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FSN Production Is Horrible


The in game production on Brewer games is absolutely horrible. Missed plays, bad camera angles, I thought it was bad last year but this year is even worse. I have made a point during the first week of the season to watch as many innings from as many different games as I can, focusing on how other broadcasts differ from ours and it's night and day.


I don't know if FSN uses the same director and producer every game but whoever it is needs to switch to something like tennis because he has no clue how to do a baseball telecast.

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It makes me want to rip my hair out when the batter smokes a double, only to have the camera cut to the baserunner just after the ball leaves the bat.


I could think of 10 different plays where there was just a horrific camera shot. The Kendall slide at home, the great Weeks play at 2B, it goes on.

3TO Apostle
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I can understand it happening once or twice a game. Certainly the director has to make quick decisions. But it happens so often it's almost as if whoever is directing the game has absolutely no experience at all. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/mad.gif
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Yeah, if it's bad enough to be noticeable, then there's a problem. If it's bad enough that a lot of people notice it independently, there's an even bigger problem. Today's game was not one where I expected to yell at the TV, yet I found myself yelling anyways because I felt like I was missing a good game because of the terrible broadcast.


On the plus side, Bill and BA have been great.

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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My major issue with FSN right now not only is the fact that they don't show the key parts of several plays the first time when the play occurs, but even the first couple of replays aren't actually of the action either.
Everything I've ever known, I've learned from Brewerfan.net....Seriously though
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It's been awful since Opening Day. The worst was the Rivera double when they stayed on Rivera until he was 4 steps out of the box, then went to Hart running to third and THEN showed the ball after it hit the wall. Made that huge play pretty much impossible to follow.
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they are busy showing people in the stands all game. I'll agree with everyone else, they showed Hart running, instead of where the ball was going. On the Kendal slide, it was a horrible angle, something needs to be done about it.
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They talk about how the home runs have been crushed, but how about telling us how far! The other day it appeared Braun's hamstring was bothering him, as he was trying to stretch it out while he was on 2nd base, but it was never even mentioned.
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The pitch speed is shown rarely too. Maybe we can call up someone from Nashville who knows how to actually produce a baseball game.


You should put on gameday if you want to know the pitch speed. They give it 99% of the time.
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Yes they do but FSN should be able to do that as well. They have in the past.

I know FSN has in the past but with their production so far this year I wouldn't count on them figuring it out. http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/smile.gif

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I don't understand the fascination with changing camera angles during the actual action. Pre/during pitch=angle behind the pitcher, post contact=angle from behind home plate, post action=so all the replays you want from all your fancy angles. Its not like there's a lack of down time during a baseball game to show replays as evidenced by the constant updates of some elderly man's day at miller park today.
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I almost started a thread about this during the game. This is the first chance I had to watch a game today and while I was completely thrilled with the game, I wondered aloud if some of the camera crew are gonna get fired for this one. The camera work was just atrocious, and they often focused too long on the wrong thing, like a run scoring instead of Hardy getting cut down at 3B.
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they are busy showing people in the stands all game. I'll agree with everyone else, they showed Hart running, instead of where the ball was going. On the Kendal slide, it was a horrible angle, something needs to be done about it.

They showed some old man at least 8 different times today. At one point the man had a brat or something and FSN cut back to him after every pitch during one AB. What in the world was the point of that?


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I was at today's game (got both versions of the Prince bobble!), so I wasn't subjected to FSN. But I did notice in the Cubs game that Suppan pitched, there were several instances where they would show Suppan pitching, zoom in on him, show the release, and then NEVER show the batter. So basically they showed Soup throw the ball, then you heard the bat, but had no idea what happened until they changed to the sideline shot.
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well, at least I'm glad to know it's not just me, I've had this nagging feeling all year in the games I've seen that it just seems off, and the camera work is just terrible. I've worked in TV, and believe me you can teach a mentally challenged monkey to direct most things, and that monkey's little sister can handle a camera
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I sent an email through the "feedback" thing on Fox Sports web page. If you use the drop-down box and click on TV, it will allow you to specifically choose the programming that you're leaving feedback for. Well, basically you can leave feedback for baseball programming on FSN North (it doesn't narrow it down to Wisconsin). I left them a message earlier today, so I'll post the response when/if I get one. I already got an email saying that I should be expecting a response.

If I had Braun's pee in my fridge I'd tell everybody.


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The camera work with pitching bothers me the most. Last year they had it down just fine. Behind the pitcher while he's pitching. Now they find the need to zoom in on the front of the pitcher as he's pitching, and they don't get to the batter on time.
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I agree it's the director and not the camera guys, they just shoot what they are told to shoot.


It has to be someone new. There were some problems last year but nothing like this year. It seems as if each game is getting worse. Maybe the trade off for more HD games is having to hire a 10 year old to direct the games.http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/tongue.gif

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Well, I guess I'm glad I haven't been able to watch the Crew yet this season. Previous seasons have been watchable. I can only assume from the comments that they have brought in somebody who has never worked baseball before. Seems like the way to do a game is pretty cut and dried.
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I guess if I were going to nitpick, I'd rather have a quality team on the field than a quality team in the van producing for a bad team on the field.


Once the Brewers get a better TV contract, you've got to assume that the production value will increase.

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