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My Spring training report

molitor fan

I got back last night from a weeks worth of games at Maryvale and elsewhere, and thought I would give a player-centric report of my trip.


Let's start with catching and go from there. Kendell is hitting and throwing very well right now. He seems to have severe opposite field and middle of the field tendencies, and like many of the Brewer regulars, started pretty much every one of the six games I saw. It would not shock me if he did not have a home run all year, as his swing is compact and single and double based. While Brewer players were stealing bases frequently, and with extreme ease, Kendell gunned down one runner, and was close on the other attempts. Vinny Rottino started the one "B" game they played when I was there, and was playing well. Clearly a maximum effort kind of guy, I think Vinny got double the catching reps of Munson and Rivera. Randy Choate was going off one day in the pre-game outfield near the stands about one of the catchers hanging him out to dry (I believe it was Rivera) by insisting on throwing a fastball instead of a slider to a hitter that Choate knew would feast on his fastball. Munson hit a double high off the batter's eye during one game some 400 feet away - so his power off the bench would be the reason he would beat out the others.


Prince was in a foul mood on 3/3 because a fan was razzing him hard about his contract as he was leaving the field via the tunnel in the 6th inning. Prince launched a few f bombs and challenged the fan to come down to him and say that. Prince then said he would not be signing any more autographs (he was signing again on Wednesday after taking Tuesday off), and the fan was escorted out of the stadium as some fans awaiting autographs were very perturbed. Prince does not have his stroke going at all yet, and was very frustrated, swearing after a couple of ground outs during my time down there. He was also hit twice in one game, and really straed down the pitchers....I would love to place a bet on whether Prince will serve a suspension for charging the mound this season.....I would almost guarentee that to happen.


Ok, a little out of sequence, but I have to talk about Braun. What a freaking beast. Just lazers lazers lazers all the time, whether it be the games or batting practice. On Tuesday i shagged balls during batting practice on the left field berm, throwing down the practice balls for the pitchers that had gotten hit out. During one stretch where Braun was having an extended session, I felt like I was under artilliary attack as Braun hit 9 of 10 pitches out to basically the same area. The three run homer Braun hit on Friday was an amazing at- bat, just measuring the pitcher till he got one to nail. Cameron has been working extensively with him on his outfield play - 45 minutes straight during Tuesday morning. Braun twice made great throws to nearly get a guy trying to stretch a single - with Weeks flubbing one that got called a Braun error (it should have been Week's error). Braun is a hard worker, and he is really putting his all into learning the outfield


Weeks on the other hand looked brutal defensively - with poor footwork being his main issue again. Weeks worked the count consistantly - striking out several times on 3-2 pitches. He crushed a long home run during a game the Brewers lost - and looked like he was in fine form in general batting. Corey Hart, on the other hand, looked lost batting the entire time I was there. Flailing at outside pitches with no power behind the swing, maybe Hart just needs to get that lanky frame going, and will start to crank it up - I saw he had a Rbi single yesterday. He looked great in the outfield, making several plays that were difficult look routine. If Braun does what I think he can defensively, the outfield d should be an actual positive. Cameron looks very good overall, showing power and obvious leadership - especially in his cameraderie with Weeks, Fielder, Gwynn. Those four guys were hanging together every time they had an opportunity from what I saw. Cameron looked fast, and played in pretty much every game, working out of the 2 or 3 hole. Gwynn looked very comfortable at the plate. While he will never be a .800 OPS guy, i could see him producing a hollow .300 batting average at some point. Gross looked solid, as did Kapler, actually. Kapler is a brickhouse as is Nix. They are both bodybuilder types. Neither did anything to embarrass themselves at the plate, with Kapler having a couple "clutch" hits. Our triple A outfield is going to be quality, for what it is worth, as even Brad Nelson was impressive offensively at times, producing a 3 run opposite field 400 foot homer one game.


