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Milwaukee to move Spring Operations to Florida? (Melvin denies)

Not necessarily disagreeing with you but I remembered it taking about 30-45 minutes as well from Sarasota to Tampa depeding on traffic and it taking about 1 hour 45 minutes from Tampa to Orlando with me driving over the speed limit and traffic being not bad. I just checked Google Maps and they list the time at 2 hrs. 5 minute for Orlando to Tampa so my hour 45 isn't too far off, which brings a total of 2 hours 15 minutes to 2 hours 25 minutes with good traffic and driving above the speed limit.


Everyone has their preference but to me Florida is a hell hole that I would rather avoid.


Google Maps is notoriously lousy at being 25-40% off with their driving times. I do tend to drive a little fast given my law enforcement career in Sarasota. However, in no such circumstances does it take 2.5 hours to get from Sarasota to Orlando. In the middle of the night, it can take me 70 mintues to get from Sarasota to Disney. With traffic, the longest it has ever taken was 1 hour and 40 minutes, and that was with a little stop and go through Malfunction Junction (I-4 / I-75 Interchange). I would be thrilled if the Brewers came to Florida and double over backwards if the team came to Sarasota. Sarasota had the deal on the table to pump 12 million into an already "quasi-good" facility. I went to several A-ball games (Sarasota Reds) at that park and would be thrilled if a minor league team of the Brewers system called Sarasota home. It would be the same division as the Tampa Yankees, etc. The driving distance to some of these parks is way overrated. Figure that half of the games are home games, and traveling to the Al Lang Field, Mechecnie Field, Clearwater, etc are all under an hour, there is no reason to not get in 7-10 Brewers game during a two week trip to Florida. Figure in that there is so much to do in Florida that SHOULD take you to other parts of the state and it's a better ulternative than Arizona, in my opinion. Again, I'm biased because I spent the past ten years there and may end up going back if the missus drags me, but I can't really see any cons. Plan to take that two-day trip to Disney when the crew faces the Braves, etc. I'm sure the family would appreciate a dose of something other than baseball.
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All I know is my last trip from Orlando to Tampa took 1 hour 45 minutes each way. Granted that was from my buddies house and not Disney but even the traffice around Disney was horrible the last 3 times I was in Orlando.


The distance from Sarasota to Orlando is listed as 131 miles so I'd have a hard time believing making the drive in 70 minutes, unless you average 112 mph :D

I guess that's possible in a cop car with the sirens screaming.


Either way, I would much rather go to Arizona to watch baseball than Florida, mainly because of the weather, distances, and general non swampiness of Arizona, somehow the desert has an appeal to me in the winter.

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All I know is my last trip from Orlando to Tampa took 1 hour 45 minutes each way. Granted that was from my buddies house and not Disney but even the traffice around Disney was horrible the last 3 times I was in Orlando.


The distance from Sarasota to Orlando is listed as 131 miles so I'd have a hard time believing making the drive in 70 minutes, unless you average 112 mph :D

I guess that's possible in a cop car with the sirens screaming.


Either way, I would much rather go to Arizona to watch baseball than Florida, mainly because of the weather, distances, and general non swampiness of Arizona, somehow the desert has an appeal to me in the winter.


Ok, maybe I didn't read this correctly, but I assumed we were all talking about the distance from Sarasota to the Braves facility at the Wide World of Sports/Disney. Which in actuality is far from Orlando, but for sake of simplicity, we were calling it Orlando. If I was wrong, please correct me. The facility is actually just West of Lake Buena Vista. Which from my home at SR 70 and I-75 is 103 miles. At 80mph, that's 76 mintues. The speed limit is 70mph, so even if you do the speed limit that's 88 minutes or just under an hour and a half.

To some, that is a lengthy trip, but there are several fields even closer, all within an hour. And that's only considering the road games.

