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Brewer Fanatic

Welcome to Brewer Fanatic!

Brock Beauchamp



Brewers Video

Dear BrewerFan.net users, welcome to the new Brewer Fanatic!

First, your accounts from BrewerFan.net work here, though I’m sure some of you have lost access to your linked email account, which may prevent you from logging in. If you have any issues logging in, just shoot me an email at admin@brewerfanatic.com and I’ll get you sorted immediately.

Things might seem a little overwhelming but I promise this site is very easy to use and within days, you’ll wonder how you lived without tables, reactions, drag-and-drop image insertion, and the host of other features offered by this software package. This software package is pretty awesome and its feature set is robust.

And this is just the beginning… Right now, all users have access to the forums and anyone with an account can also create their own blog right here on the site! In a few weeks, we’ll be rolling out a news section and over the course of the season, new features will release with regularity.

And if you have ideas for a feature you’d like to see, you know where to reach me. We’re a community-focused organization and you, the community, know what you want and like. So if you have suggestions, please contact me and we’ll talk about it.

We’ll be making more announcements over the coming days but I just wanted to thank everyone for making this transition so easy; you’ve all been very kind and generous with your time as I fumbled around trying to figure out which direction is up.

And a special, giant thanks to the founder and steward of this community for so many years, Brian Kapellusch. Without him keeping the lights on for over two decades, we wouldn’t be able to be a part of this community and watch it grow. We only hope we can do him proud.

Before you jump into the site, I’m going to share some tutorials with you to start you off on the right foot. Just pop on over to our Help & Tutorials page, which will show you different content depending on if you’re logged in, a moderator, a blogging-enabled account, etc. Check it out, just cut me a little slack if it says “Twins Daily” everywhere… I’ll work on the rebranding tomorrow.

Once again, thanks for everything and we’re insanely excited to work with you all going forward!

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