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A picture even EDR's Flickr would be jealous of


Those of you in Minneapolis probably know about Maxwell's bar burning down last Thursday. What most people probably don't know is that the fire occurred when it was -10 out, resulting in the water from the fire hydrants freezing the entire building in a sheet of ice. My girlfriend and I spotted it while we were driving home from a movie Friday night, and so Saturday morning we treked on over and she took a few pictures. Many of them look like this. Anybody else in town get any shots of the impromptu ice sculpture?



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Those of you in Minneapolis probably know about Maxwell's bar burning down last Thursday.


Doesn't really look like it burned "down".http://forum.brewerfan.net/images/smilies/wink.gif


That is a cool pic though.

"His whole life is a fantasy camp. People should plunk down $2000 to live like him for a week. Sleep, do nothing, fall ass-backwards into money, mooch food off your neighbors and have sex without dating... THAT'S a fantasy camp."
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Edgar I demand you respond to my pictorial throwdown!
Your girlfriend has more talent than you. No shock there.


I relish and admire any picture of the Twin Cities in ruins.


And for a pictoral battle? I just bought a house this week, I haven't taken a pic in about a fortnight . . so I'll go old skool on ya.



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That she does. I really wish she'd show off her portfolio a bit more, but she's too self-conscious.


She's using a Canon Eos Rebel XT, and the ice sculpture pics were the first time she got to try out her new zoom lens she bought for it.




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where's the tiger's reflection? -- I think if EDR would have taken that picture he would have gotten the tiger's reflection as well.

I figured you wouldn't like it.


But I bet my current series, entitled "Genetic Polution" is more up your alley.





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But I bet my current series, entitled "Genetic Polution" is more up your alley.


Conceptually you are right -- I think EDR would execute better though. He'd have a way of making me think "Am I contributing to genetic pollution?" This picture just makes me think Minnesota sucks.


EDR would probably spell pollution right as well (as would many others). -- or were you trying to be ironic in your series title? indicating that perhaps we have crossed the threshold of no return and spelling has already become a casualty of the contamination of our genepool (jeanpool)?


Tom Wilson >>>>> Neil Gaiman.

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