9 miles, Mechechnie (Pirates)

33 miles, Progress Energy Park (Rays)

50 miles, Brighthouse Networks Fields (Phillies)

53 miles, Knology Park (Blue Jays)

53 miles, Steinbrenner Park (Yankees)-

68 miles, Joker Merchant Stadium (Tigers)

Heck, even the Red Sox Facility in Ft. Myers is only a touch away. at 78 miles. Bottom line, I've never been to Arizona and I'm sure it's great to have all those ballparks within 45 minutes rather than an hour. I just cant see what saving 15 minutes to a half an hour is going to ruin the experience. Especially since I find it enjoyable to see new ballparks. Sarasota is on the west coast, so there is not an influx of college idiots running around for spring break. The weather is a bit more humid or swampy as some have suggested, but certainly not unbearable in the middle of March. There seldom is a rainout, because rain showers typically go like clockwork in that they occur around 4:45- 5:45 well after games are over by 3-4 pm. I think there are more family and even "solo" type of things to do in Florida, but again, never been to Arizona, all I can go by is tourist websites.

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I have to agree with the above statement about spring breakers being near spring training facilities. This just isn't true for the except of Fort Lauderdale and Baltimore is going to either take on Vero Beach or Sarasota themselves so that takes away that. The major spring break destinations are Miami, Daytona, Panama City, and Fort Lauderdale.


I have been trying to get somebody to get official word on the Brewers interest in either staying in Arizona or moving to Florida. I have emailed the link to this topic to writers at MJS, the Sarasota Paper, Drew Olson, and my buddy who works in government in Florida that is my information giver. Once I receive something for any I will let everyone know.

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I think with some of the driving times given, some are mistaking Florida for Texas. Auburndale would seem the most centrally located with 10 teams within an hour or so. I would think but don't know that they schedule more games between teams clustered together. Wouldn't think there would be as many Ft. Lauderdale(Orioles) - Dunedin(Blue Jays) games which is the longest at about 4 hours.


I would think this would piss off the players who've settled in AZ year round so they can spend spring training at home with their families as well as the off season. But they're well enough off that those that want to could relocate.

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Tom H has called this a falsehood, and that the Brewers have no interest in moving, in a forwarded e-mail I received.


"Keeping the Sonics in Seattle is our #1 priority."** --Clay Bennett, 2006

** - not an actual quote

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Tom H has called this a falsehood, and that the Brewers have no interest in moving, in a forwarded e-mail I received.


The email I received back from Haudicourt stated while he doesn't think it would happen he has no knowledge if they are considering it or not.


Here is a portion of an email I received from my buddy in Florida tonight.

Officials from Major League Baseball and the Milwaukee Brewers will be spending time with Sarasota officials on evening of May 4th and May 5th in which Sarasota is going to make a hard economic push. If the Brewers don't like what they hear they will be making a stop on Vero Beach to talk to officials there. Vero Beach seems like a long shot as they are going to meeting with Baltimore officials and hopefully finalizing a deal to move opperations to Vero Beach. If both fall through then the Brewers could look back to Auburndale, but Auburndale officials seem to be shifting their attention towards a push for the Florida Marlins.



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Not to stir up trouble but I have relatives that live near Sarasota and the talk of the Brewers coming to town is all over. I think most people think it is a fore gone conclusion that it is going to happen. The city council has already approved the funding for improvements to the current stadium. I like the idea because I will have a free place to stay when I come down there to watch Brewers baseball.
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I went to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune web site. I searched the archives for Milwaukee Brewers. It didn't come up with anything related to the Brewers possibly moving their ST operataions there. If it was a "fore gone conclusion" wouldn't the local papers have picked up on it by now?

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with all do respect Patrick I google news'd it and I came up with numerous stories about it. With as wide ranging as nobody has returned Sarasota's calls, to rumors of Baltimore and Milwaukee secretly meeting, and Milwaukee being the logical solution.
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I went to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune web site. I searched the archives for Milwaukee Brewers. It didn't come up with anything related to the Brewers possibly moving their ST operataions there. If it was a "fore gone conclusion" wouldn't the local papers have picked up on it by now?


