confident that everyone in the chain that's handling your food is doing a great job, by all means, it's your body, and you can feel free to do what you want.


However, I've done enough research to know that I can't account for each link in the chain. I have no doubt that the vast majority of the hard-working people in the meat industry are doing the very best they can. However, it's simply human nature that people will make mistakes. All it takes is a few mistakes, or a bribe here and there to overlook things, and I'm eating poison.

Honestly, I think what we have here is the early-season jitters, just like we have EVERY season here at Brewerfan.

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It's not like there weren't a few close calls...I remember at least two balls that he hit off the fence (one in Chicago and one against San Fran). Once it starts to warm up, those will start flying out. No worries. Up until the Reds series, he was finding ways to help the team score runs without hitting balls 500 feet.

"[baseball]'s a stupid game sometimes." -- Ryan Braun


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"I think both sides are jumping to ridiculous conclusions and assumptions."


I think assuming or concluding that there are only two sides is ridiculous.


"There is not one person here who has any idea what is going on in Prince's head, stomach or on his dinner plate - and frankly, it's none of your damn business."


I hope you said exactly the same thing in every thread about steroids. If what a player on the team is doing to make himself better/worse isn't our business, why does this message board exist?


"I frankly find a lot of the discussion offensive in terms of how you're willing to make judgments on a man for his lifestyle choice."


I find if offensive that you find that offensive.


"It's incredibly naive to think that you have any idea why Prince made this change."


He told us why he made the change.

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It's not like there weren't a few close calls...I remember at least two balls that he hit off the fence (one in Chicago and one against San Fran). Once it starts to warm up, those will start flying out. No worries. Up until the Reds series, he was finding ways to help the team score runs without hitting balls 500 feet.

Speaking of close calls....don't you think by now Yost would be slipping in some real beef in the "Tofu" spot on the clubhouse buffet table?

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