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extreme pain in my arms and neck when I sneeze

I don't know If I'm the only one that gets this, but when I sneeze a pain shoots from my neck through my arms that is so strong that I can't hold on to anything. Then leaves them numb for about 10 seconds followed by arm fatigue like I have been working out for hours. Does anyone else have this problem or know what might be causing it? I am pretty sick right now, but I get the pain even when I'm not sick. My sneezes aren't the little ones either, they are pretty violent and come in bunches. Any help would be awesome.
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Go see a doctor, it could be something serious, try to explain in detail specifically what happens to them, and don't let them push you out the door until you get a satisfactory answer.


My sister had a pinched nerve in her neck and it took 5 doctors appointments for them to even consider that.

"I wasted so much time in my life hating Juventus or A.C. Milan that I should have spent hating the Cardinals." ~kalle8

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I'd go see a doctor! Do it now, before it progresses, it may be treated using conservative treatments now instead of surgical later. But you might get the average "It's nothing but muscle", given some drugs and put on the street. Do back to the doctor and get it recorded that it did nothing. If they would have believed me when I was 23, I might have avoided a lumbar discectomy when I was 26. I was given "It's just a spasm, here's some drugs. Our xray showed no problems" Please.. xray isn't detailed enough. I'm bitter!


And I maybe biased, but Chiropractors scare me. I was told I need 6 - 12 months of "adjustments" to cure my pain, but ya know.. I couldn't walk, nor stand the pain. I know it works for some, but it wasn't an option for me.


And put me down for "Cervical Herniated Disc"!

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Quick google search gave me this: http://forums.wrongdiagnosis.com/archive/index.php/t-975.html


I guess you are not alone Jason. I only read a couple of posts but that is a ton of people with almost exactly your problem.


I would definitely go see a doctor but most likely it has something to do with your spine and the chiropractor is probably going to be your best bet. Good luck.

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Sounds like a nerve problem to me, something involving a pinched nerve or herniated disc. It also sounds like something that should be treatable, I am not a neurologist but would also, obviously, suggest you see a doctor.


P.S. Is it sad that my 2nd post on the Brewerfan message board is medically related? I think so...

I am not Shea Vucinich
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