I dont mean to stir trouble, but I had no problems finding reports from the local newspapers, including Tampa, the Bradenton Herald and the Sarasota Herald tribune (newscoast.com). In addition to my friends in the Sarasota government, I dont understand why everybody wants to dismiss this so badly. Most of the talks are behind the scenes as to no ruffle feathers. I feel this is going to get done in Sarasota.
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Here just off Google news...I don't think you tried to hard to find anything.
What can I say. I didn't use Google. I went right to the local newpapers site (Herald-Tribune) and typed in Milwaukee Brewers at the top of the page on their search engine. Obviously, their search engine doesn't work to well. I didn't go through all the results, but I'm assuming they are listed in chronological order. Try it out...you'll see what I mean.


I dont understand why everybody wants to dismiss this so badly.
I'm not in favor of the Brewers moving to FL, but that's not why I "want to dismiss it so badly". I just have not seen anything yet that leads me to believe they are moving and yet some of the posts here make it sound like it's a "done deal". Show me some article that states anything like that and I'll start to believe it. Madtown Bomber states, based on an email from a friend, that the Brewers are visiting FL in early May to look at possible sites. Yet, the links to articles that he posted are completely contrary to that. The first link from the Herald-Tribune that was published on April 16th pretty much states that they have not heard from the Brewers at all. The second link mentions that the Brewers are rumored to be looking, but are considered a long-shot to move to Sarasota. Only one of the other links mentions the Brewers at all.


So, sorry if I'm sceptical, but this all seems like rumor and innuendo with out much evidence to back it up.

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You seem like a pretty smart guy Patrick so I am going to ask you if you ever heard of the saying where there is smoke there is fire? I don't think I have ever stated that the Brewers WERE moving to Florida. I whole heartedly believe they are going to do their homework and research possible business decision for the ballclub...as I hope you would want from a business in which you support. I don't want to stay in Arizona just because Patrick from Brewersfan.net wants them to, but if they are going to stay in Arizona they damn well better be doing it because it is the right business decision.


I never wanted to make this into a economics discussion but I will bust some out. Arizona is now tapped out of cash to bring teams over. The whole move from Florida to Arizona wasn't based on weather or a better trip but it was because Arizona had a business recruiting fund from rental cars that they wasted on attracting MLB teams instead of attracting full fledged business to the area. That was decision that Arizona made.


The fact of the matter is that the Milwaukee Brewers Maryvale lease turns out of favor with Arizona officials after next fiscal year when the lease control goes to the City of Maryvale and the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation department. The common person may think this isn't a big deal however having control over what happens at your facility 24/365 is a huge bargining chip. Unless the City of Phoenix is willing to let the Brewers remain in control of their lease until 2012 then hell yes I want the Brewers to shop themselves around and atleast gain a bargining chip. If they don't tour Sarasota, Vero Beach, or Auburndale they are doing themselves a huge disservice and running their organization smartly. I assume that Brewers, expecially Mark Attanasio, are smarter then that.


I agree that Arizona has been very good to the Brewers and a fan destination but that isn't enough of a reason to not do their homework on the subject.


Put yourself into Mark Attanasio's shoes. Your lease is up in 4 years, you have an out, you are losing control of your facility to a government orgainzation, and Arizona has dried up what remaining funds they had in a kitty to attract all these teams to Arizona. Now a few cities inquired from Florida, in a facility that willing to throw 12-16 million dollars into a ballpark that is already considered highly, a new facility, or a facility that has the history of Dodgertown. Are you going to do your homework and make the decision best for the ballclub or you going to blindly be loyal to a place.


I will be majorly upset if the Brewers don't follow through on visiting sites. If they ultimately stay in Arizona but get a better deal then GREAT! If they move to Florida because they have a better deal to do so then good job on getting that deal.