Hardy looked like his stroke was in good form, and he was one of the kinder and friendlier players there - always smiling and signing the autograph requests for children. Hall was drawing raves in camp for his defense, and he indeed looked natural and smooth there. Among the youngsters, the coached absolutely love Alcides Escobar - as during the B game Ted Simmons compared him to Reyes of the Mets with his amazing speed and smooth defense. His hitting was iffy in the games I saw - but his d could be borderline gold glove caliber right now, if not soon. Hurricane Irribarran also looked very good, and he shocked me a little bit - I would say he is a legitimate 2nd base prospect, and I was not really expecting to see that. I bet he is up with the Brewers at some point this year, whether it be as an injury replacement or in September. LaPorta is just an animal...cocky and confident, he just exudes a superstar kind of vibe. He foulded one hard off his foot or shin on Friday, and I hope he does not miss time. He has huge thighs, but seems athletic, and did not see him look out of place in the outfield. I think he can handle left, but right I am not sure about. Gamel looked great on two plays during the Monday B game and made 2 horrid plays during that game, with Simmons saying after one missed line drive, that "he just HAS to make that play". Gamel struck out twice after that poor play, and I got the impression it was bothering him. In minor league camp, he did not seem to show the power I was expecting.


Other minor league players that made an impression were Cole Gillespie - really nice guy with a sweet stroke; Jonathon Lucroy - drew RAVE reviews from the catching coaches for his catching style and framing. It is hard to draw a crowd just catching a ball, but LuCroy did it, as several passers-by stopped during a catching session on Friday; Lorenzo Cain was really struggling with his swing, but seems to be getting noticed for his athleticism, as he was in the major league camp for the majority of the time, while Ford was in the minor camp the entire time; Charlie Fermaint looked like he did not give a hoot; Chris Errecart was practicing, and looked really good at the plate. Pitching wise, the one guy in minor league camp that stood out was Jeffress. Holy cow does he have amazing stuff...just an electric fastball, and a big league average curve or better. He threw 70 pitches or so during a live batting practice session on Friday, and made guys like Ford and Fermaint look lost. A coach from British Columbia that was there said that it was the most impressive performance by a pitching prospect he had ever seen. I think if he can get his personal life straight, he is a potential number 1 starter.


Capuano looked tentative and lacking in confidence, unlike Villanueva, who just projects poise. Bush was a picture of frustration on Wednesday, and he seems to be fighting his command. Gallardo was walking around well, and Sheets looked excellent on Thursday. Any other players I have forgotten just ask.


Edit: Typing issues

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Great report!!!! As for Prince my understanding is that Attanasion has a long term deal on the table for Prince, he's appears pretty pissed so doubtful he would take the offer but at least we're setting some groundwork, in a couple of years $200,000 won't mean much to the Prince.




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Appreciate the report molitor fan. Nice to get info from someone who actually saw each player perform, instead of relying on box scores to see how everyone's doing.

Great to hear about Braun. I was thinking he was due for a dip in his .OPS this year, but let's be honest, he's a really special player that will probably continue to get better and better. Is Braun working the count better, or is he still swinging at the first pitch a lot like last season? Not that it really matters as it works for him, but he could have a lot better walk rate if he showed more patience.

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Prince was in a foul mood on 3/3 because a fan was razzing him hard about his contract as he was leaving the field via the tunnel in the 6th inning. Prince launched a few f bombs and challenged the fan to come down to him and say that. Prince then said he would not be signing any more autographs (he was signing again on Wednesday after taking Tuesday off), and the fan was escorted out of the stadium as some fans awaiting autographs were very perturbed.

That's really disheartening. Come on, Prince. Time to show some maturity.

During one stretch where Braun was having an extended session, I felt like I was under artilliary attack as Braun hit 9 of 10 pitches out to basically the same area.




Cameron has been working extensively with him on his outfield play - 45 minutes straight during Tuesday morning.


That's great to hear. Mike is apparently already truly one of the guys, and Ryan really couldn't have hoped for a much better tutor.



Thanks for the reporting, molly fan!

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Thanks for the report!


Charlie Fermaint looked like he did not give a hoot;


I'm just curious as to what gave you the impression. I've never met the guy or seen him play in person, but I have followed him a bit through his career and he seems to be an enigma to a certain extent. Do mind giving more details in regards to Charlie?

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In regard to Fermaint, it was just body language, and the way he was swinging the bat seemed to be just arbitrary, with no thought behind his approach. Guys like Ford and Cain went into each bp swing with an agenda, but Fermaint seemed like he could not care less, that it was just spring training, swinging with all arms.


Braun's approach seemed good, not really first pitch swinging, and I know he drew a walk or two...Prince's approach was a little more perfunctory if I recall correctly. As far as Prince was concerned, he was jovial a few of the times I saw him, so he was not a sourpuss generally, just was really hacked off that the fan (who was from Milwaukee and wearing a new Tampa Bay Rays hat by the way, if that is anyone from this forum) was telling him that he had no right to complain about his contract.