You can try to think I am making all this stuff up but I have always posted both sides. If you think I would waste 2+ months on a topic that would be a waste of time you are mistaken. My friend has no reason to blow smoke up my ass because he isn't a Brewers fan. Some fans won't believe anything until it hits them between the eyes. Patrick you want to discredit me because you didn't read it word for word in any stories, but then these stories all mention the Brewers by name rumor or not. You think they just happened to be on Brewersfan.net and saw this topic and said hey lets run with it? Ofcourse not.

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When can we expect an announcement? And when would this be effective? Next spring already?


I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not. But I will answer it best guess.


If ANYTHING happened it would not be until spring of 2010 and next season could possibly be the final season. Or the Brewers could choose to remain until 2012 when there lease ends and move then. Ofcourse the Brewers could use their lease out as a bargining chip to get a longer lease. I just don't think it is so cut and dry.

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I'm don't know if it makes more economic sense for the Brewers to stay in FL and I wouldn't expect them to make their decision based on what I think. I wish I had that kind of influence. However, I would suspect that if the Brewers had serious thoughts of moving to FL (which I question), that AZ would also make some interesting counteroffers to entice them to stay.

Madtown, I know you didn't state that the Brewers WERE moving. I was making reference to CL55's post stating that most local residence think it's a "fore-gone conclusion". I would guess that any thoughts like that would be based on local news reports. I have not seen anything that would lead a rational thinking person to believe that it is a "fore-gone conclusion".

I'm not sure why your friend would blow smoke at you. However, read the link you sent me (published 2 days ago in the Herald-Tribune):

So, basically your friend is aware of scheduled Brewer visit, but the Sarasota stadium manager has not even heard from the Brewers, much less does he know about any pending visit. What is your friend's source of this news that has not been published anywhere else that I can see other than in an email he sent to you?

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I would be very disappointed if the Brewers moved to Florida. My wife and I will be moving to Mexico in the next couple of years and had plans to hang out in AZ and attend spring training. Heck, I was even thinking of seeing if I could get a part-time job at the stadium. Oh wait, I was thinking about MY WIFE getting a job and have me lounge around the park talking smart.


My vote is: DON'T MOVE!!!!!

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I guess I'm confused why his friend would make something like that up.


On an Official level, the Brewers and Sarasota have every reason to keep mum.

But for what purpose? So they dont tick off Maryvale? The fans at BF.net?


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I'm not sure why your friend would blow smoke at you. However, read the link you sent me (published 2 days ago in the Herald-Tribune):




So, basically your friend is aware of scheduled Brewer visit, but the Sarasota stadium manager has not even heard from the Brewers, much less does he know about any pending visit. What is your friend's source of this news that has not been published anywhere else that I can see other than in an email he sent to you?

I think the thing we all need to remember is if it is in the best interest of that the Ed Smith Stadium manager to discuss whether or not he has had talks with the Milwaukee Brewers or any other team at this current time. My friend has no agenda talking about a possible move other then knowing I live in Wisconsin and the Brewers are my team. If anybody was going to talk about a government agency getting involved in supporting a new facility or improving one I know for a fact that my friend would have an inside beat on it.

As far as CL55's post, I can't disagree with it. I have also talked to quite a few people who believe that if not the Brewers then somebody is going to come to Sarasota. If Baltimore ends up Vero Beach or staying in Fort Lauderdale then yes I think the residents of Sarasota feel that the Milwaukee Brewers will be in Sarasota. It might be total lunacy on their behalf but I think the way Cincinnati left I think they feel like they are going to get another team.


I am confident in saying that the Brewers will be touring Sarasota and Ed Smith Stadium when the Brewers travel to Miami to play the Marlins the first week of May. I have no news paper article to support that nor do I think there will be one until the time leading up to or after the visit. One thing I know strongly is that nobody can deny is that the Brewers and Florida has been discussed otherwise other people wouldn't keep mentioning them even in rumors.

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