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Awesome report--thanks a ton. I keep flip-flopping on the Prince thing. Part of me wants to say it's all apart of growing up. Sure he's a petulant, snotty rich kid who needs to learn how to handle himself--and like a lot of great young players over the years he'll figure it out and be just fine. But another part of me hopes that his stupidity derails the entire Brewer season, and that it affects his long term value. So that while he may still end up very rich, he won't be able to ring every penny out of the system. You just know he's gonna get booed the 1st time he comes to the plate in Milwaukee--THEN WHAT?
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JohnBriggs12[/b]]molitor fan,


Did you see Luis Pena? Can we expect him to be part of the pen by September?

I can respond to thsi one. I watched the 5-2 split squad win over Oakland yesterday. I'll be seeing the Cubs today, and I'm going on tuesday and thursday as well. I can give a couple observations.


Luis Pena -- Looked great in this game, I was impressed. His height conveys an intimidating presence on the mound, and his fastballs really pop the mitt. He made one hitter in particular look very foolish on a slider (can't remember who). He looked like a big-leaguer to me.


Mitch Stetter -- Also really impressed me. I don't know what his big league chances are out of camp, but I'd be surprised if he doesn't get a call up or two this year. Struck out a pair in an inning's work and looked sharp.


Cole Gillespie -- This was the 3rd guy that really stood out to me. Hit a towering foul fly ball one pitch, then blasted a no doubter right after. Looks like a guy who has a clear idea at the plate.


Other notables -- Rottino caught most of the game and looked good. Threw a strike to 2nd on an SB attempt, unfortunately didn't catch him because McClung was slow to the plate. Perfect throw though. Chris Narveson looked legitmately good. Threw strikes, had a nice looking changeup and was locating well. I hope (assume?) that he'll be in the AAA rotation. I think I'd rather use him in a pinch than Zach Jackson anyway. Abraham Nunez and some cat named Edgar Trejo looked completely overmatched all game long. Looked pathetic. Bill Hall was smooth at third. Jason Kendall made one play on a swinging bunt that had my buddies and I simultaneously saying that Estrada never would have made that play. Scampered out very quickly and threw a stike to Fielder. It was good to see.

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Cole Gillespie -- This was the 3rd guy that really stood out to me. Hit a towering foul fly ball one pitch, then blasted a no doubter right after. Looks like a guy who has a clear idea at the plate.


I'm really taking a liking to this guy - great BB rate from college has certainly translated to pros. I'm really looking for Cole to shoot up to AAA ball this season. He'd make an incredible 4th OF once our starting trio is LaPorta - Hart - Braun, and could plausibly play his way to one of the starting corner jobs if/when LaPorta takes over at 1B for Prince.

Stearns Brewing Co.: Sustainability from farm to plate
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Prince's head has inflated.(maybe rightfully so) I think we'll see a few outbursts this year from him in some form or fashion. He's becoming my least favorite Brewer although everytime a player hits a no doubter I tend to overlook their temperament.
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Everytime I have seen Pena he has looked good - he relieved Capuano the other day and had a quick inning, and looked real good in the B game earlier in the week too. Nice velocity married with seemingly good poise. I know Agent 39 (his agent, and brewerfan contributor) is expecting Luis to be up at some point this year. Of those expected to make an impact this year, I think Riske has gotten hit the hardest this spring, and even he had a nice performance after get clobbered by his first few batters when I saw him the other day. I expect Choate to make the team - not thrilled with this fact, and think it will come at Stetter's expense, but I definitely get that vibe. Even Tim Dillard has looked major league caliber.


Nunez looked Nunez-y - a guy that will get you a .650 OPS and play all over the diamond. Trejo is a very young guy that may see Helena this year, and I was surprised to see that he was in the group of players at the split squad game.

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One thing I had wanted to mention, but had forgotten, was the relationship between Simmons and Yost. It is on a completely different level than those of Sveum or Maddux and Yost, and, at the very least will create a new dynamic in the dugout. It was kind of funny seeing Yost introduce Simmons to players like Cain and LaPorta during the B game (the coaches sat on chairs actually on the field next to the dugout). Simmons was very into the games and was chatting Yost's ear off pretty much the entire time. Maddux kind of seemed like a third wheel, which may allow him to become more of a true pitching coach, instead of a de-facto bench coach, which is what I viewed him as last year. I have always felt Sveum did not possess the personality to be a true bench coach, and was more of a wallflower than optimal. By no means is Simmons a shrinking violet, as he seemed to know that his opinion carried a great deal of weight with Yost.
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